Meeting Minutes
ing 29th April 2008
Present: Paul Cecil (PC)
Ivan Lowe (IL)
Duncan McCreddie (DM)
Beth Constantine (BC)
Steve McKay (SM)
Steve Taylor (ST)
David Clark (DC)
Kieran Galvin (KG)
Absent: Simon Coggins (SC)
Next Meeting: September 2008
I. Appointments
Chairman: Paul Cecil reappointed
Treasurer: Paul Cecil/ Steve McKay will act as co-treasurers
Club Secretary: Simon Coggins reappointed
Child Welfare: David reappointed
Social Rep: Duncan McCreddie appointed
II. Welfare Issues
All CRB checks need to be redone as the previous system is being superseded. PC, DC & SC will all be verified under new system first with the intention that all coaches and helpers are verified by September 2008.
If parents have any issues or concerns then these need to be addressed directly to DC.
We are required under new guidelines to provide tram lines along the side of pitches.
Action: the Council need to be asked to provide these where they currently are not. [Carlisle Park, Buckingham Road, Broom Road, Holly Road]
III. Announcements/Discussions
F.A. Charter Status:
We have applied for this and we should be awarded this subject to validation. Having Charter Status allows us to apply for more grants and gives the club a higher profile. One requirement of the application is that each year group must have a qualified coach (Level 1 minimum). Our currently qualified coaches (4) have been allocated year groups to meet this stipulation. Over the next year we will train up sufficient coaches so as each year group has adequate cover.
From September, we will be taking over the whole of the Broom Road Rec which will give us much more flexibility to provide games and training on the same site. We will be keeping all existing grounds: Holly Road, Carlisle Park and Stanley School. There are issues with regard to facilities (lack of toilets, storage etc). Stanley is well catered; Carlisle Park: we are getting a shed installed for equipment; Broom Rd: we are trying hard – maybe some opportunity with using Teddington Schools facilities; Holly Rd: cub-scout hut may be possible for storing equipment.
Four coaches qualified at Level 1. Cost is £150/coach which has been paid for by the club. We are sending out a note to all other coaches to get as many as possible qualified: the benefit to all year groups will be great and we have enough cash available. Involves 2 mid-week evenings and 3 Saturdays.
One person (DC) has taken a course in Refereeing: 4 evenings and 2 Saturdays. DM would also like to take the course.
Web Site:
Peter Silver taking over the maintenance of the website. We need to improve the look and feel; add more photos; provide opportunity for greater involvement by the kids – perhaps having cross-links to facebook/Bebo etc. There are a number of issues with regard to photos: permission/anonymity etc.
Action: arrange separate meeting to review options available: draft up guidelines for how the site can be used.
Age Groups:
U6/U7 – we have strong numbers going forward
U8/U9/U10 – we should be looking to have an optimum squad size of 30 so as by the time we get to U11 – we can support 2 teams for 11-aside games.
Girls football: we have approx 18 players in the squad. There are some issues as many are in Year 6 and we can expect to lose some of them next year. Ideally we should increase numbers by at least 7-8.
Action: Kieran Galvin s going to promote at his daughters school where many don’t play Saturday football.
We have adequate resources but many parents are not paying their subs on time (if at all). Coaches in each year group should have a list so as they can chase up late payments. From September we should move to one-off annual payments as is done at many other clubs. Need to notify parents well in advance. Hampton Fuel Allottments Charity has given us a reasonable grant that will help cash flow over the next year. Clubs fees will also be increased by £5 per player per school term from September 2008 – still excellent value for what we provide i.e. Saturday football from Sept to July.
Action: we should send HFA photos & thankyou’s from all the boys/girls.