Welcome to Baker Academy! You have chosen one of the best schools in the United States. In fact, we might remind you of a good school from the 1950s. This isn’t by chance. At Baker Academy we believe that children today are just as intelligent as children of two generations ago, and we are convinced that they will achieve as much as adults believe they can.
As your child spends time with us, you will notice growth in four areas:
1. Your child will gain a bedrock of knowledge, a foundation upon which all future learning is based. An early education emphasizing reading, writing, mathematics, logic, history, and science will provide your child with the tools and confidence to learn almost anything.
2. Your child will learn to think logically and independently. It is not enough to merely learn facts. For unless a child can master the process of thinking, he will always be dependent upon someone else’s feeding him more facts. At Baker Academy your child will learn that he is not only permitted, but expected to challenge assumptions with logical reasoning.
3. Your child will develop self-responsibility and self-reliance. Although Baker Academy does not profess or promote any particular religion, we treasure the wisdom of the ancients. The virtues of honesty and respect for the property and rights of others, coupled with habits of courtesy and civility, permeate Baker Academy’s culture. We believe that children who learn to value independence and self-reliance will become adults who cherish liberty and free enterprise.
4. Your child will discover the joy of learning. “Educate,” after all, is not really a transitive verb. Children will learn about as much as they want to. Our task is to help them experience the satisfaction of learning, thereby breeding a desire for more learning. While Baker students demonstrate an impressive mastery of subject matter commonly reserved for older children, what really impresses us is their excitement and desire to learn even more.
Baker is for above-average and accelerated students who are willing to make the commitment to strive for excellence. It follows that admission into Baker is selective. Application for admission includes an assessment to determine whether the prospective student will be likely to meet Baker’s standards and goals. This assessment is accompanied by a testing fee for those applicants who did not attend Baker during the previous school year.
Baker Academy admits students of any race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, or religious preference. No specific religious doctrine is taught, although we do stress high standards of personal integrity and ethical behavior.
Re-admission each year is not automatic. Progress and commitment, as well as a timely application, are used to determine admission for the following year.
We want all students to be sufficiently prepared to function at the standard of the Baker class for which they have applied. To ensure that such is the case, we use class performance, the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, and other internal testing to determine which class is appropriate for each child.
The first class in which a child is placed is tentative, based on the results of our admission test. If we discover that a different class assignment is more suitable, the administration will advise the parents and make the necessary adjustments.
Parents should confer with the principal if they feel that their child is being over or under challenged.
Plan A: one payment--July 1.
Plan B: two payments--July 1 and December 1.
Plan C: 10 payments--July 1 - April 1
If Plan C is chosen, tuition payments are due the first school day of each month. We do not send a monthly statement. A late fee is charged to accounts paid after the 10th of the month.
Tuition for the school year is divided for convenience into 10 equal monthly payments. Because the days in each month vary, the payment due for a particular month does not necessarily correspond to the days attended that month. When tuition adjustments are necessary, tuition is calculated by applying a daily rate to the number of days enrolled.
Daily Rate = Full Yearly Tuition
Days in School Year
A savings may be obtained by prepaying the entire year or half of the year (Plan A or Plan B) by the dates shown on your application. There is also a 10% discount for families with more than one child attending Baker.
There is a $25 surcharge for returned checks.
No deductions or refunds are made for absences.
If you have difficulty making your monthly tuition payments, please contact the office so that we can work out a mutually agreeable payment schedule.
The registration fee is refundable until June 30 before the school year. Regardless of the enrollment date, no refund will be made after June 30. Written notification of withdrawal must be received by Baker in order to receive a refund.
Baker may require a student to withdraw if tuition and late fees are not paid by the 10th of the month following the month payment was due.
At Baker, we make our best effort to provide educational services consistent with our goals and philosophy. The educational process requires a cooperative effort among the administration, staff, parents, and children. Baker reserves the right to terminate any student’s enrollment or to decline continued enrollment at any time for any reason if, in Baker’s sole judgment, a student does not meet Baker’s standards or its goals, or if, in Baker’s sole judgment, a student’s parents or guardians are uncooperative, are abusive to administrators or staff, or who, in Baker’s sole opinion, are not satisfied with Baker’s best efforts. The registration fee and unused tuition will be refunded in such a case.
