Enter Your Name Here
Page: 1
The following information is complementary to the UF T&P Guidelines and is meant to assist you in preparation of this packet. It is NOT intended to replace the UF T&P 2011-2012 Guidelines, which provide more detailed information: .
If a category does not apply, please put “N/A” by that heading; if there is nothing to report, but in principle there could be activity in this area,use “None.”
This is a brief description of the assigned duties and responsibilities.
Briefly describe areas of specialization.
Note: If necessary, change the years to accommodate your packet. Delete the columns that are not applicable.
/ 2010-2011 / 2009-2010 / 2008-2009 / 2007-2008 / 2006-2007Teaching
/ 2005-2006 / 2004-2005 / 2003-2004 / 2002-2003 / 2001-2002Teaching
Administrative duties are to be listed under service. Advisement duties should be listed under teaching. Please indicate with * leave of absence. Do not create additional categories. Please indicate 0 where there is nothing to report. Use whole percentages only. The combined total for each year should be 100%.
List all degrees awarded to you in reverse chronological order.
Institution / Field of Study / Degree / Year- EMPLOYMENT
Please list employment in reverse chronological order. For employment history within UF, please provide breakdown of ranks and/or administrative positions and dates. Indicate if the position held was tenured, tenure accruing or non tenure if position was with an institution of higher education. Include postdoctoral information in this section.
Institution / Position / DatesUniversity of Florida
Year or N/A
Department Criteria: To be entered by the Department Administrator. Include a copy of the department’s specific clarifications of the University and College criteria.
College Criteria:
Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor and Promotion to Full Professor are based on distinguished professional activities in the areas of teaching, research, and service. Candidates must exhibit “distinction” in two of these areas, and normally these are research and teaching. “Distinction” is defined in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as an excellent and sustained record as demonstrated by well-known evaluative measures in the disciplines and areas of the College. The distinction of a candidate is based on complex information that includes productivity, innovation and creativity, and positive impact on students, the community, and the academic discipline of the candidate. These criteria are evident in the evaluation of teaching through student class evaluations, contributions to Department and University curriculum, peer evaluations, and recognition of teaching. Distinction in research and scholarship is especially evident through the documentation of productivity included in the packet and the evaluation of that record by internal and external reviewers in light of expectations of productivity at major research universities.
TEACHING - There should be evidence of a sustained commitment to excellence in teaching by the candidate as reflected in student teaching evaluations, faculty/departmental peer evaluations, and instructional materials. Peer evaluations are expected for promotion and tenure to Associate Professor as well as promotion to Full Professor. If student or peer evaluations are not present in the packet, their lack must be explained by the candidate and/or chair/director.
RESEARCH - There should be evidence of a body of work of sufficient quality and quantity that has produced at least the beginning of a national reputation for significant and creative contributions to the candidate's field of research for the promotion to Associate Professor with tenure. In addition, there should be evidence of the promise of continued intellectual growth and productivity. For promotion to Professor, an established national and/or international reputation is expected, as well as the indication of sustained high quality work.
The expectations of research productivity vary by the major areas of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural/Mathematical sciences as well as by each discipline within these broad areas. Each department has published guidelines that detail these expectations. In general, candidates for promotion to Associate Professor/tenure in the humanities are normally expected to have a book-length scholarly manuscript completed and accepted for publication by a press recognized in the field. Candidates for promotion to Professor in the humanities are normally expected to have two scholarly books in published form available for departmental/college review. The expectations in some fields may, however, be closer to those in natural and social science disciplines. The natural and laboratory sciences are focused primarily on a substantial record of refereed articles in visible journals and evidence of the viability of a research program, often reflected in successful external funding. The mathematical and natural sciences regard refereed articles in important journals appropriate to the field as primary publication outlets. Social science fields vary according to discipline and even sub-field within them. A scholarly record of research resulting in several peer-reviewed articles published each probationary year is expected, and in some cases, a scholarly book on that research is deemed appropriate for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure. Candidates for promotion to Professor in the social sciences are generally expected to have a second book, when appropriate, or a similar record of articles with recognized impact on the field or profession.
SERVICE - For promotion to Associate Professor/tenure, there should be evidence of a positive contribution to the life of the department, college, and university. For promotion to full Professor, a candidate is expected to make a positive contribution to the department through service on key committees as well as participation in university and professional service. A candidate's service record may also include service to the state and the nation.
These three areas of activity should conform to the annual assignment of duties, and the tenure and promotion evaluation should be a reflection of these annual assignments. For this reason, annual letters of evaluation of the faculty should make note of any exceptional assignments in teaching, research, or service and the resulting productivity in any area that goes beyond that of other faculty members in the unit.
