The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation; hereafter referred to as the Department, preventive and/or corrective maintenance services at the area(s) listed below consistent with standard operating procedures and applicable Federal, State and local rules and regulations for the protection of the public health and the environment and includes the following OSHA safety requirements. This service will be for a period of one (1) year.

Under this purchase order, there is a renewal option – by mutual consent of both parties, this purchase order shall be renewable for 2 additional one (1) year periods. The Commonwealth reserves the right, upon notice to the Contractor, to extend the term of the purchase order for up to three (3) months upon the same terms and conditions. This will be utilized to prevent a lapse of service coverage and only for the time necessary, up to three (3) months, to enter into a new purchase order.

All quantities and materials are estimated and may be increased or decreased by the Department.

The following items will be completed as preventative and/or corrective maintenance as defined in the Statement of Work. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, labor, and supervision to satisfy the scope of work for project completion.

The Contractor shall identify any necessary repair(s), as a result of preventative and/or corrective maintenance, and notify the County Equipment Manager, or his/her designee, prior to completing the repair. The County Equipment Manager, or his/her designee, will determine if the repair can be completed through this contract. The Contractor should be prepared to provide a written cost estimatefor the repair upon request from the Department.

The work under this purchase order/contract will be performed at the facility located at Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation - Berks County Stockpiles under “Locations”.


  1. Temple Main Stockpile

4680 Fifth Street Highway

Temple, Pa. 19560

  1. Strausstown Stockpile

8306 Route 183

Bernville, Pa. 19506

  1. Wernersville Stockpile

270 Sportsman Road

Wernersville, Pa. 19565

  1. Reading Bone Stockpile

105 Angstandt Lane

Birdsboro, Pa. 19508

  1. Krumsville Stockpile

1351 Krumsville Road

Lenhartsville, Pa. 19534

  1. Hamburg Stockpile

417 Lowland Road

Hamburg, Pa. 19526

  1. Five Mile Hill Stockpile

755 Old Lancaster Pike

Mohnton, Pa. 19540

  1. Bechtelsville Stockpile

1276A Montgomery Avenue

Boyertown, Pa. 19512

  1. Breezy Stockpile

4 Breezy Park Drive

Fleetwood, Pa. 19522


The Contractor shall furnish all equipment, personnel, and materials for preventative and/or corrective maintenance service work at the sites listed above. All maintenance services shall be scheduled on Monday thru Friday. No work shall be permitted on holidays, or during holiday weekends, weekends, or scheduled activities unless approved in advance by the County Equipment Manager of his/her designee.

Upon the Contractors arrival at the site, the Contractor is required to call the equipment Manager or his/her Designee documenting the arrival and departure time. Upon departure from the site, the Contractor is responsible for documentation of the services completed during the time the Contractor is at the site using the Confirmation of Service OS-501. Failure to provide complete information on the OS-501 will result in DELAYED OR NON PAYMENT of services provided for that day. The Department will provide Form OS-501 forms.


  1. The following items do not require a preventative maintenance schedule but are to be maintained by the Contractor, as corrective maintenance, on an as-needed basis. This includes but is not limited to:
  2. Flooring, Ceiling , Wall Repairs, Painting
  3. General carpentry/ roofing
  4. Windows, doors
  5. General building maintenance and/or corrective maintenance


  1. The contractor shall make a minimum of one (1), annual, scheduledroofsystem inspection per year at the Department Facilities, under “Locations” and may be requested to perform a systeminspection after each major storm occurrence, up to four (4) additional inspections. Each inspection must be scheduled prior to contractor arriving at the site.
  2. This inspection shall include inspecting the entire roof system, including but not limited to gutters, down spouts, piping to storm water drains, etc., for proper operation and maintenance of same. Any and all deficiencies, malfunctions, unsafe conditions, or required repairs to the roof system, shall be documented in writing and forwarded to the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee.
  3. A typed report turned in after each inspection, within 5 business days. This report shall include:
  4. Location
  5. Possible cause and preventive recommendations
  6. Repairs made
  7. Digital photos and hard copies
  8. The Contractor shall only make repairs as a result of preventative and/or corrective maintenanceand after approval from the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee, to the roofing system, including but not limited to gutters, down spouts, piping to storm water drains, etc., that will maintain the systems watertight integrity and the warranty as needed.
  9. The contractor is responsible for identifying if the repair being done is under the manufacturer warranty. The contractor is also responsible for documenting all repairs.
  1. Provide the Department with a roof access log (OS-501 – Confirmation of Services) to be kept and maintained at the facility. The log is to request at a minimum the following information:
  • Date
  • Time on/off roof
  • Company name/ information
  • Name of person
  • Nature of work
  1. One (1) timeper year, annually, a clean sweep of the entire roof area ( Temple facility only) will be done to remove all debris including but not limited to sand, dirt, leaves, etc. to be done at the request of the Department. This also includes removal of debris from the drain areas, coping, and air handling unit tops.


