Performance Evaluations Portfolio

//KharaHais Municipality

SDBIP Quarter 1 Evaluations 2014/2015

The SDBIP for 2014/2015

The Service Delivery and Budget Implementation plan (SDBIP) is seen as a contract between the administration, Council and the community within jurisdiction of //KharaHais Municipality expressing the goals and objectives set by the Council as quantifiable outcomes that can be implemented by the administration over the next financial year.

It is a management, implementation and monitoring tool that will assist the Mayor, Councillors, Municipal Manager, Directors and community.

The definition of an SDBIP in accordance with the MFMA 56 of 2003:

a detailed plan approved by the Mayor of a municipality in terms of section 53(1)(c)(ii) for implementing the municipality’s delivery of services and the execution of its annual budget and which must include the following:

(a) projections of each month of-

(i) revenue to be collected, by source: and

(ii) operational and capital expenditure, by vote:

(b) service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter.”

Rating Scales
Outstanding performance / 5 / Performance far exceeds the standard expected of an employee at this level. The appraisal indicates that the employee has achieved above fully effective results against all performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA, performance plan and maintained this in all areas of responsibility.
Performance significantly above expectation / 4 / Performance is significantly higher than the standard expected in the job. The appraisal indicates that the employee has achieved above fully effective results against more than half of the performance criteria and indicators and fully achieved all others.
Fully effective / 3 / Performance fully meets the standards expected in all areas of the job. The appraisal indicates that the employee has fully achieved effective results against all significant performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA and performance plan.
Performance not fully effective / 2 / Performance is below the standard required for the job in key areas. Performance meets some of the standards expected for the job. The review/assessment indicates that the employee has achieved below fully effective results against more than half the key performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA and performance plan.
Unacceptable Performance / 1 / Performance does not meet the standard expected for the job. The review/assessment indicates that the employee has achieved below fully effective results against almost all of the performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA and performance plan. The employee has failed to demonstrate the commitment or ability to bring performance up to the level expected in the job despite management efforts to encourage improvement.
N/A / 0 / Not applicable. Indicator not measured. This rating does not have any effect on the end result.

//KharaHais Municipality

Quarterly Performance Report

Quarter 1 of 2014/2015

July 2014 to September 2014

The report summarises organisational performance at //KharaHais Municipality for the first quarter of the 2014/2015 financial year.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction ______1
  1. Office of the Municipal Manager ______2
  1. Directorate Corporate Services ______3
  1. Directorate Financial Services ______4
  1. Directorate Community Services ______5
  1. Directorate Electro - Mechanical Services ______6
  1. Directorate Planning & Development ______7
  1. Directorate Civil Engineering Services ______8

1. Introduction

This report represents the first quarter SDBIP performance evaluations for the financial year 2014/2015.

It is portrayed in the required format as approved by Council on 28 July 2009. Evaluations were conducted during the period 17 November 2014 – 21 November 2014.

Directorates evaluated for this quarter:

  • Office of the Municipal Manager;
  • Directorate Corporate Services;
  • Directorate Financial Services;
  • Directorate Community Services;
  • Directorate Electro-Mechanical Services
  • Directorate Planning & Development
  • Directorate Civil Engineering Services

