Alsager Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Update Report for the Infrastructure Working Group

We have held two meetings recently to discuss the areas to be covered and looked at in greater depth for the Infrastructure element of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The first meeting on September 4th was a short get together to meet two possible future members of the working group; Nigel Hancock and John . We discussed with them the activity of the Working Group and its function in the overall Neighbourhood planning process. If we want to involve them further then we need to issue a formal invite. At the moment both Phil and myself want to define the areas that we are pursuing in greater detail, and then feel it would be appropriate to get others involved.

At our second meeting on September 27th we discussed the brainstorming information that I had prepared in advance of the meeting. I had done some studying of infrastructure items in Neighbourhood plans produced for Holmes Chapel and Poynton and the draft plan for Sandbach. From these I revisited the list that Phil had previously proposed in the update of 4th September and the work below is what came out of that activity.

We concluded the meeting by dividing up the areas that we are individually going to look at.

PW – Transport including Roads, Public Transport (Buses, Trains etc)

Car parking – review the results of the Household Survey

Cycling - review the results of the Household Survey

Pedestrians - review the results of the Household Survey

Medical Facilities – KA

Next Meeting TBA

Kevin Armstrong 27.09.17


Integrated Transport Policy’s


Use of Roads – Figures, Traffic Surveys

Peak Times

Peaks and Troughs

Typical Users

Future Changes – 2000 New Houses?

Alternative routes through the village?

Do these have viability? Are there alternative routes?

Affect of motorway issues

HGV access to fields Road and Radway Green Industrial areas

HGV access to new building sites

Specific Quite routes

Public Transport

Buses - Services Who, What, where and When



Are the important areas covered Crewe, Leighton Hospital, Hanley, UHNS etc

If not how do you get to the places required?


Trains - Services Who, What, When, where



Connections to major cities London, Manchester, Liverpool, Stoke, Crewe

Airports - Where

How to get there Road, Rail, Coach

Domestic / International connections

Car parking

Shoppers Parking – ASDA, Behind Intone, Well Lane / Station Road, St Gabriel’s Court

Parking at Alsager Railway station – Sufficient, Cost,

Is Crewe Station popular for use due to parking resources, Cost?

Who manages the parking spaces (Maintenance, Security)

Facilities for Electric car charging. Government policy

Facilities for disabled parking and amount of spaces

Should parking have a short stay / long stay element

Should parking be time limited and monitored – Fee parking for upto 2/3 hours during the day.

Unlimited parking after 6pm until 8am

Business Parking – Parking for business access, deliveries

Car Sharing Parking – Alsager is close to J16 & J17 of M6 to encourage car sharing monitored free parking?

Illegal parking – On Road / On Kerbs / Shop Fronts/ Bank Machines

Traffic issues created

Disabled Parking -Spaces, number / location

All disabilities catered for ?


Use of cycles / availability of cycle routes

Parking for cycles / security/ locking facilities

Cyclist safety

Cycle only routes in the countryside? Is this a viable idea?


Walking routes within the Town Centre

Links to adjacent areas MMU, Close Lane

Pavement conditions


Disabled Users facilities – Wheelchairs, Mobility Scooters, Kerb access for crossings.

Road Crossing facilities – Timing, availability.

Parents and Children facilities.

Additional Infrastructure Issues

Medical facilities - Access to facility

Numbers currently using

Ability to cope with additional houses

Car parking

Availability of services

If Alsager has aged population currently is this having an impact on service provision

Special service provision, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Cancer support, Physio, Chiropody, Maternity

Education -Schools , Numbers and Type

Ability to cope with additional houses

Extra 2000 houses could mean additional 4500 children places required.

Primary / High School Mix

Access to 6th form and Higher Education

Waste and Sewerage Treatment – Current Capacity

Demand from new houses additional 2000

Location – By the tip

Existing site future capacity

Cemetery Provision – Locations

Availability of land

Broadband – Coverage

- Superfast Broadband

- Cable TV (Virgin)