Revised: 6/30/2014

1)  Name: Shelly-Ann N. Fluker, MD

2)  Office Address: Faculty Office Building

49 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE

Room 415

Atlanta, GA 30303
Telephone: 404-778-1640

Fax: 404-778-1601

3)  E-mail Address:

4)  Citizenship: Unites States Citizen

5)  Current Titles and Affiliations:

a)  Primary Appointments:

i)  Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, 2007 – Present

b)  Clinical appointments:

i)  General Internal Medicine Ward Attending, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 – Present

ii)  Primary Care Center Attending, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 – Present

iii)  Grady Liver Clinic Attending, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2007 – Present

c)  Other Administrative appointments

i)  Associate Medical Director, Grady Liver Clinic, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2008 – Present

ii)  Director of Clinic Conference, Emory University School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, 2008 – Present

iii)  Assistant Director of the Primary Care Track, Emory University School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, 2010 – Present

iv)  Lead Clinic Attending, Primary Care Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2012 - Present

6)  Previous Academic and Professional Appointments

a)  Instructor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, July 2004 – December 2005

b)  Instructor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, January 2006 – August 2007

7)  Previous Administrative and/or Clinical Appointments:

a)  Administrative Appointments:

i)  Primary Care Chief Resident, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Program, 2004 – 2005

ii)  Co-Director of Clinic Conference, Emory University School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, 2006 – 2008

iii)  Associate Program Director, Ambulatory Education, Emory University School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, 2011 – 2012

b)  Clinical appointments:

i)  General Internal Medicine Ward Attending, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2004 – 2005

ii)  Brigham and Women’s Internal Medicine Associates Attending, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2004 - 2005

8)  Licensures/Boards:

Massachusetts Medical License 2004

American Board of Internal Medicine 2004

Georgia Medical License 2005

9)  Education:

1993–1997, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

1997–2001, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

10) Postgraduate Training:

2001-2004, Primary Care Internal Medicine Internship and Residency, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

11) Continuing Professional Development Activities

a)  Learning To Be Better Teachers, Emory University School of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine, December 2005

b)  Emory HRSA Faculty Development, Emory University School of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine, 2008 - 2009

c)  Giving Effective Feedback to Learners, Emory University School of Medicine Faculty Development, April 2011

d)  Management of Hepatitis C Virus in the New Era: Small Molecules Bring Big Changes, International Antiviral Society-USA, Atlanta, GA, October 2012

e)  Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Looking Beyond the Interferon Alfa Era, International Antiviral Society-USA, Atlanta, GA, September 2013

12) Committee Memberships:

a)  National and International:

i)  Society of General Internal Medicine

(1)  Workshop Reviewer, Personal and Professional Development Workshop Committee, 2012

(2)  Clinical Vignette Session Moderator, 2012

(3)  Chair, Personal and Professional Development Workshop Committee, 2014

b)  Regional:

i)  Southern Society of General Internal Medicine

(1)  Clinical Vignette Review Committee, 2010, 2011, 2014

(2)  CME Chair, Meeting Program Committee, 2011 – 2012

(3)  Workshop Co-Chair, Meeting Program Committee, 2012 – 2013

(4)  Membership Chair, Meeting Program Committee, 2013 – Present

c)  Institutional:

i)  Emory University School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program

(1)  Performance Improvement Curriculum Faculty Task Force, 2007 - Present

(2)  Residency Core Competency Committee, 2010 - Present

(3)  Clinical Competency Improvement Committee, 2010 – Present

(4)  Residency Admissions Interview Committee, 2010 – Present

(5)  Ambulatory Curriculum Redesign Committee, 2013 – Present

ii)  Primary Care Center, Grady Memorial Hospital

(1)  Patient Centered Medical Home Workgroup, 2013 - Present

13) Peer Review Activities:

a)  Manuscript reviewer:

i)  National and International:

(1)  Medical Education, 2013

14) Consultantships:

a)  Faculty Advisory Board for HEALTH TiPS, American College of Physicians Foundation, 2007-2009

15) Honors and Awards:

a)  David E. Rogers Junior Faculty Education Award, Society of General Internal Medicine Council and Program Committee, 2011

16) Society Memberships:

a)  Society of General Internal Medicine, 2002 – Present

b)  American College of Physicians, 2009 – 2012

17) Clinical Service Contributions:

a)  Faculty Primary Care practice, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 – Present

b)  General Internal Medicine Ward Attending, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 - Present

c)  Grady Liver Clinic practice, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2007 – Present

18) Community Outreach:

a)  General:

i)  Health Fairs, Antioch Lithonia Baptist Church, Lithonia, GA, Annually 2009 - Present