University Criteria:
The university’s criteria for granting tenure, promotion, or permanent status shall be relevant to the performance of the work that the faculty member has been employed to do and to his/her performance of the duties and responsibilities expected of a member of the university community. These criteria recognize three broad categories of academic engagement:
(A) Teaching – Instruction, including regular classroom teaching and distance/executive/continuing education, direction of theses and dissertations, academic advisement, extension education programs, and all preparation for this work, including study to keep abreast of one’s field.
(B) Research – Research or other creative activity including, peer-reviewed publications.
(C) Service – Public and professional.
All tenure track faculty will have some portion of their time assigned to research unless alternative assignments are approved in advance by the appropriate dean and senior vice president. Each faculty member shall be given assignments that provide equitable opportunities, in relation to other faculty members in the same department, to meet the required criteria for promotion, tenure, and permanent status. Extension contributions in academic service may be inclusive of the three broad categories described above. Refer to Regulation 6C1-7.010(2)(b) for a detailed description of these activities specifically designed for extension faculty.
Changes in evaluation criteria shall not become effective until one year following adoption of the changes.
In no more than 750 words, describe your teaching, advising, and/or instructional accomplishments, including as appropriate curriculum and course development, service as graduate/undergraduate coordinator, supervised research through credit courses, and the development of new courses, CD ROM’s, educational software and multimedia materials. Candidate’s Statement of Teaching should be included in this section. Please use section 13 for research narrative.
Please copy and paste the table below as necessary. Please include evaluations since last promotion (not to exceed 10 years) or from UF employment for tenure nominees. List in reverse chronological order. You must list your scores using two decimals (i.e. 4.50 BUT NOT 4.5).
Please list the course title under course name – i.e. CHM 1025: Intro to Chemistry – Section #
If the course was team-taught, show percent level of responsibility.
Do not include copies of printouts giving the actual evaluation results in the packet.
Peer Evaluations or the results thereof should be included in this section, after the Student Evaluations.
Please make sure that the entire evaluation falls in one page.
- UF Teaching Evaluations
Required Course – Indicate Yes or No
Number Enrolled -
Responses – If the number of responses is higher than number enrolled, please provide explanation.
Scale used: High = 5; Low = 1
Instructor / Department / College1. Description of course objectives and assignments
2. Communication of ideas and information
3. Expression of expectations for performance in the class
4. Availability to assist students in or out of class
5. Respect and concern for students
6. Stimulation of interest in course
7. Facilitation of learning
8. Enthusiasm for the subject
9. Encouragement of independent, creative, critical thinking
10. Overall, I rate this instructor as:
COURSE NAME & SECTION #i.e. CHM 1025: Intro to Chemistry – Section #
Required Course – Indicate Yes or No
Number Enrolled -
Responses – If the number of responses is higher than number enrolled, please provide explanation.
Scale used: High = 5; Low = 1
Instructor / Department / College1. Description of course objectives and assignments
2. Communication of ideas and information
3. Expression of expectations for performance in the class
4. Availability to assist students in or out of class
5. Respect and concern for students
6. Stimulation of interest in course
7. Facilitation of learning
8. Enthusiasm for the subject
9. Encouragement of independent, creative, critical thinking
10. Overall, I rate this instructor as:
Required Course – Indicate Yes or No
Number Enrolled -
Responses – If the number of responses is higher than number enrolled, please provide explanation.
Scale used: High = 5; Low = 1
Instructor / Department / College1. Description of course objectives and assignments
2. Communication of ideas and information
3. Expression of expectations for performance in the class
4. Availability to assist students in or out of class
5. Respect and concern for students
6. Stimulation of interest in course
7. Facilitation of learning
8. Enthusiasm for the subject
9. Encouragement of independent, creative, critical thinking
10. Overall, I rate this instructor as:
B. Peer AssessmentPlace Peer Evaluations here after all student evaluations.
Start New Page with section 11.
Yes and the year granted or No
Include this table if applicable otherwise state none. List since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment for tenure nominees. If student has not completed the degree, then indicate expected completion year. List items in reverse chronological order. Please delete the categories that are not applicable. If you are a co-chair, please indicate the percentage of your responsibility. If you wish to do so, you may list in Section 33 students from other institutions that you have worked with during the ten-year period.
Please visit this website to confirm if you have been officially registered on the student’s committee -
Applicant’s Role / Student / Home Dept. / CompleteDate
Chair, X Ph.D. Committees / Student 1 / Mathematics / Anticipated 2010
Student 2 / Mathematics / 2002
Student 3 / Mathematics / 2002
Chair, X Masters
Committees / Student 4 / Mathematics / 2000
X Ph.D.
