12 WRITING RUBRIC: Reflective Personal Statement

ELA Strand / ELA Standard
(Student Checklist) / Teacher Score / Comments and
Sub score
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Writing Strategies / Organization and Focus
Engaging or attention-grabbing opener
Appropriate background information
Coherent thesis or controlling impression
Body Paragraphs
 Topic sentences support main idea
 Effective and fluid transitions are present between
sentences and paragraphs
 Statements and claims are supported by precise and relevant examples (e.g. anecdotes, descriptions, facts, statistics, quotations, paraphrases)
Elaborates and explains supporting details
 Conclusion summarizes key points and reaffirms thesis
 Thought-provoking final comment provides insight
Fluid integration of supporting evidence
Varied, precise and vivid word choice
Varied sentence structure
Appropriate voice and tone for audience
Language Conventions
See student’s personalized checklist for identified convention issues / Sentence Structure
 Complete and correct sentences
 Correct use of phrases, clauses, conjunctions, prepositions, modifiers
Grammar and Usage
Correct subject/verb agreement
Correct pronoun usage
Accurate and consistent verb tense
Spelling, Punctuation and Capitalization
 Correct use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
Writing Applications
Reflective / Explores the significance of personal experiences, events, or concerns by using narration, description, exposition, persuasion, and other rhetorical strategies
Draws comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes
that illustrate writer’s beliefs or generalizations about life
Maintains a balance in describing individual incidents and relates
those incidents to more general and abstract ideas (personal reflection)
Hints at the significance of the experience throughout the essay;
explicitly states the significance in the conclusion

Overall Score
Additional requirements:
 Margins MLA Heading/Header  Indentation Double spaced  font: size 12 (title 14); Times New Roman
Writing Process Stages:  Prewriting  Drafting  Revising  Editing/Proofreading  Publishing

12 WRITING RUBRIC: Reflective Personal Statement

ELA Strand / ELA Standard
(Student Checklist) / Teacher Score / Comments and
Sub score
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Writing Strategies / Organization and Focus
Engaging or attention-grabbing opener
Appropriate background information
Coherent thesis or controlling impression
Body Paragraphs
 Topic sentences support main idea
 Effective and fluid transitions are present between
sentences and paragraphs
 Statements and claims are supported by precise and relevant examples (e.g. anecdotes, descriptions, facts, statistics, quotations, paraphrases)
Elaborates and explains supporting details
 Conclusion summarizes key points and reaffirms thesis
 Thought-provoking final comment provides insight
Fluid integration of supporting evidence
Varied, precise and vivid word choice
Varied sentence structure
Appropriate voice and tone for audience
Language Conventions
See student’s personalized checklist for identified convention issues / Sentence Structure
 Complete and correct sentences
 Correct use of phrases, clauses, conjunctions, prepositions, modifiers
Grammar and Usage
Correct subject/verb agreement
Correct pronoun usage
Accurate and consistent verb tense
Spelling, Punctuation and Capitalization
 Correct use of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
Writing Applications
Reflective / Explores the significance of personal experiences, events, or concerns by using narration, description, exposition, persuasion, and other rhetorical strategies
Draws comparisons between specific incidents and broader themes
that illustrate writer’s beliefs or generalizations about life
Maintains a balance in describing individual incidents and relates
those incidents to more general and abstract ideas (personal reflection)
Hints at the significance of the experience throughout the essay;
explicitly states the significance in the conclusion

Overall Score
Additional requirements:
 Margins  MLA Heading/Header  Indentation  Double spaced  font: size 12 (title 14); Times New Roman
Writing Process Stages:  Prewriting  Drafting  Revising  Editing/Proofreading  Publishing