19) Formal Teaching:

a)  Medical Student

i)  Preceptor, Clinical Methods Course for M2s, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 -2008

ii)  Preceptor, Bedside Teaching Rounds for M4s, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 – Present

iii)  Preceptor for M4 students on Primary Care Medicine Elective, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 - Present

iv)  Attending physician for M3s and M4s on Internal Medicine Clerkship, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006 - Present

b)  Graduate Program:

i)  Residency Program

(1)  Clinic Conference at Grady Memorial Hospital

(a)  “Motivational Interviewing,” 2006

(b)  “Improving Nutrition and Exercise Counseling using Performance Improvement Processes,” 10 sessions, 2006 -2007

(c)  “Medical Nutrition Therapy,” 2007

(d)  “Performance Improvement Project,” 7 sessions, 2007 – 2008

(e)  “Intimate Partner Violence,” 2009

(f)  “Endocrine Incidentalomas,” 2010, 2013

(g)  “ Headache,” 2011

(h)  “Osteoporosis,” 2012

(i)  “Amenorrhea,” 2014

(2)  Ambulatory Care Conference

(a)  “A case of arthralgias,” April 2007

(b)  “Evaluation of adrenal incidentaloma,” January 2009

(c)  “A case of Prickly, Tingly Sensations,” January 2011, March 2011

(d)  “Hepatitis C,” March 2011

(3)  Primary Care Resident Ambulatory Conference

(a)  “Academic Medicine,” January 2008, September 2010, May 2011, May 2012, April 2014

(4)  Primary Care Resident Ambulatory Morning Report, 3 times per year, 2011 - Present

20) Supervisory Teaching:

a)  Residency Program:

i)  Attending physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital General Medicine inpatient service and outpatient clinics, 2004–2005

ii)  Attending physician, Grady Memorial Hospital General Medicine inpatient service and outpatient clinics, 2006 – Present

iii)  Faculty facilitator, Performance Improvement Curriculum, 2007 - Present

iv)  Mentees (see Teaching Portfolio for details of mentoring relationships)

(1)  Stacie Schmidt, MD, 2007 – Present

(2)  Priyesh Patel, MD, 2010 - 2014

(3)  Andrew Ip, MD, 2012 – Present

(4)  Jessica Nave, MD, 2013 – 2014

(5)  Matthew Darrow, MD, 2013 – Present

(6)  Mathew Dudgeon, MD, 2014 - Present

v)  Core Faculty Member, Emory University School of Medicine J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, 2010 – Present

vi)  Lead Clinic Physician, Primary Care Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2012 – Present

b)  Other categories:

i)  Attending physician for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and PharmDs, Grady Memorial Hospital General Medicine inpatient service and outpatient clinics, 2006 – Present

21) Lectureships, Seminar Invitations, and Visiting Professorships:

a)  Regional:

i)  Endocrine Pearls, Emory University School of Medicine Department of Medicine Annual Comprehensive Review in Internal Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Annually, July 2008 – Present

b)  Institutional:

i)  “Prophylactic Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Young Women,” Emory University School of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Journal Club, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2006

ii)  “Old Problem, New Tricks? Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes,” Primary Care Grand Rounds, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2007

iii)  “Effect of Calcium Supplements on Risk of Myocardial Infarction and Cardiovascular Events,” Emory University School of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Journal Club, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2010

iv)  “Update in General Medicine: Smoking Cessation, HIV Screening and Prevention, and Get Hip to Hip Pain,” Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Emory University School of Medicine, 2011

v)  “Hepatitis C: What’s New in 2012 and Beyond,” Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Emory University Hospital Midtown, 2012

vi)  “Screening for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adults,” Emory University School of Medicine Division of General Medicine Journal Club, Grady Memorial Hospital, 2013

22) Invitations to National/International, Regional, and Institutional Conferences:

a)  National and International:

i)  “Teaching Residents How to Design and Implement Performance Improvement Interventions in Their Continuity Clinics,” Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Fall Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007

ii)  Coordinator, “Highways and Byways to a Career in Academic General Internal Medicine” Workshop, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ, May 2011; Denver, CO, April 2013; and San Diego, CA, April 2014

iii)  Oh Say Can You C: Training Generalists for Their Roles as Front Line Hepatitis C Screeners, Counselors, and Treaters in the New Era of Birth Cohort Screening, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013

iv)  Coordinator, “Update in Hepatology: Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis, and Hepatocellular Carcinoma,” Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2014

b)  Regional:

i)  Coordinator, “Implementing and Sustaining a Continuity Clinic-based Curriculum” Workshop, Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2009

ii)  Coordinator, “Highways and Byways to a Career in Academic General Internal Medicine” Workshop, Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 2012 and New Orleans, LA, February 2013

23) Abstract Presentations at National/International, Regional, and Institutional Conferences:

a)  Poster Presentations:

i)  National and International:

(1)  Fluker SA, Whalen U, Doyle JP. Assessing Residents’ Behaviors and Barriers to Counseling Hypertensive Patients on Diet Using Performance Improvement Tools. ACGME-ABMS Joint Conference, Physician Competence: From Deconstruction to Reconstruction, Chicago, IL, September 2007*

