Doctrine Seminar:
Spring 2008 Dr. Johnny Pressley TTH 515
Feb. 28-29 Cincinnati Bible Seminary 1 semester hour
Cincinnati Christian University
Intensive Schedule
Thursday Friday
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
1:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 12:20 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Course Requirements
Ø Satisfactory attendance and conduct (10% of semester grade)
Ø One exam (25% of semester grade)
Ø Three reading projects (65% of semester grade)
Due Dates
Mar 20 Exam Apr 3 Reading 2
Mar 27 Reading 1 Apr 10 Reading 3
Materials Needed
Doctrine Seminar: The Lord’s Supper notes (to be posted on Moodle the week of class)
Course Objectives
The Doctrine Seminar series presents a variety of theological concepts for study. While all of the subjects selected are dealt with to some extent in other courses, the Seminar course allows the opportunity to pursue a greater focus and depth with these doctrines. The Spring 2008 Seminar will focus upon the doctrine of the Lord’s Supper, providing a clear exposition of the Biblical description of its nature and purpose, a survey of controversial issues, and guidelines for a meaningful observance of the Lord’s Supper.
Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
a. Describe a variety of meaningful ideas that can be derived from the Lord’s Supper ceremony
b. Explain the significance of the bread and juice elements of the Lord’s Supper
c. Respond to a variety of practical questions regarding the proper way to partake of the Lord’s Supper
d. Give some guidance regarding communion meditations and quiet reflections
Course information, lecture notes, and assignments will be posted online on Moodle
a. Go to the CCU homepage (home.ccuniversity.edu)
b. Click on the Moodle button on the right
c. Login with your username (student ID number) and password
d. Need help with login:
1) Contact the Registrar’s office (513-244-8170)
2) Or contact our Moodle Maven (513-244-8475)
1. Attendance will be checked throughout the day and time missed will be logged
2. Course limit for being absent: no more than 2 hours
3. Attendance grade scale:
0 absence = 100 1 ½ hours = 90
30 mins = 97 2 hours = 85
1 hour = 94 2+ hours = Dropped
At the end of our class sessions, you will be given a comprehensive exam over the course lectures to be completed at home and then returned to Pressley
Reading Projects
1. Read the historical passages assigned below
2. Submit a written report for each reading assignment
a. Write the full questions, and then give your answer
b. Most of your answers will come from your reflection upon the assigned text and the class lectures
b. And if necessary, do some research
3. Basic typing instructions
· Typed double-spaced, 1 inch margins on all sides
· A type font size similar to the text on this page (Times New Roman, 12)
· Letter quality print that can be read easily
· Page numbers in upper right-hand corner or in bottom center
· Stapled in the upper left-hand corner
· First reference to a person: first and last names; thereafter: last name only
· Title page
· No credit for handwritten, email, or fax submissions
4. Grading will take into account:
a. The quality of the content (i.e., careful thought, good expression)
b. The general appearance of the term paper (i.e., is the spelling, grammar, and neatness appropriate for graduate level work)
Reading 1
Read Ignatius
Letter to the Smyrnaeans
Letter to the Romans
Letter to the Philadelphians
1. Who was Ignatius, and when did he live and write?
2. Who were the Docetists that Ignatius is writing against, and what wrong ideas did Docetism teach about Jesus Christ?
3. Explain why the Docetists refused to partake of the Lord’s Supper.
4. What does Ignatius say must be present in order for an observance of the Lord’s Supper to be valid?
5. How does Ignatius use the Lord’s Supper to argue for the unity of the church?
6. In his Romans epistle, what three “bread” phrases does Ignatius use to refer to the flesh of Jesus Christ?
7. What is Ignatius talking about when he refers to “the wheat of God” and “the pure bread of God”?
8. What do you think Ignatius is trying to say when he draws a parallel between the Lord’sSupper and his own personal experience?
9. What do you think Ignatius is trying to say when he speaks of the Lord’s Supper as “the medicine of immortality” and “the antidote to prevent us from dying”?
10. What is your assessment of Ignatius’ teaching on the Lord’s Supper?
11. How much of the Ignatius assigned reading did you read?
Read the Didache
12. What is the Didache, and when was it written?
13. Who does the Didache say are the only people who should be permitted to partake of the Lord’s Supper?
14. What reason is given, and what Scripture text is used for this argument?
15. When should the church gather and break bread, according to the Didache?
16. What is your assessment of the Didache’s teaching on the Lord’s Supper?
17. How much of the Didache assigned reading did you read?
Reading 2
Read Justin Martyr
The First Apology, ch. 61-68
The Second Apology, ch. 69-70
1. Who was Justin Martyr, and when did he live and write?
2. What was Justin’s purpose for writing these two Apologies?
3. Justin says that after a person has been baptized (“washed”), he would be brought to the place where the church was assembled. What three things happened next?
