Frostburg State University

PDS Coordinating Council Meeting with

Frederick County and Washington County

Thursday February 23, 2017


USMH- Room 124


·  Toby Eirich welcomed everyone and let everyone know there will be another accreditation visit on April1, 2017. After the visit last year we found out there were a few problems with the secondary program and with communication between programs. We have been working on consistency in the education programs by creating a common handbook and forms.

Data Review/FSU Updates:

·  Jodi said that tweener day at main campus for the interns will be on Monday March 13, 2017.

·  There will be different dates for induction days this fall due to the schools having different start dates. FSU is working on a schedule and will hopefully have a tentative one at the next PDS meeting.

·  She handed out the PreK-9 programs data analysis summary packets to everyone. Most of the data collected is from students who have graduated.

·  She went over some of the student’s strengths and areas that need improvement and noted that FSU is transitioning into using new standards. FSU has been working on ideas to address areas that need improvement and we are open to your suggestions as well.

·  She mentioned that Coppin State received a 3 million dollar Teacher Quality Partnership grant and is working with FSU and interns. During the year students will be required to complete six micro- credentialing modules. They will also have fieldtrip(s) to Coppin State.

·  Ed TPA has been adopted by many institutions in Maryland such as Towson and University of Maryland and is required in Georgia, New York and a few other states. It is not a state of Maryland requirement yet. FSU applied for 30 vouchers and it is currently being piloted on a few students. The cost is $300.00 per student and it will be required for all students spring of 2018. A grant will cover the cost next year and we are looking into ways to pay for it after that.

·  For Ed TPA students must submit evidence of assessments such as a video or a unit and they must provide commentary to their submissions. The work must be completed during the final internship but students will learn how to prepare for the work before the final semester.

·  Kris McGee asked if anyone saw lack of critical thinking from the interns in their classroom. Janet Dill said she does not think the students understand the value of it. Courtney Leard said she feels like the students just say yes they did it without putting the effort into it.

·  Lindsey Reynolds asked for the start date of the Ed TPA and Jodi told her that it would begin in spring 2018. Linsey said that one of her interns was using it and he was overwhelmed by the lists. Mentors were too. Jodi said that is why we are working on having the students learn about it before they have to use it.

·  Jill Waters pointed out that FSU interns were more prepared than interns form other universities. She said that FSU does a good job at preparing the interns and that critical thinking is hard but comes with time.

·  Jodi said that she hopes that Ed TPA will help students become better teachers and that they do not think of it as just another “thing” to do. We will stress how important Ed TPA is.

·  Jodi noted that students will now teach one full unit with Ed TPA.

·  Janet Dill asked how the unit subject will be chosen and Jodi said that it is up to the mentor teacher and the intern.

·  Toby reminded everyone that 6 students were removed last semester due to issues such as late lesson plans and being late to school. He said they continue to remind students about professionalism and dress code. Jodi noted that she goes over the ins and outs of attire, especially for the female students. Toby tells them every day is a dress rehearsal.

·  He said that Kris was the liaison in Hagerstown for anyone that had issues with an ECE student and went over the course of action if a student has an issue.

·  Toby said that Linda Civetti has $2,000.00 for current mentors at FCPS to attend the Spring Festival of Children’s Literature workshop at FSU main campus April 29, 2017. Toby emailed current mentors and their interns about the festival. If current mentors do not wish to attend, site coordinators and others may. Janet asked Toby to send her an email about it as well. He will send one to all site coordinators and asked that they let him know who would like to attend.

·  Kris brought up the A, B, C, D objectives and that they have changed to just A, B and C. Audience, Behavior, and Condition. Jodi said that during a P-9 meeting, they found that the D, Degree, was a struggle for interns and not quite appropriate for them. This will be updated on the lesson plan for fall 2017.

·  Toby noted that we are in a state of flux with collecting artifacts so suspend it for the time being.

·  Jodi said that NCATE and MSDE used to work together and they are now separate. NCATE is coming back to visit in April and they will have group interviews on April 2, 2017. There will be an email invitation to site coordinators to participate. Jodi said that it was important share the work we have done together. Janet Dill said that she participated last year and it wasn’t bad. Kris McGee offered a ride from USMH to FSU that day if anyone cares to join her.

·  Toby said the next meeting will be in April and most agreed that the 5th was a good day. We will go over Ed TPA and please let him know if anyone wants to add items to the agenda.

·  Kris McGee quickly added for everyone to think about ideas for PD.

·  Jodi briefly went over exit portfolio (May 10 evening) and PDS entrance (May 17 daytime) dates. May 19 is on ECE schedule. She will give more information at next meeting.


1.  Toby Eirich

2.  Jodi Welsch

3.  Janet Dill

4.  Karla Perrell

5.  Mika Fox

6.  Kristen Dolan

7.  Vonnie Belt

8.  Kris McGee

9.  Colleen Dunn

10.  Jessie Orth

11.  Lindsay Reynolds

12.  Jill Waters

13.  Katie Carbaugh

14.  Courtney Leard

Respectfully submitted by Cameron D. Dennison, FSU