Medieval Europe: A.D. 500-1500

The Economic, Political and Social Life of Europe during the Middle Ages

Honor Code Level 2

The Early Middle Ages: Charlemagne and the Carolingian Renaissance / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The Early Middle Ages: Surviving the Viking Invasions / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The Early Middle Ages: Feudalism and the Three Orders / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The High Middle Ages:
The Crusades / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The High Middle Ages: Medieval Trade Fairs and Guilds / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The High Middle Ages: European Monarchies Expand Their Power / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The High Middle Ages: Inheritance, Marriage, and Family Alliances / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance: The Black Death / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance:
The Hundred Years’ War / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially
The Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance:
The Great Schism / Identify evidence that shows what life was like for European people in each of the three categories during this time.
Brief Summary of Section / Economically / Politically / Socially