TERM OF OFFICE: 2 years, appointed

BY-LAWS – needs to be written by Jill Allbrandt

The CAB chair shall be responsible for the Certification of practitioners and the Accreditation of courses for the Energy Kinesiolgy Association (EnKA®) The CAB char may perform any of these tasks and/or recruit and oversee volunteers for any of these tasks.


  1. Review applications for Certification of Practitioners
  2. Review applications for Accreditation of Courses
  3. Provides assistance/support to help applicants through the process.
  4. Recruits volunteers/committee members for CAB
  5. Does this belong with CAB or is it an appointed position within the EnKA® board? Processes Ethics complaints, informing EnKA® Board of Directors with either recommendation for resolution or request for help with resolution.
  6. Coordinates authoring and editing of any revisions to policy and forms to the EnKA® Board of Directors in the form of a recommendation. EnKA® Board will review, and upon approval, go through the process of motion and approval.
  7. Dialogues with Organization Members and Association Members and their elected Board Representative
  8. Follows up with Accredited course teachers to remind them of expectations – handing out EnKA® brochures/fliers, applications for Student Membership, Conference publicity, EnKA® Code of Ethics, certification information
  9. Keeps track of and reminds members of compliance with ongoing requirements for certification: continuing education, ethics, first and and CPR requirements.
  10. Holds monthly meeting of CAB committee.
  11. Communicates regularly with the President of EnKA®
  12. Provides EnKA® web site content for CAB pages
  13. Promotes Certification and Accreditation via articles for thekk EnKA® Quarterly Newsletter, EnKA® 1st Thursday Guest Speaker Program, Speech at EnKA® Conference (T4H conference, etc)
  14. Promotes Organizational Membership and Accreditation and Certification program to Ks which are not yet EnKA® members through communication with presidents of those Ks.
  15. Provides report in WORD document enclosed in e-mail to President of ENKA® Board one week before each board meeting. Provides verbal report during board meeting.
  16. Attends monthly EnKA® Board Conference Call meetings as well as pre and post conference and POD meetings ??
  17. Maintains records of expenditures, submits expenses for reimbursement at least quarterly.
  18. Oversees committee members and volunteers.
  19. Maintains records of Certification and Accreditation

FORMS AND FORMATS – electronic format

Certification application documents

Accreditation application documents

Ethics complaints process and forms documents

Letter to teachers listing expectations including but not exclusive to number _ above.

It is required that this person have computer and software, and be proficient in e-mail, Microsoft Office or equivalent, and have voice mail.

1CAKL; p. 1 of 1; 12/28/18; 1:32 AM