7MAY 2008
The meeting commenced at 7.00 p.m. and concluded at 8.05 p.m.
Members of the Committee present:
Councillor Wilkins (Chairman)
Councillors Bulteel, Chandler, Evans, Gregory, Leverett and White
Members of the public in attendance: Approx. 25.
There were no apologies for absence received.
There were no declarations of interest received.
RESOLVED that subject to
The substitution of the words ‘incepting communities’ with the words ‘intercepting communications’ in the last paragraph of Minute HEW50.08;
the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Area Committee held on 26March 2008, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising – Outdoor Activity Centre - update
In response to a question from a representative on behalf of the Friends of Hamworthy Park the Meeting was informed that the working party referred to in the update was an internal working party consisting of Officers and Members. Wider consultation would follow the work of the working party.
Representatives referred to the Council’s powers and the process to be followed before these powers could be implemented.
The Principal Scrutiny Support Officer informed the Meeting that a Scrutiny of the Council’s powers and policies relating to school admissions was planned to take place during June. The arrangements were at an early stage and no date had yet been set pending the appointment of the Council Committees at Annual Council on 13 May 2008. Members of the public would be welcome to attend the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting
The Chairman informed the Meeting that no further comment should be made at this time pending the Scrutiny of the matter.
Handrails at Hamworthy Beach
Richard Nicholson outlined proposals for the provision of handrails for steps to access Hamworthy Beach. A bid had been made for Planning Obligation funding following the Planning ‘Green Card’ procedure. Funding had been approved subject to no objection being raised by the Area Committee. The handrails would offer an interim solution to provide access for people with disabilities. Provision of a full ramp would take longer to consider the technical challenges.
While welcoming the provision of handrails representatives made reference to;
- Compliance to safety standards of the rise and going of the existing steps.
- Use of stainless steel as the most appropriate material.
- Technical challenges to the provision of a ramp could be overcome.
- Previously told funding from the ‘Beach Fund’ would be available for Hamworthy Beach.
In response to matters raised the Meeting was informed that;
- The legal position relating to the use of the ‘Beach Fund’ at Hamworthy Beach was being investigated.
- Technical challenges to the installation of ramps were being investigated; the current interim proposals were intended to provide access this year.
The Meeting noted the responses to questions submitted by residents circulated with the agenda and as a supplementary report.
- Surveillance
In response to the question circulated with the agenda the Chairman stated that;
‘I thank Mr Howard for his question with regard to surveillance. This matter has received considerable publicity recently in relation to its use in School Admission procedures, and I can confirm that it has been agreed that it be included on the Forward Plan for Scrutiny in the next few months. It is intended to complete the Scrutiny process before the next round of School Admissions commences. Members of the public will be welcome to attend the appropriate Scrutiny meeting.
As the matter is subject to scrutiny, I do not think it appropriate to go further at this stage, except to observe that in relation to Mr Howard’s question, whilst Members are not normally involved in investigation and enforcement decisions matters, decisions on surveillance cannot be taken by one Officer alone as there is a statutory authorisation process to be completed in each case involving senior officers.’
The Principal Scrutiny Support Officer reiterated that the planned scrutiny of the topic would examine the Council’s powers and policies related to school admissions.
- Staff Numbers
A resident noted the response included in the supplementary report.
- Tourism and Bus Travel
A resident expressed disappointment that the Council incurred expenditure while businesses received benefit. Councillor Leverett informed the Meeting that the government scheme for free bus travel was welcomed but government funding did not meet the total cost of the scheme leaving the Council to meet the difference.
- Port Line Rail Crossing
A resident queried whether further delays were now anticipated with the Port Line Rail Crossing. He felt that progress had been too slow.
The Ward Members informed the Meeting that, past delays including difficulties in addressing the issues with Network Rail were to be regretted but the bridge was being designed and a planning application was anticipated in September. The bridge was estimated to cost in the region of £550,000 and funding arrangements were still being clarified.
- Tourism Workshop
In response to a question relating attendance at a forthcoming Tourism Workshop Members informed the Meeting that discussions would take place initially with representatives of the tourism trade to identify appropriate tourism attractions for Poole. At this stage these could take any form from small events to larger projects. Consultation, including Residents’ Associations would follow this initial stage. The costs of the venue for the workshop were being met largely by tourism businesses, the Council’s contribution being £300.
It was stressed that a large number of jobs depended upon tourism and the income to the town was considerable.
- Notification of Planning Applications and Parking
A resident stated that a planning application in Beeches Close had not been advertised appropriately. Arising from this the resident stated that parking in the area was a constant, long-standing problem.
The Ward Members informed the Meeting that they were aware of the parking problem in Beeches Close and the wider Lower Hamworthy area. An area scheme was being investigated to avoid the relocation of problems by piecemeal restrictions
A resident enquired why it was necessary for refuse collections to be made at 6.00pm in the area. She felt it was due to difficult access due to the parking.
In response, the Ward Members accepted that due to difficult access smaller vehicles served routes. Collections were now made until dusk as part of improvements to services.
It was noted that the next Meeting would be confirmed at Annual Council (13May 2008).
Post Meeting Note; Future Meetings
Wednesday 9 July – 7.00pm Carter’s School (Councillor Gregory to Chair)
Wednesday 8 October – 7.00pm St James’ Church Hall (Councillor Bulteel to Chair)
Wednesday 3 December – 7.00pm St Gabriel’s Church Hall 1(Councillor Chandler to Chair)
Wednesday 11 February – 7.00pm Carter’s School 2(Councillor White to Chair)
Wednesday 15 April – 7.00pm St James’ Church Hall(Councillor Evans to Chair)