Office of the Municipal Manager

IDP Ref / Indicator / Unit / Target / Actual / Measure of Attainment / Reason for Performance / Remedial Action / Owner
KPI 01 / PMS framework : Signed Performance Agreements for all Section 57 employees by 30 June 2015 (Financial year 2015/2016) / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Municipal Manager
KPI 02 / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Executive secretary temporarily appointed / Not Applicable / Executive secretary temporarily appointed / Vacancy to be filled / Municipal Manager
KPI 03 / 5 Percent deviation of actual expenditure vs departmental budget by 30 June 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Municipal Manager
KPI 04 / Manage Intergovernmental relations : 70 Percent Interventions achieved in terms of challenges per quarter / 70 Percent interventions achieved in terms of challenges per report / 5 0f 5 =100% interventions achieved / Fully Effective / 5 0f 5 =100% interventions achieved / Municipal Manager
KPI 05 / Senior Management meeting : Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / 3 Meetings held / 0 of 3 meetings held / Not Fully Effective / Meetings postponed / Meetings should be scheduled and held / Municipal Manager
KPI 06 / Joint Management meeting : Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / 3 Meetings held / 2 of 3 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 2 of 3 Meetings held / Indicator to be reviewed meetings are scheduled on a 2 monthly basis / Municipal Manager
KPI 07 / 1 Structured focus session by 30 June 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Municipal Manager
PI 001 / 100 Percent Execution of approved annual operational Internal Audit Plan per quarter / 100 Percent Execution of approved annual operational Internal Audit Plan per quarter / 8 of 8 on plan - 13 executed - 15 extra activities / Outstanding / 8 of 8 on plan - 13 executed - 15 extra activities / Chief Internal Auditor
PI 002 / Approved Risk based 3 year rolling plan and annual operational plan by 30 June 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Chief Internal Auditor
PI 003 / Auditing of performance information : Quarterly Audit reports / Quarterly Audit reports / 17 Quarterly Audit Reports / Outstanding / 17 Quarterly Audit Reports / Chief Internal Auditor
PI 004 / Audit Committee : Quarterly meetings scheduled / Quarterly Meeting / 2 Meetings for quarter / Above Expectations / 2 Meetings for quarter / Chief Internal Auditor
PI 005 / Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / Monthly meetings (3 / quarter) / 6 Meetings held / Above Expectations / 6 Meetings / Chief Internal Auditor
PI 006 / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Evaluations completed and submitted / Fully Effective / Evaluations completed and submitted / Chief Internal Auditor
PI 009 / 100 Percent execution of risk assessment annual plan activities per quarter / 100 Percent execution of risk assessment annual plan activities per quarter / 52 of 52 = 100% executed - 9 extra activities / Outstanding / All Risk assessments executed / Chief Risk Management
PI 010 / Effective functioning of Risk Management Committee : Quarterly meetings scheduled / Quarterly Meeting / Quarterly Meeting / Fully Effective / 1 Meeting held / Chief Risk Management
PI 011 / Approved Reviewed Anti - Fraud and Corruptions Strategy by 30 June 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Chief Risk Management
PI 012 / Approved Risk Management implementation plan by 30 June 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Chief Risk Management
PI 013 / Maintenance of organisational structure - 100 Percent requests completed per quarter / 100 Percent completion of all requests per quarter / 3 of 3 =100% Requests completed / Fully Effective / 3 of 3 =100% Requests completed / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 014 / Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / Monthly meetings (3 / quarter) / 3 of 3 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 3 of 3 Meetings held / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 015 / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Evaluations completed and submitted / Fully Effective / Evaluations completed and submitted / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 016 / Co-ordinate compilation and approval of SDBIP 28 days after Budget was approved / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / To be evaluated in Q4 / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 017 / Compilation and approval of Section 72 Report by 25/01/2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q3 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q3 / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 018 / SDBIP Quarterly Reports / Quarterly SDBIP reports ( 4 per annum) / Quarterly SDBIP Reports submitted / Fully Effective / Quarterly SDBIP Reports submitted / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 019 / Compilation and submission of Section 46 report by 31/08/2014 / Submission of report / Report submitted in time / Fully Effective / Report submitted in time / Manager Performance Management And Workstudy
PI 020 / Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / Monthly meetings (3 / quarter) / 3 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 3 Meetings / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 021 / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Evaluations completed and submitted / Fully Effective / Evaluations completed and submitted / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 022 / Non allocated ward projects - Quarterly reports indicating Percent progress and budget spend - 4 reports / annum / Quarterly report indicating Percent progress and budget spend / No projects due to budget constraints / Not Applicable / No projects due to budget constraint / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 023 / 1 Ward Committee Training session per annum / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 024 / 1 Councillor training session per annum / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 025 / 100 Percent of Councillors subsistence and travel allowances processed / 100 Percent processed / All travel allowances processed / Fully Effective / All travel allowances processed / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 026 / 14 Ward Committee Established by 30/09/2014 / 14 functional ward committees / 14 Functional Ward Committees / Fully Effective / 14 Functional Ward Committee / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 027 / Execution of National calendar special events per quarter / 2 events / 2 events / Fully Effective / 2 events executed / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 028 / Monthly reports reflecting coordination of Ward Committee documents for submission to finance before the 15th of each month / Monthly reports / Monthly Reports / Fully Effective / Monthly Reports / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 029 / Execution of 7 special events per annum / 1 event / 4 events / Above Expectations / 4 events executed / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 030 / 33 Ward based committee meetings per annum / 11 meetings / 21 Meetings held / Above Expectations / 21 Meetings / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 031 / 1 Ward based sector meetings per ward. per month / 42 meetings / 89 Meetings held / Outstanding / 89 Meetings / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 032 / 124 Ward committee meetings per annum / 34 meetings / 27 Meetings held / Not Fully Effective / 27 Meetings / Ward 8 and Ward 9 did not submit minutes of meetings / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 033 / Scrutinizing of Ward Committee minutes for referral of requests to relevant departments : 100 Percent requests referred / 34 meetings / All Requests referred / Fully Effective / All Requests referred / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker
PI 034 / Quarterly Report on CDW functioning / Quarterly report / Quarterly Report / Fully Effective / Quarterly Report / Manager:Office of the Mayor & Speaker

