Minutes of the MCA Board Meeting, May 9th, 2015
The meeting was held at the Mizzou Student Union Center. Meeting was called to order by President Selden Trimble at 1:10 pm.
Board members present: Ed Baur, Bob Holliman, Bob Howe, Ron Luther, Martin Stahl, and Selden Trimble. Absent: Ken West & Thomas Rehmeier
No future meeting date was set at this time. The board felt a summer meeting was not needed. A summer meeting will be called if necessary, otherwise the next meeting will correspond with the Missouri Open in September.
Minutes: The minutes of the January 2015 meeting were shared. One minor change made. B Holliman Moved to approve as changed, R. Luther 2nds. Minutes Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report from Martin Stahl was accepted. B Holliman moved to accept, R. Luther 2nds. Report Accepted. (See Appendix A.)
Webmaster Report: Tim Nesham requested more content for the new online MCB. Everyone is encouraged to contribute articles and information. Lindenwood university chess club would like to have a page talking about it’s program. The board agreed this was a positive thing to promote chess in Missouri and the content editor could oversee it and similar outside groups promotions. Martin Stahl shared some statistics about number of views, searches, on and off clicks, etc that the website was generating.
Membership Report: Thomas Rehmeier wasn’t present, but had shared the current Membership Report via email. (See Appendix B)
Old Business:
State Scholastic: Thomas had submitted a financial report of the tournament. The board reviewed it. There was discussion on the problem with the table delivery and possible options for next year. A quote to insure the event for $391, which would be a new expense was also considered.
Denker Qualifying Tournament: Bob Howe discussed the Denker/NGIT event and Columbia College Open. The Denker tournament a small strong field. The Open had a number of new players and a solid turnout of local players. The girl’s tournament numbers were back down after a few years of climbing. Bob is hesitant to continue the event due to lack of interest.
Boards and Sets/Boy Scouts: Bob Holliman shared that the sets for the Boy Scouts were received by Karl Bodenheimer to distribute to scout camps across the state. Five sets were also given to 4 different schools at the state tournament, and about 20 were given away to individuals at the state tournament via a raffle. This program likely to be continued and expanded in future years.
Missouri Class Championship: Bob Howe reported Class is set for June 27th-28th in St. Louis at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center. The tournament will offer a 1 day option for U/1000 and will try to have a Master Class separate from Expert in the Main event.
Hall of Fame: Selden Trimble presented a nomination for Rex Sinquefield to the Missouri Hall of Fame. Trimble motions to induct him. B Howe 2nds. Motion passes. A presentation at the Missouri Open will be given.
New Business:
Missouri Open: Bob Howe will run the event in Columbia this year. No plans have been finalized yet.
Afghanistan Chess Sets: A request for chess sets for a tournament for GI’s in Afghanistan was brought to the board by R. Luther. Ed Baur motioned to donate $300 to the Westport Chess Club to purchase chess supplies for Major Krasnesky in Afghanistan. B Holliman 2nd. Passed.
Service Award: Ron Luther proposed Merit Awards be given to Tim Cambell and the Springfield Chess Club. B Holliman 2nd. The motion passed.
S. Trimble moves to adjourn. Stahl 2nds. Meeting is adjourned at 3:29pm.
Appendix A:
The Missouri Chess Association
Treasurer’s Report: October 2nd, 2014 - January 30th, 2015
Account Summary
Beginning Balance: $ 15,408.06
Total Deposits: $ 1,545.00
$ 85.00 membership dues
$ 1,415.00 MO Open Registrations and Pre-registrations
$ 45.00 donation given at MO Open
Total Expenses: $ 5,810.04
$2,899.99 MO Open Prizes
$ 41.25 MO Open Rating Fees
$ 260.00 MCA Pen Reimbursement
$ 2,608.80 Table/Chair Rental for State Scholastic
Closing Balance: $ 11,143.02
MCA Balance: $ 5,513.38
MCA Scholastic Balance: $ 5,629.64
Martin Stahl
Appendix B: Membership Report:
There are presently 127 members on the MCA roster that are current. This includes 17 Life/Courtesy memberships. This number is significantly down from when I last reported. We have been hovering around 180-200 for the last couple of years.
