Advanced Functions and Modeling

Mrs. Jonna Ramsey, Room #416

(704) 799-1831 ext 1416

Parents and Students:

Welcome to Advanced Functions and Modeling! I am excited to start a new semester and am looking forward to working with you. It is very important that students are here every day! This includes being present both in mind and in body as well as being prepared for class. Should you ever feel that you need extra help it is important that you get it immediately. I will be available before and after school with very few exceptions.

I have high expectations for all of my students. I truly believe that all students can succeed in this class. I will do my best to help my students master the material presented in AFM. Parents, you are the most valuable tool I have in educating your child. There are several ways you can help your child be successful:

1.  Make time each day to ask your child what they did in class.

2.  Make sure your child studies each night. If they finished their work in class, they should study notes.

3.  If your child has problems with the homework, have them read over their notes. These are posted on my website daily as an added resource for your student.

4.  Encourage your child to get a study partner who is taking this class or has already taken the class.

5.  If your child still does not understand the homework, encourage them to see me for help before or after school the next day.

6.  Stress the importance of a good education.

Materials needed for this class include:

·  3 ring binder with loose leaf paper

·  Pencils (work will NOT be accepted in pen)

·  ACCESS TO INTERNET! All notes and assignments will be posted on my website daily.

·  REQUIRED Graphing Calculator (TI 84+ or better)

o  Please understand your child MUST HAVE A CALCULATOR for this class!

o  If you do not have a calculator you can check one out from the library, but it must be returned at the end of the semester.

What is AFM?

By the time your student leaves my classroom they will be able to say the following statements:

1.  I can create and use calculator-generated models of linear, polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, power, and logarithmic functions of bivariate data to solve problems.

2.  I can summarize and analyze univariate data to solve problems.

3.  I can use theoretical and experimental probability to model and solve problems.

4.  I can use logarithmic (common, natural) functions to model and solve problems and justify results.

5.  I can use piecewise-defined functions to model and solve problems and justify results.

6.  I can use power functions to model and solve problems and justify results.

7.  I can use trigonometric (sine, cosine) functions to model and solve problems and justify results.

8.  I can use recursively-defined functions to model and solve problems.

Grading Policy:

All grades for the class will be averaged together as follows:

Homework/Classwork/Daily Grades will count as 20% of your overall grade.

Work is NOT accepted after the day it is due unless you are absent. If you are absent you are responsible for getting missed assignments from me or a friend and completing them within 3 days for credit. If you miss a quiz or test, you must make it up within one week of your date of return. It is your responsibility to complete missed assignments in a timely manner.

Quizzes will count as 35% of your overall grade.

Quizzes will be frequent and unannounced.

Exams will count as 45% of your overall grade, with the exception of the final exam (a state test), which will be worth 25% of the final grade.

There will be a test on each unit, which will always be preceded by a review.

Test Correction Policy:

·  IF/when I allow test corrections it will be for the class as a whole. No individuals will be allowed to make corrections unless I give the whole class the same option.

·  The grading for the test corrections will be as follows:

o  80% will account for the original test grade

o  20% will account for the test corrections

·  All corrections are required to occur in my classroom before or after school. The times available for these corrections will be announced and posted.

·  Students are encouraged to come and seek help before attempting corrections.

·  There will be a deadline for corrections and anything after that deadline will not be accepted.

Parent Contacts:

I will contact parents on an individual basis when concerns arise based on grades and/or behavior. Please feel free to contact me as often or as little as you would like on your own. I will be sending reports home often to keep you updated on your child’s progress.

Extra Help Options:

·  Please see the extra help schedule posted outside my door and on my website for available times.




Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have along the way. I am looking forward to a great semester!

Thank You,

Jonna Ramsey

(704) 799-1831 ext 1416


(This is a very important sheet and should be kept in your notebook at ALL times)

Student Responsibilities

·  Be prepared to begin class when the bell rings.

·  All work is to be shown and done in pencil to receive credit.

·  Flow quickly and quietly from one activity to another.

·  Keep your notebook neat, organized and up to date.

·  Help clean the classroom and the area around your desk in order for the class to be dismissed on time.

·  Work is NOT accepted after the day it is due unless you are absent.

·  If you are absent, you are responsible for getting missed assignments.

Teacher Expectations

I expect for you to…

·  come prepared and ready to learn each day.

·  come to class with a good attitude and sense of humor.

·  do all of your assignments.

·  respect yourself and others.

·  be willing to work with and help all others in this class.

·  take care of this room and it’s contents. You are responsible for the calculator you use in class – make sure that it is not damaged or lost!

·  behave like an adult while in my room.

·  give your all each and every day.

·  be genuine and honest in all you do and say.

·  ALWAYS ask a question if you are unsure about something.

Other Information

·  You may bring a bottle of water to drink but nothing else. Absolutely no open containers are allowed.

·  The dress code will be strictly enforced. If you are in violation, you will be asked to change into something appropriate.

·  Hall Passes - will have the opportunity to use the assigned hall pass when you need to be out of the room, but be aware that you will be missing valuable information while you are out and that opportunity should not be taken advantage of during direct instruction. Whatever you need to be out of the room for can wait until I am finished teaching each lesson or activity. Use your time wisely and maturely.

I will work hard to provide you with a learning environment where you can enjoy learning and feel comfortable.

I will cover all of the material you need in order to do well in this course and on the exam.

Now let’s work together to make this a great semester!