Directorate Corporate Services

IDP Ref / Indicator / Unit / Target / Actual / Measure of Attainment / Reason for Performance / Remedial Action / Owner
KPI 08 / 5 Percent deviation of actual expenditure vs departmental budget by 30 June 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q4 / Director Corporate Services
KPI 09 / Required information submitted for compilation of Annual Report by 31/12/2014 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q2 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q2 / Director Corporate Services
KPI 10 / Annual Report compiled and approved by 31 March 2015 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q3 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q3 / Director Corporate Services
KPI 11 / 80 Percent of assigned council resolutions executed by end of each quarter / 80 Percent of assigned council resolutions executed by end of each quarter / 8 of 21 completed - 13 in process / Fully Effective / 8 of 21 completed - 13 in process / Director Corporate Services
KPI 12 / Policy Guidance - Updated register and publishing of all policies on data storage device per quarter / Updated register and publishing of all policies on data storage device / Updated Registers / Fully Effective / Updated Register / Director Corporate Services
KPI 13 / Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / Monthly meetings (3 / quarter) / 3 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 3 Meetings held / Director Corporate Services
KPI 14 / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Evaluations completed and submitted / Fully Effective / Evaluations completed and submitted / Director Corporate Services
PI 067 / Communication Forum meetings - 3 meetings scheduled per quarter / 3 Meetings held / 4 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 4 Meetings held / Manager Communications Services
PI 068 / Writing of speeches - 3 speeches per quarter / Writing of speeches - 3 speeches per quarter / 11 speeches for quarter / Above Expectations / 11 speeches for quarter / Manager Communications Services
PI 069 / Municipal website - 3 updates per quarter / Municipal website - 3 updates per quarter / 9 website updates / Above Expectations / 9 website updates / Manager Communications Services
PI 070 / Municipal internal PVA - 3 updates per quarter / Municipal internal PVA - 3 updates per quarter / 20 PVA updates / Above Expectations / 20 PVA updates / Manager Communications Services
PI 071 / Updated Media Policy by 30/09/2014 / Updated Media Policy by 30/09/2014 / Updated Policy / Fully Effective / Updated Policy / Manager Communications Services
PI 072 / The Resident - 3 issues per quarter / The Resident - 3 issues per quarter / 3 Issues for quarter / Fully Effective / 3 Issues for quarter / Manager Communications Services
PI 073 / Press Releases - 4 releases per quarter / Press Releases - 4 releases per quarter / 41 press releases for quarter / Outstanding / 41 press releases for quarter / Manager Communications Services
PI 074 / Media coverage - 4 articles per quarter / Media coverage - 4 articles per quarter / 29 articles / Outstanding / 29 articles / Manager Communications Services
PI 075 / Media and Communications Committee - 3 meetings scheduled per quarter / Media and Communications Committee - 3 meetings scheduled per quarter / 4 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 4 Meetings held / Manager Communications Services
PI 076 / Establish and maintain a communication strategy by 30/09/2014 / Establish and maintain a communication strategy by 30/09/2014 / Strategy not established due to budget constraints / Not Applicable / Strategy not established due to budget constraints / Manager Communications Services
PI 077 / Die Werker - 3 issues per quarter / Die Werker - 3 issues per quarter / 3 Issues for quarter / Fully Effective / 3 Issues for quarter / Manager Communications Services
PI 078 / "Uit die Raadsaal" community radio programme - 22 programmes per annum / 6 programmes / 1 programme due to budget constraints / Fully Effective / 1 programme due to budget constraints / Manager Communications Services
PI 079 / Broadcasting of Council and Government events on PVA / 6 Broadcasts per quarter / 20 PVA updates / Above Expectations / 20 PVA updates / Manager Communications Services
PI 080 / Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / Monthly meetings (3 / quarter) / 4 Meetings held / Fully Effective / 4 Meetings held / Manager Communications Services
