My “Field of Dreams” Descriptive Narrative

For this essay assignment, you will be composing a descriptive narrative in the manner of Kinsella’s Shoeless Joe. In the first chapter titled “Shoeless Joe Comes to Iowa” Kinsella not only gives a detailed description of the Ray’s farm but also of the vision Ray has of the ball field or part of the ball field that he will create. The author expends great effort in meticulously describing Ray’s attention to detail in creating his ball field and area surrounding it. Your job is to emulate W.P. Kinsella to an extent and compose a descriptive narrative about a place that is very special in your life. This place might someplace special that only you know about, or possibly your back yard or a local park; maybe it is ball field or rec. center, or maybe it is just your room. Wherever you choose, you will be creating not only a detailed description of the place, but also a rationale for the choice, AND in depth, emotional look at the reasons you like to spend time there (DisneyWorld or Destin, FL might be too large of a topic, but the beach at Destin or a particular part of a larger area might work better).

Each essay should include an introductory paragraph, at least one paragraph that includes some background information on the place and on how you came to choose this spot or its history, a description of the place using concrete, sensory images that should focus on more than “just the facts”, and then a paragraph that attaches some specific story about a “special” time you experienced while at this spot in the manner that Thoreau has.

Requirements: Your essay must be typed, at least two (2), full pages in length, and include some type of visual representation of the place. Other requirements include 12-point, TNR font (or less), 1-inch margins, header in the upper left hand corner of the first page. You may choose to take a few pictures to include in the final draft, or to draw it if you are artistic, or include some type of visual you create while at this particular site.

Graded Due Dates are as follows:

Tues. 1/28 Working Outline/Thesis Due

Fri., 1/31 Rough Draft Due, Peer Edit, Visual work

Thur., 2/6 Final Draft Due with

+ Rough Draft/Peer Edit and Visual