Class size and teacher-pupil ratio may vary, will be based on several factors, and will be determined by the administration.
Textbooks and literary books are provided by Baker. With the exception of kindergarten and kindergarten-prep, students will need to obtain a supply of pencils, pens and erasers. Third through eighth grade students are required to furnish their own writing paper.
Parents are responsible for their child’s lunch each day. Children enrolled in Extended Class should bring additional food for an afternoon snack.
After the third week of school, parents are invited to view their child’s classroom. Visits by interested people in the community are also welcome. Please contact the office to schedule a visit.
Achievement Reports
Parents will receive thorough achievement reports in November and February. A final report, along with the results of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, will be given the last week of school to those students who complete the school year, and for whom tuition and fees are fully paid. Grades are based upon class work, homework, quizzes, exams, and written and oral reports. Your child’s grades at Baker are based on Baker’s standards and curriculum and may not be comparable to other schools’ grading systems.
Any time you have a serious concern, please notify the principal immediately. The principal is happy to schedule appointments with parents whenever concerns arise.
Parents wishing to speak with a teacher about a routine concern may schedule a conference directly with the teacher. By the end of October, teachers should have conferred by phone or in person with each parent concerning academic and behavioral progress.
Homework solidifies and reinforces concepts taught during the school day. It also helps children learn responsibility, self-discipline, and time management. Habits formed early are valuable in preparing your child for a lifetime of learning. The following guidelines should help you plan a time for your child to do daily homework.
Kindergarten students should spend an average of 15 minutes per day on homework.
First and second grade students should expect to spend an average of 30 minutes a day on homework. Occasionally a student may spend as little as 15 minutes a day, and periodically, as much as one hour.
Third through fifth grade students should plan to spend an average of 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day on homework. Occasionally a student may spend as little as 30 minutes a day, and periodically, as much as two hours.
Sixth through eighth grade students should expect to spend an average of 2 to 2 1/2 hours a day on homework. Occasionally a student may spend as little as one hour a day, and periodically, as much as three hours.
Weekly assignments are listed on each child’s homework sheet. Teachers try to gauge assignments by the guidelines presented above. Because different children work at different speeds, and because larger projects often require more effort, the time spent on homework will vary. If you have a concern about homework, please speak with the teacher.
Students at Baker should be prompt and regular in attendance. If there should be a delay in picking your child up from school, notify the office. If someone who is not designated on enrollment forms is to pick up your child, please call or write the office
Students will be responsible for completing both class work and homework missed due to excused or unexcused absences.
Baker Academy Student Comportment Code
The Baker Comportment Code plays an important role in maintaining an optimal environment for learning and for enjoying school. Actions which distract from this are not permitted. To this end, parents and students are asked to review together and sign an affidavit committing to uphold the Baker Academy Comportment Code. The Comportment Code is as follows:
1. I will be respectful of school personnel, fellow students, and parents, and I will keep
all rules as set by the class, teacher, and administration. I will not threaten the health and safety of others. I will not ridicule, ostracize, or demean others. I will not fight, push, shove, kick, trip, hit, throw objects at, or bring objects that might harm other students or the staff. I understand that any such action may be cause for immediate suspension or termination of my enrollment.
2. I understand that all students have a right to a quiet and orderly atmosphere in which to work. I will respect this right. I understand that toys or other distracting objects do not belong at school.
3. I will respect the property rights of all. This means that I will not deface, vandalize, or in any way damage the property of fellow students, the staff, or the school. I will not take anything belonging to another or to the school. I will help keep the classrooms, rest rooms, and playgrounds clean and orderly.
4. I will be in attendance each day unless sick or specifically excused by the administration. I will complete all homework and class assignments missed to due to absence. I understand that I will not be allowed to make up exams missed to due to absences.
5. I will be seated in the classroom with needed materials and prepared to work promptly at 8:30. I will leave class only with permission.
6. I will make good use of class time for all academic work. I will complete all homework and class assignments in a timely manner.
7. I will arrive at and depart from school as authorized by my parents. Except with my parents, and for regular departures, I understand that in order to leave the campus I must provide school officials with a parent’s written consent.
8. I will be honest with others and with myself. I will do my own work. I will not copy from other students nor allow others to copy from me. I will not plagiarize or cheat in any way. I understand that cheating may be cause for suspension from school.
