c/o 280 Queen Street South
Mississauga, ON L5M 1M1
toll free 866.807.2227
Communications CoordinatorTerms of Reference
OBIAA Digital Main Street Initiative & Ontario Energy Efficiency Awareness Initiative
Background on the Role
OBIAAThe Ontario Business Improvement Area Association is a network that represents unique and vibrant BIAs cross Ontario, it supports and advocates on behalf of its members through the building and nurturing of strong relationships and partnerships. OBIAA represents, supports, and encourages BIAs through membership to increase their effectiveness and their contribution to the economic, cultural and social well-being of communities across the province.
OBIAA undertakes research, runs events, and builds awareness on matters affecting small business and the ongoing vitality of our mainstreets. Two new and exciting initiatives have recently been launched by the Association in partnership with the Province and will form a critical part of the OBIAA Mandate over the next two years, these are described below.
Digital Main Street Initiative
The $12 million Digital Main Street Initiative, approved under the $40 million Main Street Enhancement Initiative (“MSEI”), is focused on expanding the reach of the existing Digital Main Street programadministered by the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) to small businesses inall municipalities across Ontario. The project specifically aligns with the Province’s priority of creating a supportive and dynamic business environment, and OMAFRA’s priorities of creating strong rural communities.
Ontario Energy Efficiency Awareness Initiative
Ontario’s 2017 Long-Term Energy Plan, Delivering Fairness and Choice, reaffirms the province’s commitment to conservation and commits to the continued availability of conservation programs for all sectors to help customers manage their energy consumption and remain competitive.
Ontario has a suite of energy efficiency programs available to small businesses (e.g. Save on Energy and natural gas conservation programs). In addition to these programs, the Green Ontario Fund is mandated to deliver programs that encourage fuel-switching and deep greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions for homes and businesses. Small businesses have traditionally been a hard-to-reach sector for energy efficiency programs.
The Ontario Energy Efficiency Awareness Initiative (EEAI) aims to help small businesses manage their energy costs and reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is a component of the Government of Ontario’s Main Street Enhancement Initiative, announced in the 2017 Fall Economic Statement.
Initiative Objectives
Digital Main Street InitiativeThe Digital Main Street Initiative Project is being undertaken to provide small businesses (businesses between 1 and 99 employees) in all municipalities across Ontario with access to grant programs, training and support services to harness new technologies that will enable them to adapt to and tap into larger social, economic, demographic and technological trends.
In order to achieve that overall outcome, the project activities are focused on the primary objective of enhancing the digital capabilities of small businesses in all communities across Ontario through:
- Assessment of small business digital capabilities
- Prioritization of digital improvements to small businesses
- Creation of digital transformation strategic plans
- Delivery of in-person and digital training and assistance
- Delivery of grants to assist with the implementation of digital transformation plans
The project timeline commenced January 31, 2018, and will run until March 31, 2020.
Ontario Energy Efficiency Awareness Initiative
The EEAI project aims to help small businesses in traditional main street areas manage their energy bills and reduce their GHG emissions by increasing their awareness of and participation in energy efficiency programs (existing Save On Energy electricity conservation programs and natural gas conservation programs, and planned Green Ontario Fund programs).
OBIAA’s delivery of the EEAI is expected to effectively reach small businesses, as using local or sector association is an industry best practice for reaching this traditionally hard-to-reach sector.
The project timeline will run from April 2018 until December 2020.
