CPI Project Planning Template

Project: Date:

Task Name / Start Date / Completion Date / Who / Notes
Step 1: Define CPI Project
1.1 Initiate CPI Plan
Define project purpose
Review purpose & scope with Sponsor & key team members
Kickoff team
Schedule regular team meetings
1.2 Process Basics
Create high-level deployment flowchart (process chain) if appropriate
1.3 Voice of the Customer
Identify and prioritize customers
Collect voice of the customer (VOC) needs
Hold meeting with finance to develop business case
1.4 Stakeholder Analysis
Identify key players & stakeholders
Review stakeholder commitment levels.
Develop communication plan.
1.5 Clarify CPI Goal
Clarify goals and focus of the CPI effort based on steps previously taken.
Formally review this step & obtain authorization to proceed to next step
Task Name / Start Date / Completion Date / Who / Notes
Step 2: Measure Current Situation
2.1 Data Collection
Identify and select key measures
Prepare data collection plans for all key measures
Collect baseline data
2.2 Time Plots & Control Charts
Create appropriate charts
Analyze charts for special causes and take action to address
Decide if common cause variation is acceptable. If not, take appropriate action.
2.3 Frequency Plots (check sheets) & Pareto Charts
Create frequency plots if appropriate
Chart stratified data (histograms)
Create Pareto charts if appropriate to identify key process problem areas
2.4 Evaluate Process Capability
Do analysis to determine if process is capable of consistently meeting specifications
2.5 Process Analysis
Create detailed process flowcharts
Analyze flowcharts for process gaps
Do value-added /non- value-added analysis
Communicate progress to stakeholders and process owners
Step 3: Analyze Causes
3.1 Potential Causes
Brainstorm potential root causes
Graphically display relationships between causes (fishbone)
Select probable root causes to verify
3.2 Verifying Causes
Collect data as needed to verify selected causes
Verify cause-effect relationships
Communicate progress to stakeholders
Formally reviewresults of this step & obtain authorization to proceed to next step
Step 4: Improve (Select Solutions)
Brainstorm solutions for root causes
Reduce list to 5-7 best solutions
Select criteria to evaluate solutions
Rank solution alternatives (criteria decision matrix)
Select one or more alternatives to implement/pilot
Formally review this step & obtain authorization to proceed to next step
Step 5: Implement Solutions
Identify constraints & discuss with sponsor & team
Identify/prioritize risks; create risk mgmt. plan
Identify & schedule required activities
Assign resources & create budgets
Develop/update communications plan
If piloting, develop plan(s) for pilot
Pilot solution(s)
Analyze pilot
Revise implementation
plans based on pilot
Implement solution
Communicate progress to process owner stake holders
Formally review this step & obtain authorization to proceed to next step
Step 6: Control
6.1 Evaluate Results
Collect new data on key measures
Redraw relevant Before and After plots
Quantify improvement benefits
Evaluate methods and results
Take appropriate corrective action
Finance verifies savings/revenue increase
Communicate progress
Step 6.2 Standardization
Develop process maps for new process
Inform others affected by process change
Train resources on new process
Develop process control documents
Transition ongoing responsibility to monitor solution to Process Owner
Give credit to those involved in CPI effort
Step 6.3Closure
Create final report or summary document
Make recommendations for future improvements
Complete closure check list
Document lessons learned
Recognize team and celebrate!