  1. Take precautions necessary to ensure against damage to existing work to remain in place, to be reused, or to remain the property of PennDOT. Damage to such work shall be repaired, or replacement shall be made, as approved by PennDOT at no additional cost to PennDOT.
  2. Ensure the safe passage of persons around the area of work. Provide temporary barricades as required.


  1. Special Invoice and Billing Instructions:

a)Upon Completion of service each month the contractor will complete a confirmation of services (OS-501) and compile a billable summary report containing all the information needed to invoice for the work. The OS-501 and the Billable Summary Report will be mailed to the Pennsylvania

Department of Transportation Engineering District 5-1 4680 Fifth Street Highway Temple, Pa. 19560, Attention:Rick Stone, or his/his designee, will confirm work that the vendor can invoice to the PennDOT Comptroller Office. Billable Summary and Confirmation of Services Form will be submitted on a monthly basis.

b)The Contractor shall submit an invoice to the PennDOT Comptroller Office (the address stated on thefirst page of the Purchase Order), with the date of service, and the work listed by line item numbers, description and the unit prices.

c)The cost of materials, parts, or repair equipment shall be invoiced at the Contractor’s stated rate with a profit not to exceed 10%.

  1. Character of Workers and Equipment:

a)Employ at all times sufficient labor and equipment for performing all the work required. In the event the CountyEquipment manager or his/her designees’ opinion, declares any person unfit to perform said tasks on a project, works’ contrary to instructions, or exhibits improper conduct; can choose to not employ the person again on the project without written permission of the County Equipment manager or his/her designee.

b)Furnish the type, condition, and quantity of equipment that meets the qualifications necessary for the proper execution of the work within the specified purchase order/contract time. Maintain the equipment in good condition, subject to acceptance, before and during use in connection with the project.

  1. Equipment:

a)The Contractor is required to provide all equipment necessary to complete the identified work in the timeframe from the date of being provided a fully executed purchase order.

  1. Personnel:

a)The Contractor is required to supply as many crews as necessary to complete the work within the scheduled time frame.

b)All work performed will be by a skilled craftsmen in a professional manner is warranted for a period of one (1) year from completion date.

  1. Mobilization:

a)Any cost associated with mobilization and other items such as; required licenses, permits, insurance, and communication devices as directed by the Department for the duration of this purchase order/contract will be considered incidental to the items of work and no additional payment will be made.

b)Travel time will NOT be paid to or from the jobsites (stockpiles, under “Locations”).

  1. PennDOT’s Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP) Requirements:

a)The Contractor must comply with PennDOT’s Strategic Environmental Program (SEMP) requirements. The requirements of this program are included/attached to this Specification.

  1. Publication 408 Requirements:

a)Applicable sections on material reference Publication 408/2011, Initial Edition, which will govern the material under these specifications. Publication 408, Specifications, can be viewed on PennDOT’s home page ( by selecting publications.

  1. Permits:

a)The Contractor is responsible to determine if permits must be acquired to perform the work. The Contractor will also acquire all permits found to be necessary.

b)Contractor will coordinate with the Department and provide all correspondences with L & I to enable Department to track the permit process.. Contractor will also confirm that all permits have been acquired before performing the work.


a)Work time begins when the contractor arrives at the job site and ends when the contractor leaves the job site. Contractor will not be paid for travel time.

b)Payment will be made on a per item basis after the following conditions have been met:

c)The Contractor will be responsible for work documentation. The Department will supply form OS-501 for this purpose. The Contractor will also include all necessary information required related to work completed. The Contractor must place the Purchase Order Number on each OS-501 form and on each invoice.

d)At the contractors request or Departments request an inspection will be performed regarding completed repairs. A Contractors representative is required to attend. At that time any unsatisfactory item will be identified and the Contractor will have until the agreed upon scheduled completion date to complete the required work.

e)The Department shall perform a final inspection before the Contractor invoices for the final payment.

f)After the final inspection, the Contractor will be immediately notified of the results, when the contracted work item is accepted by the Department the Contractor may then invoice the Commonwealth at the “Bill To” address on the purchase order. A copy of that invoice will also be sent to the Berks County Equipment Manager or his designee, to insure proper and timely payment.

g)Meet the requirements of “Special Provision”, “Special Invoicing and Billing Instructions”. Failure to complete OS-501 form properly may result in a delay in payment. Once all work is approved

by the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee, an official invoice may be sent to the office of Comptroller for payment.