Communications Coordinator Objectives
Communications is defined to be the marketing and outreach of the project. It is the sharing of information on project scope, updates and findings with the broader BIA membership, municipal officials, provincial funding partners and the public. It is also about marketing the brand of BIAs and this project to reflect a strong small business network across the province. In order to do so, this scope will also require graphic design expertise to layout final documents for submission to the Province. The communications goals for each Initiative are to increase awareness on the importance of digital proficiency and energy efficiency for small business in a competitive marketplace, build general knowledge and capacity in these two areas of interest. Continue to represent the strength of small business in local economies, both business owners and their BIAs, to encourage ongoing competitiveness. In addition, a key component of the Communications Coordinator role will be to maintain consistency of messaging for the Association across all platforms and programs with respect to each Initiatives goals and objectives. This is a critical to ensure a solid messaging platform and brand for OBIAA to the broader public and its membership.Communications and outreach will take place throughout each program. The approach provided as part of this Terms of Reference will act as the baseline for outreach and marketing throughout the project. Working closely with the OBIAA, the communications lead will develop a more detailed plan and delivery strategy.
The communications plan for each Initiative should position OBIAA at the centre of these progressive efforts to support small business across the Province and demonstrate how information will be shared with the broader BIA membership and the public across Ontario.
Communications Scope of Work
The Role will incorporate a variety of tasks related to communications, marketing, outreach and event management through a variety of mediums. Primary functions of the Coordinator position will include the following:1)Completion of a Project Communications Plan for each Initiative
- A Communications Plan will guide the delivery of each project through its delivery to March 2020. It will be focused around knowledge sharing on the findings of the study, and increasing capacity across the province for data capture over the long term. It will be reviewed by the (Advisory) Committee for each project and presented to the Province for record. It will include:
-Existing channels and use of new tools;
-Medium of outreach to be used throughout the project;
-Outline of key events, campaigns;
-Exploration of alternative and creative marketing platforms;
-Schedule of digital, print, social and in person marketing events.
2)Preparation of the following materials throughout the project for each Initiative:
- all press releases to municipalities; the province; the public;
- text and imagery for social media posts;
- text for print media and newsletter updates;
- text and imagery for webpage;
- monitoring of any online campaigns proposed through Facebook or Twitter; and,
- Support the project team and the consultation lead with presentation slides and materials;
- Note: Use of the project brand will also need to be incorporated into marketing materials. Due to the project timelines, the Brand will be developed independent to the communications scope of work.
- Formatting and layout (or oversight of) for all report deliverables throughout the project.
- Provide consistent and distinct messaging across both Initiatives;
- Quality Control of materials prior to public release;
- Ongoing management of the Communications calendar on behalf of OBIAA.
Deliverables, Schedule & Budget
Communication deliverables will be in line with the required timelines set forward by the Province in each Project’s respective Transfer Payment Agreement. A comprehensive Communications calendar will need to be developed in collaboration with the OBIAA Executive Director and Board of Management.Project Timing:
- 24 months total (commencing end of January 2018 with final report March 31, 2020)
Communications Coordinator Fee Estimate:
- Fixed Fee upon award.
- $80-95,000 range.
Compensation is based on an employee/employer relationship, however OBIAA will entertain bids from companies to undertake the described work.
Reporting Relationships
The Communications Coordinator will act as the main point of contact on marketing and communications for both the Energy Efficiency Awareness Initiative and the Digital Main Street Initiative for both the Digital Mainstreet Committee (“DMC”) and the Energy Advisory Committee (“EAC”) on all deliverables.Weekly coordination and project status updates between OBIAA, the PM, and the Communications Coordinator will take place. Updates to the OBIAA Board of Management may be required, on request.
OBIAA Executive Director to provide direct line management for Communications staff.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when a member’s private or personal interests may take precedence over or compete with his or her responsibilities as a committee member.Conflicts of interest must be immediately reported to the OBIAA Executive Director who will seek the advice of both the Province and where appropriate, TABIA, on determining a course of action.Confidentiality
In the course of carrying out the role and responsibilities associated with each Initiative, the Communications Coordinator is expected to respect the confidentiality of all sensitive information discussed.General Terms and Conditions
The Communication Coordinator must adhere to the General Terms and Conditions as outlined in their contract between OBIAA and themselves.Deadline for Submission
May 10, 2018April 2018 Page 1 of 5