Attendance: Dylan Shubitz (HACA); Hosie Washington (SafePlace); Natalie Metzger-Smit (LifeWorks); Liz Baker (ATCIC); Sam Woollard (CoC Consultant); Niki Paul; Becky Casey (ECHO Staff); Allyson Randall (Green Doors); Jim Ward (Caritas); Elvira Lathrop (HACA); Kathy Ridings (The Salvation Army); Christina Diaz (HATC)
9:30-9:35WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Hosie Washington (Chair)
9:35-10:20General UpdatesNiki Paul/Katy Manganella
- 2016 ECHO Workgroup Updates
- PIT Committee-Katy M.
- Currently in planning-mode; looking to learn strategies/tactics from Voices of Youth Count
- Voices of Youth Count-June 7th – Volunteers will be focusing on hotspots as well as conducting shelter surveys
- Suggestion to standardize methodology to keep consistency from year to year
- HMIS Committee-Katy M.
- Update next month
10:20-11:00 HUD Continuum of Care Niki P. / Sam Woollard
- FY15 HUD CoC NOFA Debrief and Summary
- Scored high overall
- Lost most points in System Performance
- Successful with Public Housing agencies
- Asking why score is so low for how project applications were reviewed and ranked
- 3B-1.4. Performance Measure- Agencies confused on how to answer this question
- Discuss how to address changing definition of chronically homeless
- Will not be funding TH for domestic violence for much longer
- Any project not funded-suggestion to begin working with field office ASAP
- HUD would like to see a lot of reallocation
- FY16 NOFA plan to be released by the end of June
- HUD will provide guidance on desired benchmarks
- Guidance strongly encourages CoC’s to prioritize HMIS in Tier 1-will not meet criteria for Tier 2
- Asking HUD to be more transparent with their processes and provide more guidance when making significant changes
- Moving forward, all PH projects need to be aligned with Housing First model
- FY16 HUD SNAPS in Focus-CoC NOFA Competition Recap (Norm Suchar Brief)
- FY16 and FY17 CoC Policy Recommendation Review
- Recommendations:
- Increase Scorecards from 50% to 55% of application
- Project to be ranked based on overall score vs. within project type categories
- Project w/consistent deobligated funds should be reduced by an amount agreeable to the project agency and CoC (10% threshold)
- Explore the idea of locally-funding HMIS vs. using HUD funds ($150,000); Discuss at Membership Council Meeting
- FY16-SafePlace TH should be kept in Tier 1; ability to reallocate TH for DV is going to take time
- After this year, TH will not be considered an eligible category; goal to only have PH projects in both Tiers
- All PH projects must be Housing First/low barrier after this year
- Suggestion to hold off on presenting to Membership Council until Executive Directors are in the loop and have a chance to provide feedback
- Need for consistency across the community as to what Rapid Re-housing is and entails
- Reallocated projects in FY16-exempt from Performance Scorecard due to lack of performance data
- Concern with reallocation of projects being exempt in some categories
- Need to be able to maximize HUD funding as well as recognize potential community funding sources
NEXT MEETING: July 6, 2016 9:30-11am, LifeWorks, 3700 S. 1st Street