TERM OF OFFICE: 2 years, appointed
BY-LAWS – needs to be written by Jill Allbrandt
The CAB chair shall be responsible for the Certification of practitioners and the Accreditation of courses for the Energy Kinesiolgy Association (EnKA®) The CAB char may perform any of these tasks and/or recruit and oversee volunteers for any of these tasks.
- Review applications for Certification of Practitioners
- Review applications for Accreditation of Courses
- Provides assistance/support to help applicants through the process.
- Recruits volunteers/committee members for CAB
- Does this belong with CAB or is it an appointed position within the EnKA® board? Processes Ethics complaints, informing EnKA® Board of Directors with either recommendation for resolution or request for help with resolution.
- Coordinates authoring and editing of any revisions to policy and forms to the EnKA® Board of Directors in the form of a recommendation. EnKA® Board will review, and upon approval, go through the process of motion and approval.
- Dialogues with Organization Members and Association Members and their elected Board Representative
- Follows up with Accredited course teachers to remind them of expectations – handing out EnKA® brochures/fliers, applications for Student Membership, Conference publicity, EnKA® Code of Ethics, certification information
- Keeps track of and reminds members of compliance with ongoing requirements for certification: continuing education, ethics, first and and CPR requirements.
- Holds monthly meeting of CAB committee.
- Communicates regularly with the President of EnKA®
- Provides EnKA® web site content for CAB pages
- Promotes Certification and Accreditation via articles for thekk EnKA® Quarterly Newsletter, EnKA® 1st Thursday Guest Speaker Program, Speech at EnKA® Conference (T4H conference, etc)
- Promotes Organizational Membership and Accreditation and Certification program to Ks which are not yet EnKA® members through communication with presidents of those Ks.
- Provides report in WORD document enclosed in e-mail to President of ENKA® Board one week before each board meeting. Provides verbal report during board meeting.
- Attends monthly EnKA® Board Conference Call meetings as well as pre and post conference and POD meetings ??
- Maintains records of expenditures, submits expenses for reimbursement at least quarterly.
- Oversees committee members and volunteers.
- Maintains records of Certification and Accreditation
FORMS AND FORMATS – electronic format
Certification application documents
Accreditation application documents
Ethics complaints process and forms documents
Letter to teachers listing expectations including but not exclusive to number _ above.
It is required that this person have computer and software, and be proficient in e-mail, Microsoft Office or equivalent, and have voice mail.
1CAKL; p. 1 of 1; 12/28/18; 1:32 AM