Committees / Student 5 / Statistics / Anticipated 2010
Student 6 / Statistics / 2003
Student 7 / Statistics / 2003
Student 8 / Statistics / 2003
Member, X Masters
Committees / Student 9 / Statistics / 2004
Student 10 / Statistics / 2004
In no more than 750 words explain your research contribution to your discipline. Describe briefly the overall area within which your research program falls and how your publications, creative work, research projects, grants, fellowships, extension work, etc. reflect your research/creative program and your achievements. There is no need to cite specific works and grants listed elsewhere in the packet. Simply reference work published, exhibited during certain time periods, or supported by various sources. Please address the quality of the journals in which you publish and the impact of your research/creative program.
If you have creative works, they should be listed in reverse chronological order otherwise indicate None in this section. Create a subheading for PowerPoint presentations, if applicable. Refer to instructional and informational presentations that may be delivered numerous times as “Instructional Multimedia Presentations” rather than “PowerPoint Presentations.” Do not list individually, but summarize for each year. Create a subheading for publications developed in support of web based communication and teaching, such as Webinars, if applicable.
If you have patents and/or copyrights, they should be listed in reverse chronological order otherwise indicateNone. Please include date(s) with each item and give an indication of the significance of its (their) contribution to the profession/discipline.
List publications from entire career. Publications should be listed in reverse chronological order. Start first with accepted publications, then list in press items, then your most recent publication. Please do not use the term “forthcoming.” Use the term “accepted” or “in press.” For those publications that are in accepted or in press status, please indicate the approximate number of published pages. In addition a copy of letter of acceptance is REQUIRED and must be appropriately labeled and attached in section #33. Do not include submitted publications or books under contract, which are to be listed following the same format as in section 16, but in section 33.
The format of the citation is of your choice, but entries should contain the information requested. The names of all authors must be included as they appear in the publication. The name(s) of the senior/principal author(s) are to be underlined. Listed below are the required elements for each publication category. Indicate “None” if there are no entries in any of the subsections below.
Graduate students, post-docs, fellows and interns listed as authors should be identified. The preferred way is by means of asterisk with a footnote explaining what the asterisk identifies.
On-line publications - please include URL. IF the publication cannot be accessed via URL, please provide a letter from the publisher appropriately labeled in section 33.
Publication citations including words in a foreign language should have the English translation listed in parentheses.
All publications must appear in one of the categories. Do NOT eliminate and/or create any category. Do NOT include theses and/or dissertations. All subsections (a-k) must be listed. If an article is longer than one page, give first and last page numbers.
a.Books, Sole Author
Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
b.Books, Co-authored
Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
c.Books, Edited
Editor, Co-Editor(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
d.Books, Contributor of Chapter(s)
Author, Co-Author(s), Title of Book and Chapter, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
Author, Co-Author(s), Title, Series of Volume, if applicable, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
f.Refereed Publications
Author, Co-Author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publication, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages
A paper is considered to be referred if it appears in a journal whose papers are published only after review and acceptance by one or more independent professional expert(s) of national or international standing.
Refereed Proceedings – should be listed as a separate category in this section. The nominee should provide a brief explanation of the review process for the proceedings. This may be listed as a footnote to the publication list.
g.Non-refereed Publications
Author, Co-Author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Bulletin, Circular, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages
Materials listed under non-refereed publications should include not only those journal articles which have not been refereed, but also extension publications delivered in print or via electronic format, and electronic bulletins.
Author, Co-Author(s), Title, Publisher, if applicable, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
Author, Co-Author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publication, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages
Author, Co-Author(s), Title and Author of Work Reviewed, Where Review was Published, Date, Inclusive Pages
Reviews listed here are written by the nominee about someone else’s work.
Reviews of a nominee’s work should be listed in section 33.
Author, Co-Author(s), Title, Source of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages
Media releases are to be included in this section.
Since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment for tenure nominees. Listing must be in reverse chronological order under each sub-category below. Please indicate “None” in every category and subcategory for which you have no entries.
- International
- National
- Regional
- State
- Local
- Other
In determining which sub-category to use,consider the target audience, location of the presentation, type of conference, etc. The entries muststate if the presentation was invited. Lectures, speeches, or posters presented by postdoctoral associates, graduate students, or others under the supervision of the nominee should be identified as such. Should there be nothing to report in this section, please indicate None.
List in reverse chronological order. Include all sub-categories. Should there be nothing to report, please indicate None. In the case of participation as a co-PI, please include percentage level of responsibility for the entire project.