City of Nicoma Park
Regular Meeting
July 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Notice is hereby given of the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Nicoma Park to be held at 7:00 p.m., July 12, 2011 at 2221 Nichols Drive, Nicoma Park, Oklahoma. Notice has been posted in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
Call to Order.
Invocation and Flag Salute.
Roll Call.
The Consent Agenda includes routine items that can be approved by one motion of the Council. If any proposed item does not meet with the approval of the Council, said item will be removed and placed under the Business Agenda. The following items are recommended for consideration:
a. Minutes of the June 7 Regular Meeting and June 21 Special Meeting.
b. Payment of June Claims.
c. Acknowledge payment of June Payroll and Benefits in the amount of $46,857.51; City Attorney $500.00; Judge $700.00.
d. Approval of July estimated payroll in the amount of $47,000.00.
e. Reimbursement of Petty Cash:
General Government $127.92
Fire Department $30.34
Public Hearing to determine whether the following properties should be declared detrimental to the health, benefit and welfare of the public and community and direct staff to take appropriate action to abate same.
Public Hearing to be held for the following properties due to tall weeds and grass and/or the accumulation of trash.
A. Property located at 11339 N.E. 23rd Street, property owner James D. McWater.
B. Property located at 10325 N.E. 17th Street, property owner Latrisha V. Bizzell.
C. Property located at 2133 N. Avery Ave., property owners Georgia Mills et al, Helen Sitts, Billie Hayes.
D. Property located at 11311 Stewart Ave., property owners Darrell and Evalia Johnston.
E. Property located at 10801 N.E. 16th St., property owners Hughie and Dolores Whisenhunt.
F. Property located at Nicoma Park Addition Block: 010 W35FT of N200FT of Lot 5 & N200FT of Lot 6, property owner Bible Baptist Church of Nicoma Park, Inc.
G. Property located at 11801 Draper Ave., property owner Delores Anne Marie Honea.
H. Property located at 10313 N.E. 17th St., property owner Michael Harman Trust.
I. Property located at 10345 N.E. 17th St., property owner Vickie L. Harman, Executor, Michael Harman Trust.
J. Property located at 11400 N.E. 23rd St., property owner Gene Hale, Trustee, Gene Hale Trust.
Discussion, consideration and possible action to be held on the following Business Agenda Items:
A. Appointment to fill Ward 4 vacancy for a term ending May 2012.
B. Swearing-in of Ward 4 Councilmember. (If appointed under Item 5A.)
C. Appointments to fill vacancies on the Board of Adjustment. There are two positions open for a term 7/1/2011 to 6/30/3014.
D. Appointments and/or continued appointments to the Personnel Board.
E. Amend Jail Fee Reimbursement rate from $43 per day to $48 per day on the Schedule of Fines, Fees and Forfeitures. This is increase will be effective July 12, 2011 to cover the increase in the Oklahoma County Jail daily rate. (Page 4 of the Fine Schedule.)
F. Revise the Regular Council Meeting Schedule to change the September meeting date from September 13th to September 6th.
G. Adoption of Resolution No. 2011-02 establishing the 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Rate for calendar year 2012.
H. Renewal of the Jail Services Agreement between the City of Midwest City and the City of Nicoma Park. The term of this agreement is July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. The rate did not increase from the previous year and is $42.00 per day prorated to the closest 30-minute interval.
I. Mayor’s appointment as the City’s representative to the EOC Medical Authority.
J. Return City Hall and city services back to five days a week as opposed to four days currently.
K. Tornado shelter policies with respect to animals, capacity and management.
L. Proposal to remove/modify tint on police patrol cars to make consistent with Oklahoma Statutes § 47-12-422.
M. Solutions to speeding problems on Sewell and other streets throughout the city. Items to consider:
1. Dropping speed limit to 25 from 30 mph.
2. Large speed bump(s).
3. More patrols, meaning more officers.
This item is listed on the agenda to provide the opportunity for City Council discussion on items which may arise, and which could not have been known about, within 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Remarks from the public or members of the governing body. No formal action can be taken.
A. Discussion and possible action: Collective Bargaining Agreement with Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Nicoma Park Lodge 153. Executive Session requested under the provisions of 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(2).
B. Discussion and possible action: Ongoing legal matters. Executive Session requested under the provisions of 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(4).
C. Discussion and possible action: The employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of the Police Chief. Executive Session requested under the provisions of 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1).
a. Planning Commission Minutes
b. Code Enforcement
c. Fire Department
d. Police Department
f. Eastern Oklahoma County Medical Development Authority
Posted at 2:00 p.m. on July 7, 2011
by the City Clerk, Beverly McManus.
Nicoma Park Development Authority
Regular Meeting
July 12, 2011
Notice is hereby given of the Regular Meeting of the Nicoma Park Development Authority of the City of Nicoma Park to be held immediately following the 7:00 p.m. City Council meeting at 2221 Nichols Drive, Nicoma Park, Oklahoma.
Call to Order.
Roll Call.
a. Minutes of June 7, Regular Meeting.
b. Payment of June Claims.
c. Reimbursement of Sewer Fund Petty Cash in the amount of $148.17.
Discussion, consideration and possible action to be held on the following Business Agenda Items:
A. Approve acquiring a 20-year loan rather than a 15-year loan for the Dollar General Sewer Project. This was recommended by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to make sure we can meet our debt coverage ratio.
Posted at 2:00 p.m. on July 7, 2011
by the City Clerk, Beverly McManus.
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – July 12, 2011 AGENDA – Page 4