9. I will observe table manners during lunch and will dispose of litter properly. I understand that chewing gum is not allowed at any time on campus, and that eating and snacking are limited to supervised Extended Class hours, lunch, and parties.
10. I will not at any time use, possess, sell, or encourage the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I understand that any such action may be cause for immediate suspension or termination of my enrollment.
11. I will come to school clean in appearance, with clean clothing and shoes. I will come with clean, combed hair and be clean in other aspects of personal hygiene. I will dress sensibly in clothes that are neat and free of tears or holes. I will abide by the BakerAcademy Dress Standardand wear the specified Baker Academy uniform.
Dress Standard
Baker Academy emphasizes the virtues of self-responsibility, neatness, courtesy, self-respect, and mutual respect. The dress standard plays an important role in teaching these principles. It also helps establish good habits in grooming and promotes focus on discipline, order, and learning.
For all students:
The only item that may be worn under the blouse or shirt is a plain white undershirt or a white turtleneck shirt. Turtleneck shirts may be worn only under long-sleeved shirts or blouses.
Jackets, caps or sweat bands may be worn outdoors only.
Any shorts may be worn under the skirt or jumper, but if the skirt or jumper is to be removed for P.E., the uniform gym shorts must be worn. Skirts must be knee length or longer.
In general, jewelry should be worn in modest amounts. No earrings or neck jewelry worn outside clothing is permitted for boys. No more than one pair of small (not dangling) earrings is allowed for girls. Anklets and tattoos are not permitted.
Hair must be neatly combed or brushed, trimmed and attractive in appearance. No bizarre, extreme, faddish, or dyed hair styles. No bangs below the eyebrows.
Boys: Hair must be trimmed above the collar and ears. No pony tails or rat tails, facial hair, or shaved heads.
Free Dress Days:
November:Portrait Day
December:Last school day before Winter Break
March:Last school day before Spring Break
May: Last day of school
On free dress days, anything may be worn as long as it is practical for school activities, is not immodest, and does not have printing that is vulgar or refers to drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.
All students wear the uniform supplied by Parker School Uniforms. The uniform is worn throughout the academic school year and is optional for summer school.
All uniform items, with the exception of socks, tights and shoes, should be purchased through Parker. If socks or tights are purchased from an alternate source, they should be a very close match to those offered by Parker. Shoes may be purchased from any supplier.
Girls: Grades K Prep - 4
Plaid Jumper
White blouse, round collar, long or short sleeves
Navy snap tie
Navy or white socks (crew or knee-high)
Cardinal V-neck sweater
Navy or white tights (optional)
Navy gym shorts (optional)
Black shoes
Girls: Grades 5 - 8
Plaid skirt
White oxford blouse, long or short sleeves
Navy string tie
Navy or white socks (crew or knee-high)
Cardinal V-neck sweater
Navy or white tights (optional)
Navy gym shorts (optional)
Black shoes
Boys: Grades K prep - 4
Navy pants with pleated front
Navy walking shorts (optional)
Black braided leather belt
White oxford shirt, long or short sleeves
White knit shirt, short sleeves (optional)
Navy or black socks
Cardinal V-neck sweater
Black shoes
Boys: Grades 5 - 8
Gray pants with pleated front
Gray walking shorts (optional)
Black braided leather belt
White oxford shirt, long or short sleeves
White knit shirt, short sleeves (optional)
Navy or black socks
Cardinal V-neck sweater
Black shoes
There are a number of serious offenses which, if committed, will lead to immediate suspension or termination of a student’s enrollment. Nothing in this handbook limits Baker Academy’s right to terminate any student’s enrollment at any time for any reason, if in Baker’s sole judgment, a student does not meet Baker’s standards or program goals. A student may be suspended or expelled from school for cases of serious misbehavior or for repeated referrals for the same behavior. Blatant violations of the Comportment Code may lead to expulsion. Parents are notified if suspension or termination is deemed necessary.
Academic Probation
A student’s enrollment may also be terminated for academic reasons. First, however, a student will be placed on academic probation. Parents will be notified prior to the probationary period. Academic probation means that at student’s performance will be monitored carefully during the current term to determine whether enrollment may be continued.
The usual reasons for academic probation are:
1. Failure to meet Baker academic standards. Normal grade averages should be above 80 percent. Grade averages of 70 percent or below require automatic academic probation.