PI 081 / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Quarterly evaluations of all Section 66 employees / Evaluations completed and submitted / Fully Effective / Evaluations completed and submitted / Manager Communications Services
PI 035 / Pension fund administration - 100 Percent of employees registered for pension fund within 1 month from date of employment / Pension fund administration - 100 Percent of employees registered for pension fund within 1 month from date of employment / 6 of 6 = 100% / Fully Effective / 6 of 6 = 100% / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 036 / Group life scheme - Percent of employees on post level 13 & above registered for medical fund within 1 month from date of employment / Group life scheme - Percent of employees on post level 13 & above registered for medical fund within 1 month from date of employment / 12 of 12 = 100% / Fully Effective / 12 of 12 = 100% / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 037 / Medical fund administration - Percent of employees on post level 13 & above registered for medical fund within 1 month from date of employment / Medical fund administration - Percent of employees on post level 13 & above registered for medical fund within 1 month from date of employment / 34 of 34 = 100% for quarter / Fully Effective / 34 of 34 = 100% for quarter / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 038 / 95 Percent of approved leave forms processed in BIQ leave system within timeframe of 1 month / 95 Percent of approved leave forms processed in BIQ leave system within timeframe of 1 month / 100% Leave Forms processed well within timeframe (random sampling) / Above Expectations / 100% Leave Forms processed well within timeframe (random sampling) / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 039 / Process all applications for Acting allowance within 30 days / Process all applications for Acting allowance within 30 days / 29 of 29 = 100% within 30 days / Fully Effective / 29 of 29 = 100% within 30 days / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 040 / Review of Housing allowances within one month of notice from SALGBC / Review of Housing allowances within one month of notice from SALGBC / No Housing allowance applications for quarter / Not Applicable / No Housing allowance applications for quarter / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 041 / Evidence that the approved Organisational Structure is aligned with the HR System / Evidence that the approved Organisational Structure is aligned with the HR System / Limms System in process of integration / Not Applicable / Limms System in process of integration / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 042 / Three planned staff interactions by the end of each quarter / Monthly meetings (3 / quarter) / 3 scheduled - 1 Meeting held / Not Fully Effective / Lack of venue / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 043 / 100 Percent Execution of EE plan by 31 Dec 2014 / N/A / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q2 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q2 / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 044 / Reviewed and approved Employment Equity Plan as per legislation by 30 Sept 2014 / Reviewed and approved Employment Equity Plan as per legislation by 30 Sept 2014 / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q2 / Not Applicable / Not applicable. To be evaluated in Q2 / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 045 / Local Labour Forum administration - 1 meeting scheduled per quarter / Local Labour Forum administration - 1 meeting scheduled per quarter / 3 Meetings held / Above Expectations / 3 Meetings held / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 046 / 100 Percent Grievances completed within 30 days / 100 Percent Grievances completed within 30 days / No Grievances for quarter / Not Applicable / No Grievances for quarter / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 047 / 100 Percent Disciplinary hearings completed within 3 months / 100 Percent Disciplinary hearings completed within 3 months / 21 of 21 completed = 100% / Fully Effective / 21 of 21 completed = 100% / Manager Human Resource Management
PI 048 / 100 Percent execution of Occupational Health & Safety plan per quarter / 100 Percent execution of Occupational Health & Safety plan per quarter / 10 of 10 = 100% on plan executed / Above Expectations / 10 of 10 = 100% on plan executed / Manager Human Resource Management