Issues in Law and Justice, Academic
60 Day Course Overview
Grades 11 & 12
Description / This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the major elements of law and justice. A core text, selected short stories, articles, and case law will be utilized. Emphasis will be placed upon criminal and civil law, Constitutional rights, court procedures, the corrections system, and everyday legal transactions. Current legal and justice issues will be tracked regularly through the media. This course addresses Whitman-Hanson Student Expectations 1, 3, 5-7
Major Course Objectives / When students have completed Issues in Law and Justice, they will
1.)Define the term law and explain the reasons for having law.
2.)Discuss the relationship between laws and values, providing specific examples.
3.)Evaluate a series of actions to determine whether they should be considered criminal, and if so, decide appropriate punishments based on current legal criteria.
4.)Explain the purpose of tort law and its relationship to criminal law.
5.)Identify and describe legal liability and wrongful acts.
6.)Describe the basic rights of consumers and responsibilities of sellers.
7.)Define “family” and the legal issues facing it.
8.)Explain the rights and duties of tenants and landlords in property law.
9.)Describe the basic freedoms described in the Bill of Rights and assess their contemporary interpretations.
10.) Identify contemporary and ongoing legal cases and describe
their importance.
11.) Describe and apply the techniques of criminal investigation.
12.) Explain the roles of each party involved in criminal and civil
legal proceedings.
13.) Define the steps involved in the prosecution of criminal cases
and the execution of tort law.
Performance Objectives / Success in Issues in Law and Justice will be assessed by the following standards:
1.)Students can successfully read and comprehend the course textbook as indicated by correctly completing teacher generated and workbook exercises throughout the course.
2.)Students can successfully read and comprehend assigned supplementary readings at the appropriate level..
3.)Students are able to write free response essays that address the rubric for the appropriate level.
4.)Students can response to specific questions of recall and analysis after completing supplementary readings and/or viewing appropriate audiovisual materials.
5.)When writing, students will meet the appropriate criteria of the rubrics.
6.)Students will apply the various fields of law through the execution of mock trials.
7.)Students will create projects exemplifying criminal investigation methods.
8.)Students can answer correctly multiple choice and short answer questions that demand recall and recognition of specific concepts and topics.
9.)Students are able to participate in and/or present demonstrations and/or develop visual projects that show understanding of particular legal concepts.
10.) Students can develop, express and defend opinions in classroom
discussions that are founded in legal facts.
11.) When participating in cooperative exercises, students will integrate
knowledge from the entire course to achieve end goals of the lesson.
12.) Students will pass the class with a cumulative average of 60% or
13.) Students will peer edit based on criteria supplied by the teacher.
14.) Students can successfully complete self-assessments given appropriate criteria.
Unit Outline /
  1. Introduction to the legal system
  2. Criminal Law
  3. Criminal Procedures
  4. Juvenile Justice
  5. Tort law
  6. Consumer Law
  7. Family Law
  8. Housing law
  9. Individual Rights and Liberties

Resources / Core text:
Arbetmen, Lee P. Street Law: A Course in Practical Justice. 1994: West Publishing. St. Paul, MN.
Internet labs
Videos, Handouts, PowerPoints
WHRHS Student Expectations /
  1. Read, write and communicate effectively.
  2. Use mathematics, computers and technologies effectively.
  3. Identify, define, analyze, and solve problems.
  1. Acquire, process, apply, and integrate knowledge.
  2. Attend regularly, participate, study and work effectively.
  3. Demonstrate personal, educational, social and civic responsibility.