Please type or print clearly:


Last First MI

StreetAddress______City______St._____ Zip ______

Phone (Home) (___) ______(Work/Cell) (___) ______

E-mail Address______Employer ______

Sex: M ____ F ____ Spouse’s Name (if applicable) ______

Other persons living in your house and their relationship to you: ______

______Have you served in a Helps Ministry before? ______

If yes, name of church and when? ______

Give a brief description of when,where and how you were saved: _______

Have you been baptized in water? _____ If yes, when and where? ______

Do you believe: in the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ? ______

That Jesus is God’s Son? ______

That Jesus died for your sins? ______

That believing in, trusting in, and relying on Jesus is the only way to be saved? ______

That Jesus rose bodily from the dead? ______

That there is a heaven and a hell?______

That the scriptures are the infallible Word of God? ______

Do you tithe (at least 10% of your income)? ______

Briefly explain why you want to serve in the Helps Ministries: ______

Criteria for Helps Ministry Workers (please check all that apply):

I have completed Orientation.

I attend all services Sunday and Wednesday services regularly.

I am not now a drinker nor am I taking any illegal drugs, and have been drug free during the past six months.

I have not been involved in any illicit sexual activity (fornication, adultery, auto-sexuality, pornography, etc.) during the past twelve months.

I have not been involved in any homosexual activity during the past year.

I have not been accused of or convicted of child abuse of any kind (i.e. sexual, physical, etc.)

I am not a gossiper, slanderer or talebearer.

I am living a lifestyle consistent with Christian principles.

I am abiding by the guidelines of Spirit of Life Ministries.

I agree to abide by the guidelines of the Helps Ministry I am applying to work in.

I am submitted to authority.

Please read and sign:

I understand and agree that my acceptance into a Helps Ministry depends on the validity and truth of the above statements that I have checked. I also understand that if, at any time while I am a part of a Helps Ministry, it is discovered that any of the above statements is not true, I will be asked to step down from the ministry that I am working in. Depending on which statement is invalid, I may be put on probation for a period of from three to six months, or until such time as change is evident. At the end of my probation period, I understand that if I want to return to the Helps Ministries, I must reapply and will be reevaluated based on my answers to the above questions.

Signature:______Date: ______

Check the Ministry(s) that you are applying to serve in (limit 3 only):



Altar Worker (Coverers only)

Altar Worker (Catchers only)

Audio Ministry

Baptism Ministry

Children’s Ministries

Dance Ensemble/Adult or Youth



Kitchen/Food Preparation

Members Services Ministries

Music Ensemble/Adult or Youth (Praise Choir/Musicians)

Sanctuary Servant (Usher)

 Security Ministry

SLM Sales Store

Videography Ministry

Visual Aids Ministry

Youth Ministry

Other (see Orientation Handbook)______