4. Who distributed the Lord’s Supper to the congregation, according to Justin?
5. What was the requirement mentioned by Justin for a person to be allowed to partake of the Lord’s Supper?
6. The Roman Catholic Church refers to Justin as an early believer in transubstantiation. What statement does Justin make that sounds like he might believe that the bread is in some way the flesh of Christ?
7. Identify the text in Isaiah that Justin says is a prophecy of Christians dwelling in “the lofty cave of a strong rock” and eating the bread and “water” of the Lord’s Supper?
8. What is your assessment of Justin Martyr’s teaching on the Lord’s Supper?
9. How much of the Justin Martyr assigned reading did you read?
Read the Irenaeus
Against Heresies (Adversus Haereses)
Book 4, ch. 18, ch. 33
Book 5, ch. 2
10. Who was Irenaeus, and when did he live and write?
11. What was Irenaeus’ purpose for writing this book?
12. The Roman Catholic Church refers to Irenaeus as an early believer in transubstantiation. What statement does Irenaeus make in Book 4, chapter 18, that sounds like he might believe that the bread is in some way the flesh of Christ?
13. What statement does Irenaeus make in Book 5, chapter 2, that sounds like he might believe that the bread is in some way the flesh of Christ?
14. What does Irenaeus mean when he calls the Lord’s Supper cup a “mingled cup” (or “mixedcup”)?
15. What is your assessment of Irenaeus’ teaching on the Lord’s Supper?
16. How much of the Irenaeus assigned reading did you read?
Reading 3
Read John Calvin
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Book 4, ch. 17, sections 43-50
Book 4, ch. 18, sections 10-11
1. Who was John Calvin, and when did he live and write?
2. How should the Lord’s Supper be set before the church if it is to be “administered most becomingly,” according to Calvin?
3. What was Calvin talking about when he says that we should approach the Lord’s Supper as “hungry men”?
4. Calvin says that the “lawgivers” of the Roman Catholic Church propose “pretend perils” if the Lord’s Supper cup would be given to the laity. What was Calvin’s simple response to this argument?
5. What was the opinion of Gelasius regarding those who choose not to partake of the cup?
6. What was the response by Cyprian to those who would deny the “blood of Christ” to the laity?
7. What does Calvin say the early church fathers meant when they referred to the Lord’s Supper as a “sacrifice”?
8. Give the quotation from Augustine that Calvin uses to show the contrast between the “Hebrew” idea of sacrifice and the Christian idea of sacrifice in the Lord’s Supper.
9. How did the ancient writers “misinterpret this memorial in a way not consonant with the Lord’s institution,” according to Calvin?
10. What does Calvin mean when he says “nothing would be safer for pious hearts than to rely upon the pure and simple ordinance of God, who also the Supper is said to be, since his authority alone ought to be in force in it”?
11. What is your assessment of John Calvin’s teaching on the Lord’s Supper?
12. How much of the John Calvin assigned reading did you read?
Non-thesis Credit
1. A theology major wishing to take this course for non-thesis credit should submit the proper form during the two days of class
2. Write and submit a research paper
a. A topic related to our study of the Lord’s Supper, approved in advance by Pressley
b. 40-45 pages
c. 10+ good reference sources
d. Other style instructions to be given by Pressley
3. Due date: April 24
Late Work
Assignments received after the due dates are late
a. Minus 5 points each day an assignment is late
b. Penalties are based upon the date an assignment is received by Dr. Pressley
Grade Scale
A (100 – 95) B+ (91 – 89) C+ (82 – 80) D+ (73 – 71)
A– (94 – 92) B (88 – 86) C (79 – 77) D (70 – 68)
B– (85 – 83) C– (76 – 74) D– (67 – 65)
1. Any part of this course and its expectations may be revised by the professor as needed, with fair notice to be given in class
2. To contact Dr. Pressley outside of class:
Office: Library/Grad building, downstairs, office #1
Phone: (513) 244-8104 Email:
Mailing address: Dr. Johnny Pressley
Cincinnati Christian University
P. O. Box 4320
Cincinnati, OH 45204