Biology I - DNA/RNA Test Review

1.Figure 12-1 shows the structure of a(an)

2.In Figure 12-1 the structure labeled X is called a

4.DNA is copied during a process called

5.During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases

6.In eukaryotes, DNA is located in the

7.RNA contains the sugar

8.Unlike DNA, RNA contains

9.What are found in both DNA and RNA?

10.Which type(s) of RNA is(are) involved in protein synthesis?

11.What is produced during transcription?

12.What happens during the process of translation?

13.Genes contain instructions for assembling…

14.Which type of RNA functions as a blueprint of the genetic code?

15.A mutation that involves a single nucleotide is called a(an)

16.What are examples of gene mutations?

17.What are examples of frameshift mutations?

18.The "backbone" of DNA is made up of

19.In a DNA molecule cytosine bonds with

20.The enzyme RNA polymerase aids in which process?

21.Watson and Crick discovered that in the eukaryotic cell, DNA is in the shape of a

22.DNA is the code for making proteins at the ribosome. Why is it important for the cell to make so many proteins?

23.The process of making a protein begins in the nucleus where RNA is created in a process called ______From there ______leaves the nucleus and picks up an amino acid in the cytoplasm. It meets mRNA at the ______and locates the three bases on mRNA or a v that compliments its anticodon. Once in its proper position the amino acids bond and begin to form a polypeptide chain, which is called a ______when it is complete

24. Using the following DNA strand (a)find the mRNA strand that would be made and (b)the amino acids it would code for. A U G C T C A C T

25.What is a codon, where is it found and what does it code for?

26. Why is a frameshift mutation typically far more damaging than a point mutation?

27. According to this DNA fingerprint, who is the father of this baby?