“God is faithful!”—three words that spell comfort, confidence and courage in a world of fatefulness, faithlessness and fearfulness. They were addressed to a church that was passing through a period of extreme crisis. In chapter after chapter Paul had to deal with matters of faith and order that were seriously wrong, but in spite of this he could declare, “God is faithful.” What a motto to take into the days, weeks and months of an unknown future……….


A-Faithfulness is an Attribute of God’s Character “God is faithful … ” ( 1:9 )God is absolutely reliable, firmly constant !!!****the scriptures speak of His stability and steadfastness.

1- the extensiveness of God’s faithfulness: “… thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds” ( Ps. 36:5 ); ------man cannot outstretch it!

2-- the everlastingness of God’s faithfulness: “Thy faithfulness is unto all generations … ” ( Ps. 119:90 ); ------therefore, man can never outlive it!

3- the exceedingness of God’s faithfulness: “[The Lord’s mercies] are new every morning” ( Lam. 3:23 ); ------man can never outmatch it!

I read the story of a man who boasted he had the meanest dog in the world. When he walked down the street with the dog on a leash, people would quickly move out of the way. The dog terrified everyone. One day he went inside a restaurant and left the dog tied up outside. In a little while a little fellow came in and said, “Mister, you better come quick! My dog has just about killed your dog.” The man looked up and said, “Your dog has about killed my dog? Why, my dog is the meanest dog in the world. What kind of dog do you have?” The man replied, “A Chihuahua.” The man asked, “How in the world could your little Chihuahua be about to kill my dog?” The little fellow answered, “He’s caught in your dog’s throat.”

B-Faithfulness is an Activity of God’s Character“God is faithful “

1-denotes a determined steadfastness toward His people

2-consider God’s faithfulness to Israel in the good times and the storms*********”GOD IS FAITHFUL” ------(DEUT. 7:9 ) - - - -

A boy was crossing the ocean with his father. During the voyage the ship ran into a storm and was tossed about in such a fashion that everyone was stricken with fear. But it was quite different with this little fellow. He sat still with eyes directed toward a certain spot. At last someone went up to him and asked him how it was that he was so unperturbed. “I have my eyes on that window,” said the lad, “ and I can see my father on the bridge.” Then he added, “My father is the captain of this ship and he has steered her through many storms.” In like manner, we have a faithful Captain who is Master of all the winds and waves of life. Heb.12:1-2


“God is faithful, by whom ye were called … ” ( 1:9 ). Because of the attribute and activity of God’s faithfulness, men and women are called to a quality of life which is otherwise totally impossible and even unthinkable. As we examine the Word of God we discover that it is:

A-Confidence because of Christ’s Provisions

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, andto cleanse us from all unrighteousness” ( 1 John 1:9 ). Because we are sinners by birth, by choice and by practice, it is quite impossible to live in fellowship with God and our fellow man. And yet we are told: “… if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us fromall sin” ( 1 John 1:7 ). This divine provision is not to encourage us to sin—God forbid—but rather to enable us not to sin; for the Son of God who shed His precious blood at Calvary for our reconciliation now reigns in victory to save us by His indwelling life. But if and when we do stumble and fall, He, in response to our genuine confession and repentance, “… is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” ( 1 John 1:9 ).

B-Confidence because of Christ’s Protection(I COR.10:13)------. The context here finds Paul recounting the temptations that faced the children of Israel in the past, and therefore the children of God in every age. He gives a word of caution: ( 1 Cor. 10:12 ). __----___------__---_----

********Stephen Olford- acceptance in Christ can cause us to neglect our dependence upon Christ ****************

God is faithful, who will … with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” ( 1 Cor. 10:13 ). . He knows just how much we can bear and will never permit temptation beyond that point. Think of His protective faithfulness: He always has “a way of escape.” How comforting to know that whenever we are trapped Jesus is always our wayout!

C-Confidence because of Christ’s Power(I Thes.5:22-24)------*******not faultlesness***be ------Blameless********************

D-Confidence because of Christ’s Presence

Howard Rutledge, a prisoner for years in North Vietnam, described in his

Book;”IN THE PRESENCE OF MINE ENEMIES”; said the worst form of torture was

solitary confinement. He tells how ”the need for communication was so great,

POW’s in the Hanoi Hilton set up a system of tapping, coded notes, coughs,

sliding sandals, by which to talk to each other every day. They learned how

important that each was to the other.

Each believer is important to the body as a whole. We need each other. We

need the edification that comes from others using their spiritual gifts. How we

ought to thank God for our gifts and the gifts He has given to the Body,

whereby, we are brought into so many blessings.*********************************************

III-THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD BRINGS Courage“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord ( 1:9 )

:A-the fellowship of togetherness…”the fellowship of his Son” ( 1:9 ). In his epistle, John reminds us that “… truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ” ( 1 John 1:3 ). There is no higher concept of unity than that represented by the fellowship of the Father with His Son. Indeed, in His High Priestly prayer, the Savior petitioned His Father for this very thing—“That they all may be one … ” ( John 17:21 ).

One of the main problems in the church at Corinth was that of disunity, so at the very beginning of his letter he reminds them that God who is faithful had called them into “the fellowship of his Son.” This was both a word of rebuke and reassurance: a word of rebuke, because the church was a bad reflection of the unity between the Father and the Son; a word of reassurance, because the unity enjoyed in heaven is possible on earththrough thefaithfulness of God (Ps. 133)- -

B-the fellowship of truthfulness

“… the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ … ” ( 1:9 ). When those two titles are brought together in Scripture it is always indicative of the saving and sanctifying power of our Lord. “Jesus” speaks of His saving grace, while “Christ” emphasizes the sanctifying grace of our indwelling Lord. That which supremely distinguished the Master throughout His days here upon earth was His holiness. He was “… declared to be the Son of Godwith power, according to the Spirit of holiness … ” ( Rom. 1:4 ).And the writer to, the Hebrews informs us that He was “… holy, harmless, undefiled [and] separate from sinners … ” ( Heb. 7:26 ).

C-the fellowship of trustfulness ******Loyalty)*******

“… the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” ( 1:9 ) A lady was visiting Niagara Falls with a party of tourists and was crossing the little bridge over one of the falls. As she saw the swirling waters beneath her she panicked. Holding on to both rails with both hands she refused to move any farther. The guide sized up the situation quickly and said, “Put your hand into my hand.” Reluctantly, the lady did so, but grimly held on to the rail with the other hand—and, of course, there was no progress. Tenderly, but firmly, the guide asked, “Madam, do you want to cross this bridge?” She replied, “Yes, Sir.” Then answered the guide, “Put both hands into the hands of the guide, please.” For a moment there was an inward struggle, then obediently she did as she was told, and before many minutes had elapsed she was safe on the other side. Are you prepared for such a personal decision of trust?

conclude:Paul puts it perfectly when he says: “I [have been] crucified Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith [or faithfulness] of the Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me” ( Gal. 2:20 ). May we also live by the faithfulness of the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us!

NEW GRACE:12-14-03 S.M.- - - - -RIVERVIEW 12-14-03 S.N…….GOSPEL LIGHT 12-31-03 W.N.