(2)  Reid A, Fluker SA, Osborn M, Strawder A, Miller L. The Effect of Type Diabetes Mellitus on Sustained Virologic Response Rates for Hepatitis Treatment Among Urban Patients at a Safety Net Hospital. Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans, LA, May 2010

(3)  Fluker SA, Miller L, Davis-Singletary L, Fost M. Effect of a Rotation in a Primary Care Based Hepatitis C Clinic on Resident Knowledge of Hepatitis C Management. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2012*

(4)  Schmidt S, Bussey-Jones J, Jones D, Lundberg K, Higgins S, Fluker SA. Development of a Multidisciplinary Residency Curriculum in Accordance with National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Guidelines for the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013

(5)  Schmidt S, Fost M, Fluker SA, Miller L, Bussey-Jones J, Levitch D, Quairoli, K, Brown MK, Scott D. Multidisciplinary Group Sessions Teaching Self-Management Skills Improves Outcomes for Low-Income, Low-Literacy Patients with Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases in an Urban Outpatient Clinic, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2013

(6)  Miller L, Fluker SA, Lundberg K, Rollin F, Park B, Quairoli K, Spaulding AC. Successful Screening for and High Prevalence of Hepatitis C Among African American Baby Boomers in an Urban Primary Care Center. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2014

ii)  Regional:

(1)  Prater A, Davis K, Fluker SA. A Difficult Case to Swallow: Herpes Esophagitis in an Ostensibly Immunocompetent Adult. Southern Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 2010

(2)  Miller L, Fluker SA, Canipe A. Factors Affecting Lost to Follow-up Behavior in an Urban, Primary Care Based Hepatitis C Clinic. Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2011

iii)  Institutional:

(1)  Corson L, Fredd S, Howard M, Krenz J, Polito C, Shaw-Lutchman, Fluker SA. Improving DEXA Screening Rates. 3rd Annual J. Willis Hurt Internal Medicine Residency Program Performance Improvement Conference, 2009

(2)  Mathew B, Ward M, Conlon S, Blanchard K, Yehya A, Jani S, Reddy S, Stephens K, Zeineddine S, Manalato J, Steur C, Zareen F, Fluker SA, Ilksoy N. Improving Tetanus Booster Documentation and Administration. 4th Annual J. Willis Hurt Internal Medicine Residency Program Performance Improvement Conference, 2010

(3)  Allen J, Choudry A, DeMoss B, Greenberg J, Gupta C, Hartlage G, JonesFoster Z, Pankonin M, Patel M, Shoukat S, Fluker SA, Ilksoy N.

Increasing the Frequency of Flu Shot Administration: A Pilot Performance Improvement Project. 5th Annual J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Performance Improvement Conference, 2011

(4)  Miller L, Kung R, Laney J, Fluker SA, Lundberg K, Quairoli K. Success with New Protease Inhibitor-Based Hepatitis C Therapy in an Urban, Primary Care-Based Hepatitis C Clinic. Emory University School of Medicine Department of Medicine Research Day, 2012

(5)  Thammana R, Ip A. Akoto F, Berger S, Darrow M, Gwynn K, Halawi R, Ignatius E, Moise J, Johns E, Kalidas P, Kirlew C, Kotei E, Li S, Perry J, Patel N, Patel P, Patel R, Shah D, Shah S, Shin Y, Southmayd G, D’Souza K, Wang X, Webster A, Fluker SA, Cosco D, Ilksoy N. Increasing End-of-Life Care Discussions, Including Code Status, in a Resident Run Urban Community Primary Care Clinic. Science of GME Project Day, Emory University School of Medicine, 2014

b)  Oral Presentations:

i)  Regional:

(1)  Miller L, Fluker SA, Osborn M, Liu X, Strawder A. Success of primary care-based hepatitis C treatment in an urban, underserved population. Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2010

(2)  Dayalan S, Fluker SA, Osborn M, Miller L. Rates of Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccination in an Urban, Primary Care-Based Hepatitis C Clinic. Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2010

ii)  Institutional

(1)  Thammana R, Ip A. Akoto F, Berger S, Darrow M, Gwynn K, Halawi R, Ignatius E, Moise J, Johns E, Kalidas P, Kirlew C, Kotei E, Li S, Perry J, Patel N, Patel P, Patel R, Shah D, Shah S, Shin Y, Southmayd G, D’Souza K, Wang X, Webster A, Fluker SA, Cosco D, Ilksoy N. Increasing End-of-Life Care Discussions, Including Code Status, in a Resident Run Urban Community Primary Care Clinic, 8th Annual J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Performance Improvement Conference, 2014

24) Research Focus:

Describe the patient demographics, risk factors for hepatitis C, co-morbidities, and rates of treatment and of treatment success for hepatitis C in the Grady Memorial Hospital Liver clinic and evaluate the effect of a rotation in the Grady Memorial Hospital Liver clinic on resident knowledge of hepatitis C management.

25) Grant Support: