Parks Advisory Board Minutes – January 9, 2015 Page 3


~Annual Meeting~

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting of January 9, 2015

7:30 a.m. – Tradewinds Park and Stables – Coconut Creek

Board Members Present

Alicia Howard / Daniel Mulieri / Stephanie Munson
Arthur McNeil / Howard Nelson / Stephen Lawson
Christina Clifford / Jack Mathison / Tyson Jones
Dana MacDonald / Patrick Brochu / Terry Danger

Board Members Absent

Alex Lazowick / Guy Roper / William Norkunas

County Staff

Cathy Hagen / Dan West / Lou Metz
Cyndy Baker / Gayle Preston / Racquel Henry
Cheryl Cayer / Gary Remillet / Sarah Perkins
Chester Pruitt / Jim Federici / Tim Waln

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Board) meeting was called to order by Chair Mathison at 7:35 a.m., after which all present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called; a quorum was present.

Chair Mathison announced that David Flaherty has resigned from the Board. Mr. Norkunas and Mr. Roper have excused absences.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Mr. Nelson to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2014, meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Clifford and was passed unanimously.

Public Comments: Chair Mathison inquired if there were any members of the public who wished to speak on any Parks related topic. There were none.

Park Manager’s Report: Tim Waln, Park Manager V

Mr. Waln invited meeting attendees to visit the gift shop. He stated that 2014 was a successful year for Tradewinds Park and Stables. The following volunteers played a significant part in the success of the park:

Coconut Creek High School, Lynn University, Rotary Club, YMCA and Eagle Scouts. There was increased attendance at the Third Annual Fall Festival which was co-sponsored by the Farm Hands friends group. There were 37 individuals that volunteered at this event and $5,000 was raised for the retirement horses at the park. Volunteers contributed approximately 4,000 hours work time to Tradewinds Park in 2014.

Mr. Waln also reported that 27,800 cars went through the Holiday Fantasy of Lights Show, which is an increase over last year. The Broward Disc Golf Association donated $4,000 to improve the disc golf course at Tradewinds. The LED lighting that was installed in 2014 saved over 62,000 kWh of electricity.

An Earth Day event is being planned for the 2nd Saturday in April with the key focus being environmental education. Staff from Extension Education will give presentations.

Plans are underway to start a community garden this year. Produce will be used to feed the farm animals.

Bond Construction Update: Jim Federici, P.E., Manager, Parks Planning and Design

·  Tradewinds Park North – This $7,000,000 project will be on the January 27 Commission agenda. Project includes new sanitary sewer system, new multi-use park service center and redevelopment of the farm area.

·  Miramar Pineland Park – The architectural agreement will need to be approved by the Commission. The design process will begin in two (2) months.

Mr. West added that the $7,000,000 Tradewinds project is the first step in making Tradewinds Park and Stables a themed destination attraction. Mr. Nelson suggested that Parks reach out to organizations such as Farm Bureau and IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) for recommendations and information.

Mr. Jones noted that there is no budget amount listed for Phase 2 of the Everglades Holiday Park project on the Bond Project Status Report.

Ms. Munson asked about signage for Tradewinds Park along the Florida Turnpike. Mr. Waln stated that staff is considering putting farm theme artwork along the Turnpike once an artist is selected. Mr. West stated that plans are underway for an organic farmers market.

Ms. Howard asked if social media was used to promote events at the parks and if Hands on Broward was used for volunteers. Mr. Pruitt, Parks Community Partnership and Outreach Program Manager, stated that Parks has partnered with Hands on Broward on many projects. Ms. Baker, Parks Public Communications Group Manager, stated that Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are used to promote events.

Parks Foundation Update: Mr. Nelson stated that the Parks Foundation’s first fundraising event is being postponed until next year. The Foundation is in the final stage of setting up membership levels. Mr. Pruitt stated that the first project for the Foundation will be constructing a splash pad, amphitheater and a fitness area at Delevoe Park, with hopes of completing it by June 2015, to be timed with the 2015 National Urban League Conference.

Parks and Recreation Division Update: Mr. West stated that there are two (2) new County Commissioners. A short presentation is being prepared for Commission staff on the Division’s top three (3) initiatives. County Administration would like to use the remaining bond money since the Bond Initiative program has been ongoing for over 10 years. Parks has 45 bond projects to be completed.

Project proposals will be submitted this year or next to improve Quiet Waters Park’s waterpark and play area to make it suitable for all ages. Proposals to redo the administration office, park entrance and a new maintenance facility at CB Smith Park will also be submitted. Also, a proposal for a new building at Everglades Holiday Park, will be submitted but this project is five (5) to seven (7) years from now.

Next Tuesday a delegation will be heard by the Commission regarding feral cats at TY Park. The County has guidelines regarding feral cats and park operations. Mr. West stated that parks are not the best location for trap, neuter and release programs for cats. Cherise Williams, residing Security Manager, is currently working with Cat Crusaders and Cat Pals to manage the cat population in Parks. Mr. Danger suggested that Parks contact Larry Deeds who could serve as a good resource for both sides.

Mr. Nelson asked if there is any traction for a second bond. Mr. West replied that if Parks receives $5,000,000 every year to complete projects and for the aging infrastructure, it may be enough. There will be a Capital Asset Management Program for the Division.

Ms. Munson asked about the police memorial at Markham Park that was discussed at a previous meeting. She also inquired about the pool at Markham. Mr. West replied that the memorial project will likely be moved to another location. The pool renovation project was not funded and another $150,000 would be needed for staffing.

Mr. Mulieri asked about the letter of support that Senator Sobel requested at September’s meeting regarding installation of high-efficiency pathway lighting and to convert the existing park irrigation system to one that uses reclaimed water. Mr. West replied that staff will look into a follow-up.

Old Business

Secret Shopper – Ms. Hagen thanked the Board members who participated in the Secret Shopper program and encouraged other Board members to visit the parks and complete the survey. She stated that secret shopper forms were completed for CB Smith, Tradewinds, Deerfield Island, Vista View and Brian Piccolo Parks.

New Business

Draft Goals and Objectives

After discussion by the Board, the draft 2015 Goals and Objectives was passed unanimously.

Mr. Jones asked about the Division’s policy on guns in parks. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Metz stated that with a few exceptions, park visitors with valid concealed weapons permits may bring their firearms into the parks subject to Florida Statutes.

Mr. Nelson reported that the opening ceremony for the Adaptive Mountain Bike Trail System will be at Markham Park and Target Range on Saturday, January 24, 10 a.m. It is the first trail in the county designed and built solely for persons with physical disabilities.

Mr. Nelson stated that a provision of a state law that was passed six (6) years ago prohibits the use of private funds for wetland mitigation and restoration projects on State-owned lands that were acquired with certain funds. This prohibits private individuals from assisting the County in restoring wetlands. The Florida Home Builders Association and some counties are moving forward with legislation to amend the law. If passed, this will allow Broward County to attain and restore wetlands.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:46 a.m.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at Plantation Heritage Park at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015, followed by a Public Forum at 7 p.m.