Notice Seeking Possession


A notice seeking possession (NSP) is served to a tenant once it meets the criteria as identified within the Rent arrears procedure:

Owes 4 weeks rent or £100 (if four weeks payable rent is less than this ).

The Assistant Rent Advisor (ARA) will identify each week which cases require a NSP and update the NSP diary, notepad, produce letter, and progress account to correct arrears stage. The NSP will be delivered by the Rent Advisor.


1. Notice and appointment needed

Update NSP Diary

On a Tuesday check the spreadsheet in RentRecovery/NSP Surgery data/NSP requests, this will identify which accounts need a NSP.

Check the arrears are the same as on spreadsheet, any difference check with RA as to action needed.

If appointment needed update RentRecovery/NSP Surgery/NSP diary WITH Name and address for an appointment the following week on a Tuesday/Wednesday 9.30 – 12.00 (make a note of the date as this will be needed at a later stage in the process)

Update Libra account notepad as below entering correct interview date

twice , then click OK

Update Libra - progress account to stage 3

Arrears/Entries/Progression Manual Actions

Account – Enter rent reference

Type – Enter STD

to Action – enter ARREARS/NSP and check account balance

Twice and the confirmation screen will be displayed, dependent if you have any other accounts to update click Yes/No

The print box will now be displayed click OK and select the main printer HP 28356 click on


Printing Shortcuts

Print on both sides

Yes Flip over

OK twice.

Do 2 photocopies of NSP, clip together with ARR3 letter, print a rent statement for the last 10 weeks and put in tray for delivering.

2. Reserve Notice and appointment needed

All the same processes as above

3. Reserve Notice and no appointment needed

Update Libra account notepad

In Libra update notepad for account as below


Update Libra - progress account to stage 3

Arrears/Entries/Progression Manual Actions

Account – Enter rent reference

Type – Enter STD

to Action – enter ARREARS/NSP

Twice and the confirmation screen will be displayed, dependent if you have any other accounts to update click Yes/No

The print box will be displayed click OK and select the main printer HP 28356 click on


Printing Shortcuts

Print on both sides

Yes Flip over

OK twice.

Do 2 photocopies of NSP and disregard normal ARR3 letter

Print letter RentRecovery/NSPSurgery Data/Arr3 letters/Re serve No appt

Put NSP,letter and a rent statement for the last 10 weeks in tray for delivering.

4. Notice and DWP deductions

Update Libra account notepad


Update Libra - progress account to stage 3

Arrears/Entries/Progression Manual Actions

Account – Enter rent reference

Type – Enter STD

to Action – enter ARREARS/NSP

Twice and the confirmation screen will be displayed, dependent if you have any other accounts to update click Yes/No

The print box will be displayed click OK and select the main printer HP 28356 click on


Printing Shortcuts

Print on both sides

Yes Flip over

OK twice.

Do 2 photocopies of NSP and disregard normal ARR3 letter

Print letter RentRecovery/NSPSurgery Data/Arr3 letters/NSP-DSSD

Put NSP, letter and a rent statement for the last 10 weeks in tray for delivering.

5. Notice, IT – SEC and appointment needed

Update NSP Diary

On Wednesday morning check the spreadsheet in RentRecovery/NSP Surgery data/NSP requests, this will identify which accounts need a NSP.

Check the arrears are the same as on spreadsheet, any difference check with RAMO as to action needed.

If appointment needed update RentRecovery/NSP Surgery/NSP diary for an appointment the following week on a Tuesday/Wednesday 9.30 – 12.00 (make a note of the date as this will be needed at a later stage in the process)

Update Libra account notepad

In Libra update notepad for account as below


Update Libra - progress account to stage 3

Arrears/Entries/Progression Manual Actions

Account – Enter rent reference

Type – Enter STD

to Action – enter ARREARS/NSP

Twice and the confirmation screen will be displayed, dependent if you have any other accounts to update click Yes/No

The print box will be displayed click OK and select the main printer HP 28356 click on


Printing Shortcuts

Print on both sides

Yes Flip over

OK twice.

Do 2 photocopies of NSP and disregard normal ARR3 letter

Print letter RentRecovery/NSPSurgery Data/Arr3 letters/IT-SEC appt

Put NSP , letter and a rent statement for the last 10 weeks in tray for delivering.


5. Notice, IT – SEC and no appointment needed

Update Libra - progress account to stage 3

Arrears/Entries/Progression Manual Actions

Account – Enter rent reference

Type – Enter STD

to Action – enter ARREARS/NSP

Twice and the confirmation screen will be displayed, dependent if you have any other accounts to update click Yes/No

The print box will be displayed click OK and select the main printer HP 28356 click on


Printing Shortcuts

Print on both sides

Yes Flip over

OK twice.

Do 2 photocopies of NSP and disregard normal ARR3 letter

Print letter RentRecovery/NSPSurgery Data/Arr3 letters/IT-SEC No appt

Put NSP , letter and a rent statement for the last 10 weeks in tray for delivering.