As this is just an objective report on the numbers, I will reserve speculation on the reason for the decline, but I receive fewer and fewer post-tournament membership packets from area tournament directors.
With the upcoming CCA Mid-America Open being held in Saint Louis, I believe we have the opportunity to gain a decent amount of members, but in the past, we have had to post an MCA representative at the registration desk to accomplish this.
Thomas Rehmeier
MCA Membership Chair
Appendix C:
Motion to buy Boy Scout chess sets (2)
Selden Trimble
me and 3 more...
Jan 10
You know of Karl Bodenheimer's suggestion at the last Board meeting that the MCA might want to donate chess sets and boards to various Boy Scout summer camps. We talked some about it then. It seems to me a good idea for us to do that. The MCA is a not-for-profit organization and, as such, is supposed to do certain kinds of charity work towards the promotion of chess in Missouri. This seems a perfect fit.
In addition, if we put our logo and Columbia College's logo on the boards, it give both us and Columbia College publicity. I think that would be a good thing towards our proper use of Columbia College's money to us.
But I don't think the Board ever voted to do this. At least, it's not in the minutes.
Bob Holliman is almost set to put in an order for 100 boards with logos and with weighted sets for our use at the State Championship in March. It makes sense to me for him to order 54 more sets for the Boy Scouts, if the Board so approves.
In emails to me on January 5th and 6th, Bob gives the cost of these to be $5.50 per double-weighted set and either $3.75 or $4.75 for boards with logos. So we already have an expense of $925 or $1,025 for 100 boards. The additional 54 boards would add $499.50 or $553.50 to our costs. I think we can afford this without any trouble. I hope that Martin will confirm this.
I'm getting worried about our upcoming meeting this Saturday. Neither Bob Holliman nor Tom Rehmeier nor Martin Stahl is sure he can attend. Bob Howe can attend and so can I. I've not heard from the other four yet. If we have a meeting with no quorum, we can't conduct business. But we now have a way to conduct business by email. For your convenience, I've copied the regulation we approved at our last meeting.
The Board of Directors may conduct regular business by email in the following manner:
Any Director can email a motion simultaneously to all of the other Directors.
Within 7 days, at least one Director must simultaneously email all of the other Directors with a second to this motion. If no such second is so emailed, the motion dies for lack of a second.
Within 7 days of the first second, each Director may simultaneously email a response to all of the other Directors with the answer to one question: (1) Are you in favor of the proposed motion?
The proposed motion passes if the returned emails show an affirmative vote of at least five directors.
The Secretary shall record all such motions, seconds, and votes in the minutes of the next regular meeting.
So I'm making a motion that the Board approve buying 54 double-weighted sets and boards with our logo and Columbia College's logo to be given to various Boy Scout camps, per Karl Bodenheimer's suggestion, and that Bob Holliman be authorized to purchase such sets and boards forthwith.
Would someone please immediately second this motion.
Cheers, Selden
ron luther
Selden Trimble me and 3 more...
Jan 11
I second the motion.
Ron Luther
Jan 12
According to the emails that I've received, my motion to
approve 54 chess sets and boards-with-logos for the Boy Scouts was
seconded by Ron Luther and approved by Bob Howe, Bob Holliman, CJ
Armenta, Ron Luther, and Martin Stahl. That's five people. For the
record, I also approve it, so that makes six. (It should not be
interpreted that the three who have not voted do not approve the
motion. Each may indeed do so. But there can be many reasons for
not having voted. Any one of them can still record his yea or nay.)
The motion passes.
So I request that Bob Holliman ask his supplier for 154
double-weighted chess sets and boards-with-logo, 100 for our later
disposal and 54 for the Boy Scouts. Bob and Martin should
communicate with each other about how the funds will be got from the
MCA to Bob's supplier.
We can decide later exactly how to get the sets and boards to
the Boy Scouts. We'll discuss that with Karl Bodenheimer. I believe
he has some ideas along about this. I'll notify him of our action.
I'll ask Bob Howe to please record all this in the minutes of
the next meeting. I believe that's what the By-Laws say is to be
On another matter, I've not heard from Ed Baur. Is my email
address wrong for him? I've got . I believe this is
the same as his email address on the MCA website.
Cheers, Selden