AAHA Minutes –Monday, June 12th, 2017 at 6:30

AAHA Monthly Meeting at the Ice Den Warming Room

  • Establish a quorum and identify any directors with proxies

Sherri Koshiol – Sean Whyte

Jim Rogers – Bruce Urban

  • Approval of the agenda

Jim C / Joth J

  • Approval of last month’s minutes

Jim C / Marc F


  • President / VP Report – All associations must send all billeted player information to Tim and Herb
  • Treasurers Report – Up to date – money received from district and national tournament. Adult tournament; expenses are still being submitted – revenue complete.
  • AAHA Admin Report – Online player commitments working well
  • AZYHL Report – Last meeting went well – no chair to date – scheduling for Labor Day tournament for 10U and 12U ( September 2-4)
  • Background Screening / Safe Sport Report –Training for monitors, locker room monitors need to be inside of the locker room.
  • By-Laws and Policy Report – nothing to report
  • Coaching Report – Level 4 coaching clinic August 4-6 Scottsdale – Registration opens June 19,
  • Disciplinary Report – Bruce not in attendance
  • Mite Committee Report– nothing to report
  • Officiating Report – USA Hockey – AHOA – Recruiting of officials is good – retention is a problem – both items are nationwide. New Rules – no icing for 14U / Rule 601. Officiating clinics are 90% complete. There will be a reduced number of clinics but an increase in attendee capacity.
  • Registrars Report–nothing to report
  • Social Media Report – nothing to report
  • Arizona Coyotes Report – Group ticket pricing will occur 2-3 times per season for being part of youth hockey. There will be a donation back to the claimed association.

Old Business

  • Background Screening Process – SportEngine aquired a background screening provider. They can complete process which starts at $20 per/person but there are added fees depending on prior address. Discussion regarding changing providers. No decision/motion at this time. Discussion regarding how many screening AAHA will provide
  • Motion – AAHA will provide each team in each association a maximum of 5 people up to $100 for background screening. Evan / Joth – 7 for 4 abstained – passed by majority
  • Adult Hockey Tournament – tournament was successful – results are on the website – participants feedback was positive
  • Non-Members with USA Hockey Registration Numbers – all need to be part of association – follow up after USA Hockey provides input.
  • District Director Results: Kathleen Smith – President of UT won the election

New Business

  • New iPad for Charles Knotts – AZYHL
  • Motion – Spend up to $600 for AZYHL iPad. Jim / Leorr – All For – passed

Motion to adjourn 7:35 Jim C / Marc F