The regular meeting of the Boyle County Fiscal Court as held on the 9th day of June, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Members present at the meeting were:

Patty Burke

Donnie Coffman

Jack Hendricks

John Caywood

Dickie Mayes

Phil Sammons

Judge Harold McKinney

Others present at the meeting were: County Attorney Richard Campbell, County Clerk Trille Bottom, Jailer Barry Harmon, County Treasurer Mary Conley, Jacob Pankey, Shannon Greene, EMS Director Brad Ellis, Public Works Director Duane Campbell, Janice Spears, Edna Coffman, Vi Wilmot, Bob Rowland, Louise S. Allen, Randy Graham, Shannon Greene, Matt Callahan, Jennifer Kirchner, Tom V. Ellis, Todd Kleffman and Grayson Evans.

Judge McKinney called the meeting to order. Magistrate Sammons gave the invocation.

Magistrate Caywood led the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance and gave a brief history of the Pledge.

Magistrate Sammons made the motion to accept the minutes of the May 21, 2015 budget meeting. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

The foreign trade zone efforts with Timberland were reviewed. Judge McKinney suggested that Timberland draft an agreement of payment in lieu of taxes that is recordable and enforceable. Once received, the agreement will be presented to the Court.

The 2015/2016 budget for the Conservation District and an ordinance establishing a millage tax was distributed to the Court. The budget must be approved before the passage of the millage tax. The amount sought in the millage tax ordinance is $.01 per $100 (one cent per one hundred dollars) assessed value. County Attorney Campbell explained the process consists of two steps: (1) approve the budget and (2) approve the ordinance. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to table the decision until the Court had extra time to review both the budget and ordinance. Judge McKinley and Mary Conley will meet with the Conservation District and review the budget. Magistrate Sammons withdrew his motion. The millage tax will be discussed at the next scheduled Court meeting.

Magistrate Burke discussed funding of the Senior Citizens Center. She requested that the Court hold the $75,000.00, appropriated to the Senior Citizens, in the budget until a satisfactory plan has been submitted to the Court. Magistrate Hendricks agreed and added that duplication of meals was an unnecessary expense and an expenditure plan would help the Court to know which entity was providing meals. Magistrate Hendricks requested that the Senior Citizens report quarterly with updates. Magistrate Sammons voiced his concern that the funding was needed immediately. The Senior Citizens Board agreed to provide a budget plan to the Court. No funds will be withheld.

Janice Spears presented the 2014 Sheriff’s Tax Settlement to the Court. The settlement indicated a balance of $.11 (eleven cents) due the Court. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to accept the Sheriff’s 2014 Tax Settlement contingent upon the Sheriff’s tax audit. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor of the motion.

Director Brad Ellis presented the bid from Mid America Ambulance and Coach Sales for the purchase of a new ambulance at the cost of $133,987.00. The bid specs were met and the Court has previously purchased three ambulances from the company. The ambulance purchase was budgeted at $135,000.00. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the bid for an ambulance from Mid America Ambulance and Coach Sales. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. It was requested by the Court that the ambulance be presented to the Court upon arrival.

The County Attorney cold check fee audit was postponed to the next meeting of the Court.

The Court acknowledged the January – March 2015 Financial Statements from the Danville Boyle County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Judge McKinney recommended that Rusty Cox be reappointed to the Fire Board. He has done an excellent job in the past. Magistrate Coffman made the motion to approve the reappointment of Rusty Cox. His term will expirein June 30, 2018. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Judge McKinney presented a Resolution appointing an applicant agent for FEMA funding to the Court. The Resolution names the County Judge as the primary designee and Rusty Cox as the designee in the absence of the County Judge. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the Applicant Agent Resolution appointing representation. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Resolution will be filed in Resolution Book 2, page 534 in the County Clerk’s Office.

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) lease agreement was presented to the Court. AOC occupies 52.8% of the courthouse space. The Court receives $32,567.00 from AOC for use allowance. County Treasurer Mary Conley is requesting $72,600.00 from AOC for their portion of the debt service. Additional reimbursement requests include carpet replacement, plaster work and court security equipment. The total amount reimbursement requested will be $203,605.00. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the AOC lease agreement. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Shannon Greene informed the Court concerning the Bluegrass Area Development District’s Resolution for soccer field funding. The Millennium Park soccer fields are now complete and final funding is being requested in the amount of $5,713.56. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the resolution requesting final funding and allow Judge McKinney to sign all pertinent paperwork associated with the project. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Resolution will be recorded in Resolution Book 2, page 522 in the County Clerk’s Office.

The Boyle County Fiscal Court 2014 audit was presented to the Court. The Court acknowledged receipt of the audit.

Judge McKinney presented the Interlocal Agreement as amended to the Court. The agreement was originally presented to the Court in August 2014 and approved. The amended agreement includes some minor changes including a dispute agreement. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement as amended. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Public Works Director Duane Campbell updated the Court on current projects. New handicapped parking spaces will be added to the west end of the Courthouse parking lot as weather allows. Automatic door openers will be installed on the Fourth Street entrance. There are new federal regulations regarding weight limit signs on all bridges.Signs will be posted for all bridges in the County. The Statewill provide the first sign for bridges.Magistrate Sammons commented that he was receiving phone calls about County road signs being down. Additionally, a sewer project for Gwinn Island Road is moving forward.

Matt Callahan updated the Court concerning the Courthouse energy savings project. He announced that Bill Lippert will be the project manager. Two crews will be on site in the next two weeks. Demolition, at the jail, will begin and air delivery sets and plumbing should be finished within 2-3 weeks of the start date. The HVAC system will be down for a couple of weeks.

The bonds for the energy savings project will be available for sale today.

Magistrate Caywood complimented the tremendous effort of Donna Fechner, Jacob Pankey and Duane Campbell during the Brass Band Festival.

Magistrate Caywood discussed the EDP agreement approved at the last meeting. He would like to amend that agreement from a one year contract to a three (3) year contract. Since the last meeting, Magistrate Caywood has realized that a one year renewal agreement would be too cumbersome for all parties involved. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to amend the previously granted authorization from a one year agreement to a three (3) year agreement and allow the County Judge to sign the amended Memorandum of Agreement. Judge McKinney seconded the motion. Magistrate Burke, Magistrate Coffman, Magistrate Caywood and Magistrate Mayes voted in favor of the motion. Magistrate Sammons voted against the motion. The motion passed with a majority vote.

A Drug Task Force meeting will be held Friday, June 12, 2015.

County Treasurer Mary Conley requested a transfer in the amount of $113,750.00 to the joint jail fund.

Magistrate Coffman made the motion to pay the bills, make the transfersand adjourn. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.


Harold W. McKinney

County Judge Executive