Physics Instructional Plan – Spring 2008

Grade Determination for each Activity Set:

Activities / Specifics / Percent Possible
(Maximum Score)
Part / Total
Foundation Activities: / Prelab assignment – Text, Physics Classroom, Activity, etc.
Preliminary Questions – Completion with Thought
Above completed & checked before proceeding to Data Collection!
Data Collection – Print graph(s), scaled to show relevant data with dialogue boxes.
Analysis Questions – Complete & Correct
Above completed & checked before proceeding to Foundation Quiz!
Postlab assignment – Text, Online Tutorials / Simulations, etc.
Applications – Know how to do.
Foundation Quiz – No notes, book, or lab. You must know.
Data and Analysis Questions must be complete and checked before quiz.
Data Collection, Extraction, & Calculations (≈1/3)
Conceptual Understanding Questions (≈1/3)
Applications – Problems (≈1/3)
Loss of points for not reading directions, not reading prelab assignment, not preparing, etc. / 5%
30% / 50%
The following may be done in any order or in any combination.
You may be quizzed on the skills and topics addressed. Your grade will be dependent on your mastery and understanding.
Advanced Activities: / Advanced Problems.Know how to do.Checked by quiz.
Quiz given only after completion of Foundation Quiz, Due date applies.
Questions, and reading from textbook, tutorials, worksheets, etc. / 0-20%
Dependent on activity.
Laboratory Extension(s).Due date applies.
(Number of activities and grade value will be predetermined.) / 0-20%
Dependent on activity.
Mathematics Connection(s). Due date applies.
Concurrent course for those in one of the following; Last course for those not. / 0-20%
Dependent on activity.
Algebra II: text reading, problems, applications.
Precalculus: text reading, problems, applications.
Calculus: text reading, problems, applications.
Activity SetScore
Total Possible: / 100% -110%
Dependent on activity

Grade Determination:

  • All Foundation Activities are required.
  • Average of Activity Sets scheduled for completion will determine that midterm’s grade.
  • Due dates do not apply to Foundation Activities.
    Due datesdo apply to Advanced Activities.
    Due dates are the end of your last physics class period that week.Before 2:30 p.m.
  • Foundation Activities are to be completed before Advanced Activities.(Effective with Activity 2.)
  • All term grades will be cumulative.
  • Final Exam will be 20% of semester grade.
  • Extension Activities, allowed after all scheduled activities are completed, count as extra credit.
  • You may work on no more than two Activity Sets simultaneously.
    Starting work on a third Activity Set will end grading on the first of the sets.


  • Once started, a quiz may not be continued later.
  • Quizzes are closed note, book, lab, etc. You will be provided relevant equations.

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Physics Instructional Plan – Spring 2008

Learning Activity Set – Graphical Representation:

Activity Set Schedule(Spring Semester):

To be completed in order. / Due Date:
End of week __. / Score / Running
Total / Average
Midterm 1
(Progress Report 1) /
  1. Waves at Boundaries: Reflection & Transmission
  2. 24 Speed of Sound
  3. 21 Sound Waves & Beats &
    22 Tones, Vowels, Telephones
/ 2
4 / _____
_____ / _____
_____ / _____
Midterm 2
(Quarter 1 / 3) /
  1. 23 Mathematics of Music
  2. Resonance in an Air Column
  3. 25 Ohm’s Law
  4. 26 Series & Parallel Circuits
  5. 27 Capacitors
  6. 30 Electrical Energy
/ 5
10 / _____
_____ / _____
_____ / _____
Midterm 3
(Progress Report 2) /
  1. 31 Polarization of Light
  2. 32 Light Brightness & Distance
  3. Reflection: Plane & Curved Mirrors, Lenses
/ 11
13 / _____
_____ / _____
_____ / _____
End of Term
(Semester 1 / 2) /
  1. Refraction: Snell’s Law
  2. Diffraction: Single Slit, Double Slit
  3. Color: Light and Pigments
  4. Mapping Magnetic Field &
    34 Magnetic Field of a Magnet
  5. Magnetic Field of a Current Carrying Wire
/ 14
17 / _____
_____ / _____
_____ / _____
Extension Activities
With prior instructor approval a student may design their own extension activity. / (These extensions may be done in any order.)
  1. 28 Magnetic Field in a Coil
  2. 29 Magnetic Field in a Slinky
  3. 33 Newton’s Law of Cooling
  4. Refraction: Lens systems
  5. Doppler Shift

Lab Equipment Requirements: Spring Semester

Spring Semester:
(To be completed in order) / Micro-
phone / Voltage / Current / Light / Mag.
Field / Temp. / Other Materials:
Waves at Boundaries: Reflection & Transmission / Spring, slinky, rod
24 Speed of Sound / 1 / 1 / Tube
21 Sound Waves & Beats / 1 / 2 tuning forks
22 Tones, Vowels, Telephones / 1 / TouchTone frequency data
23 Mathematics of Music / 1 / Electronic keyboard or data
Resonance in an Air Column / Resonance tube, tuning forks
25 Ohm’s Law / 1 / 1 / Vernier Circuit Board [VCB],Power Supply [PS]
26 Series & Parallel Circuits / 2 / 2 / VCB, PS
27 Capacitors / 1 (2) / 1 (2) / VCB, PS, capacitors
30 Electrical Energy / 1 / 1 / Electric motor, PS
31 Polarization of Light / 1 / Vernier Optics Kit [VOK], track, 2 polarizers
32 Light Brightness & Distance / 1 / VOK, track
Reflection: Plane & Curved Mirrors, Lenses / VOK, track, thick glass bar
Refraction: Snell’s Law / block, cardboard, pins, containers (oil, water)
Diffraction: Single Slit, Double Slit / Laser, single slit, double slit
Color: Light and Pigments / Acetate filters. Student responsibility.
Mapping Magnetic Field / 1 / Magnetic compass, bar/circle magnets
34 Magnetic Field of a Magnet / 1 / magnet
Mag. Field of a Current Carrying Wire / VCB, PS, magnetic compass
28 Magnetic Field in a Coil
29 Magnetic Field in a Slinky
33 Newton’s Law of Cooling / 2 / Student responsibility.
Refraction: Lens systems / Vernier Optics Kit, track
Doppler Shift / 1 / Nerf with sound source

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