  1. Material Contingency

a)This item of the purchase order will be utilized for new or additional material, power equipment rental and other items as required that are not included in Item # 1, 2, 3, & 4 when necessary to complete required projects as directed by the County Equipment Manageror his/her designee. The Contractor shall provide all lubricants and fuel for equipment. This will not be a bid item within the IFB as an estimated price for all bidders. The purchase order created from this IFB Solicitation will have an additional line item for material contingency/parts allowance. An allowance of $2000.00 will be allotted for material contingency.

b)All replaced material shall have a warranty of one (1) year after placement by the Contractor.

c)The Contractor shall provide any requested material within ten (10) calendar days of written or verbal notification. If desired material is not available, the Contractor must present written verification to the County Equipment Manageror his/her designee.

d)All material expected to cost in excess of $300.00 must be approved by the County Equipment Manageror his/her designee prior to purchasing.

e)Measurement and Payment – Each. For all material and equipment rental shall be paid at invoice price plus 10% and documented on the Confirmation of Services OS-501. If the Contractor currently owns the required equipment, rates will be determined according to the current Pub 404 Section 110.03 (3).

  1. Liquidated Damages:

a)This section is in accordance with the Invitation for Bids (IFB) Terms and Conditions for liquidated damages and as well is stated within the Statement of Work (SOW). The Contractor is required to satisfactorily complete the awarded purchase order in accordance with the terms and conditions and attached specifications. If the purchase order is not complete and accepted by the Department, the Contractor will be assessed liquidated damages in accordance with the terms and conditions of the IFB.

  1. Non-Compliance:

a)In the event the Contractor fails to perform work according to the specifications and requirements of the contract or any part thereof, the Department reserves the right upon forty eight (48) hours written notice to terminate further performance by the Contractor of record and award the same to another Contractor without liability therefore, except for payment for work satisfactorily performed prior to date of termination.

b)If, for any reason, the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the specifications, PennDOT Specifications, Pub 408 shall prevail. In the event that any materials furnished by the Contractor are found to be defective, unsuitable, or otherwise unacceptable, the materials shall be removed by the Contractor and replaced with acceptable materials installed anew to the satisfaction and approval of the County Equipment Manager or his/her designeeat the cost and expense of the Contractor.

c)A penalty of $150.00 shall be assessed per site per occurrence to the Contractor each time maintenance work is not started and satisfactorily performed by the Contractor or when requested material is not delivered as directed by the County Equipment Manageror his/her designee. Such assessments shall be deducted from the Contractor’s next payment following the occurrence(s). If multiple assessments exceed the next payment amount, a deduction will be made on the following months invoice until all liquidated damages are assessed.

d)Other causes for non-compliance penalties shall be but not limited to as follows:

  • Not picking up and discarded material(s).
  • Crew personnel not wearing safety equipment or working in an unsafe manner
  • Leaving the facility in a general unsightly appearance.
  1. OS-52 Insurance Requirements - Liability

a)Insurance Certificate is required as specified in the general contract/purchase order document. The Contractor shall submit to the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee within ten (10) days of notification of their successful, executed, approved purchase order, a copy of their insurance certificate in adherence to the OS-52 Insurance Requirements.

  1. Additional Information

a)Any work done without authorization of the proper Department personnel are subject to non-payment. Prior to the effective date of the purchase order, the Department will provide a list of authorized personnel responsible for requesting work to be performed.

b)The Contractor shall provide the Department with all necessary information including business phone, cell phone, fax and e-mail prior to the start of any work.

c)Travel time is not included as hours of service and cannot be charged for any work performance under this purchase order. Contractor’s time begins upon arrival and ends upon departure from the site. No additional time allowance is made.

  1. Safety Requirements

a)The Contractor shall perform all specified work with the knowledge that the safety of all personnel be adhered too. Maintenance work shall be performed with a minimum amount of interference with the normal operation of the stockpiles.

b)Special precautions shall be taken when using power equipment near buildings. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to any structures, vehicles or persons at the stockpiles. All damages shall be paid for by the Contractor and at no additional cost to the department.

c)No work shall be performed on holidays, or during holiday weekends, weekends, or scheduled activities, unless written authorization from the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee has been obtained.

d)All work must be performed during daylight normal working hours between 7:00am – 3:00pm; unless otherwise approved by the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee.

e)Proper personal protective equipment must be worn by all personnel.

f)The Contractor shall comply with all State and Federal laws and to OSHA safety requirements.

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