Slap that Word Associate and reinforce written and spoken words that have been introduced during your lessons. need Materials: fly swatter, word wall (words written on a chalkboard or white board). The goal of the activity is that given a spoken word, the student will quickly be able to recognize the word's written form.

Aim: Building fluency and recognition skills

Activity: Slap words located on a 'word wall'


·  Have your students gather near the word wall.

·  Use the following introduction: We are going to attempt to locate words on the word wall quickly. When you hear the word, look for the word on the wall and then swat it as fast as you can with this fly swatter.

·  Call out a word from the word wall and ask the first student whose turn it is to locate the word and swat it with the fly swatter.

·  Lead the class in a cheer when the correct word is slapped. Aid students who are having trouble. When the first student's turn is over, repeat the process for the next student.

WORDO! a game for practicing spelling, sight words, or letters.

You can download the wordo boardshere as a pdf, and there are four boards in the document.

To play WORDO!, every player gets a board. These WORDO! boards have nine boxes, 3 x 3.

And then depending on what your focus is–spelling words, sight words, letters, numbers, family names, whatever–each person chooses nine words from a set of flash cards to write in the boxes. A different word goes in each box.

Then, just like BINGO, someone flips the cards, and when a word is chosen that’s on your board, you cover it up. We play that a full board wins.

Each student has a different set of nine words.

And the first person to fill his or her board yelled, WORDO! as loud as he or she could. (I secretly think this was everyone’s favorite part.)

Sometimes we mix it up, and here’s how:

·  we use M & M’s for our markers (looove this one!)

·  they write with rainbow colors on their board

·  they choose each others’ words/ letters

·  they flip for each other

·  they use stickers as markers.