Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Band Syllabus

This is the Syllabus for all Stilwell Middle School Bands of 2016-2017. Performances are required for all band students! Practicing at home is vital to keeping the band growing. Students are asked to practice a minimum of 90 minutes in a week. I have made this syllabus as short and self-explanatory as possible. Many previously determined guidelines are to be assumed, or will be explained in class. Students should be aware of all guidelines/rules/expectations below, as well as any discussed in class.


Contacting the director via email, phone call, text message, or any other media form (i.e. Facebook) should be done by parents only, unless permission from the principal. Parents, feel free to send text or messages to any of the above, or you can call anytime with questions or concerns!

Cell: (918)316-1761 Email:

Facebook: Band facebook:


Welcome to a new world here in the middle school! I thank you for choosing to be a part of our band program and hope there are many opportunities to make friends, as well as learn something fun in our class. As the year progresses, parents will see a difference in their child’s abilities on the instrument. I want to encourage you to bear the beginning of this adventure and the struggles your child might go through for at least a couple of months. This is the most crucial time in learning an instrument, and your positive encouragement to them will give them the courage it takes to get past the toughest part of learning!


The time you spend practicing means nothing if it is not spent wisely! Please make sure you spend at least 8-10 minutes each time you practice working on the most difficult parts of your music. The best model of a practice can be seen like an hourglass:

1. The top is your warm-up, long steady notes that get your embouchure ready to play.

2. The middle is the tough part, where most of the work gets done.

3. The bottom is the ending, where you reward your hard practice with fun songs you like!


Your equipment and/or instrument is how you earn a grade in class. You are responsible for having such at all rehearsals and performances. Any significant damage to instruments or school equipment is the student’s responsibility! The Music Store, Inc. is our affiliated store, so instruments will be sent here unless the student owns the instrument. The instrument will not be returned to the school until the repairs are funded.


Rehearsals (class practice sessions) are where students meet to work on playing together. That means notes and rhythms should be worked on at home as much as possible. As the year progresses, this will become a major priority of the students. When getting to the band room, gather your instrument, music/books, and stands as quickly as possible. Please leave all cases/bags on shelves to eliminate hazards and clutter. Your peers do not want to struggle to get around your mess!


Concert attire is a major factor in making a concert look professional. “Sunday’s best” is the idea: Dress shirt with buttons, slacks or khakis, nice dress shoes for the gents, dress/skirt and blouse for the ladies. Please wear school appropriate clothing, your principals will be there to see.

Explanation of grades for all rehearsals, performances, and auditions

Below is the list for all the grades you will receive for the year. It is your responsibility to keep track of the schedule given to you and to be early (not just on time) to every performance event and rehearsal.

Attendance is required by the school, and therefore, by the band program. If you miss with an unexcused absence, you will not receive points for that day. Excused absences will not affect your grade.

●  Rhythm books- 10 pts/week or 2 pts/day

●  Rehearsal technique- 20 pts/week

●  Friday quiz- 20 pts/week (once they begin)

●  Performances- 50 pts

The grade points are determined by importance. Performances are worth more, therefore will affect your grade more. In example, if you miss a concert, you could easily drop a letter grade (A to B). Rhythm books will not affect your grade as much, but missing enough will eventually be trouble. Keep in mind that performances are required, and may affect more than your grade. Be sure to make the director aware of any conflicts of schedule well before any event.

Making up assignments in this class is not easy, as being at rehearsals and performances cannot be re-enacted. Therefore, you need to be at EVERY event possible in order to keep your grades in check. If you are missing a day for any reason, let me know before that day! Otherwise, it will affect your grade. Again, Sick days also affect your grade if they are not excused by the office.

The future development of this band lies in the progress made this year, by students, parents and boosters, and by the director. Let’s all work hard to continually grow as individual musicians and as a united band! Support and encourage your fellow band mates all year!


Students will receive a band shirt, required for all contests or other events. Shirts will be $12 each. Please indicate the size your student needs to order below.

Circle one: Student (adult) shirt size- S M L XL Other: _____


I, the parent/guardian of ______, have read and understand the terms of the Stilwell High School Band handbook. I agree to comply with the requirements and restrictions stated, and know failure to comply will result in loss of privileges and, with more severe circumstances, in possible dismissal from the high school band program.

Signature ______Date ______

❏  I do NOT want photos of my child to appear on the band’s facebook page/website.


I give permission for my child, ______, to travel to all events associated with the band program in accordance of the schedule attached to this handbook. (Any events not listed may require a separate form.) Note: All rules given in Stilwell High School handbook are to be enforced in trips with the band program: NO EXCEPTIONS!

Signature ______Date ______