Unit 1. NAME
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediateto the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB pages 116, 121 / Students do a pairwork activity where they need to answer general knowledge questions about the UK, such as questions related to the Big Ben or Margaret Thatcher.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
WB. Page 9 / Students need to do a writing task related to an online chat service.
In this particular unit students also learn form filling.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 9
SB page 8 / Moral and civic education:
The importance of using polite questions when meeting someone and being aware of the general rules about acceptable and not acceptable personal questions.
Awareness of the importance of learning languages.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
SB page 5
TB page 4
WB page 6 / Students read a text with references to famous artists such as Madonna, David Beckham, Leonardo DiCaprio, Demi Moore, etc, and provide more information about them by reading the “Cultural notes” on the TB.
Students read several texts with references to singers such as John Lenon and Beyoncé.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 126-127
CD-Rom unit 1
WB unit 1
Student checklist unit 1 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 116, 121.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / CB pages 8,9. Speaking / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Unit 2. PLACE
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB pages 12-19
WB pages 10-15
TB pages 12, 16
SB Pairwork activities, pages 116, 121 / Students read texts with geographical references to famous places such as Venice, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Kenya, Iceland, etc. and teachers can provide more information about them by reading the “Cultural notes” on the TB. They also learn to interpret maps as well as nationalities.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
SB page 13
WB. Page 15 / Students need to complete an e-mail about a holiday journey.
Students do a writing task related to web posting
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB pages 12-19
WB pages 10-15
SB page 13 / Education for Tolerance:
Awareness of the importance of travelling as a way to understand and show respect for other cultures and to broaden one’s mind.
Education for Leisure:
The importance of leisure time activities such as travelling, visiting museums and art galleries, etc.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
WB pages 12, 13, 14 / Students read some texts with cultural information about Bangkok, Sicily and Marrakech.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 128-129
CD-Rom unit 2
WB unit 2
Student checklist unit 2 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 116, 121.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / CB pages 14, 17. Speaking / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Unit 3. LOVE
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 29
TB page 31
SB page 20
TB page 22 / Students need to locate some Australian cities in a map (Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, etc), and teachers can find more information about them in the TB.
Students listen to a recording with references to Blackpool, and teachers can find more information about this seaside town of England in the TB.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
SB. Page 30
WB page 21 / Students read a text about friendship through an Internet chat.
In this particular unit students also learn to write stories.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 24
SB pages 22, 30, 31 / Moral and civic education:
The importance of punctuality and not acting out of a desire for revenge.
Education for Tolerance: Awareness of the importance of friendship, and respecting all the different types of relationships.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
SB page 26
TB page 27
WB page 20
SB page 31 / Students can find a reference to the novel Pride and Prejudice and teachers are provided with cultural information about this book written by Jane Austen in the TB.
Students read a text about Maria Callas and Onassis.
Students listen and sing the song: Stand By Me
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 130-131
CD-Rom unit 3
WB unit 3
Student checklist unit 3 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 116, 121.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 20, 25, 31. Speaking
SB page 31. SongStand By Me / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence. / SB page 37 / Students need to analyse a text with references to money and to complete a diagram about the shopping process.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / TB page 40 / Teachers can talk about the relationship between the production of cheap clothes by companies such as Primark, and the environmental effects showed by ecological organisations such as “Friends on the Earth”.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
WB page 26 / Students listen to a news report about a film.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 35
SB pages 32-34
SB page 37 / Education for Sexual equality:
Understanding that although men and women may have different attitudes about shopping and presents, both of them are equally acceptable.
Moral and civic Education:
The importance of being thankful when we receive presents and gifts.
Environmental Education:
The importance of making a moderate consumption of clothes, so as to protect the environment.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
WB page 26
WB page 27 / Students read a text about the new Spiderman movie, with references to famous people such as Kirsten Dunst, or Lenny Kravitz.
Read a text about a famous shop in Paris: Galeries Lafayette, and talk about shopping habits in different countries.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 132-133
CD-Rom unit 4
WB unit 4
Student checklist unit 4 / Students are able to use the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 117, 122.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / CB pages 32, 34, 35. Speaking / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Unit 5. FIT
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence. / SB page 43 / Students learn decimal numbers, fractions, etc.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 42
SB page 32
SB pages 117, 122 / Students need to answer geography questions in the grammar section.
Students read a text about losers at the Olympic Games.
Students need to answer general knowledge questions in the Pairwork section.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
SB page 45
WB. Page 33 / Students listen to a radio programme about laughter.
In this particular unit students also learn to write descriptions of sporting events.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB pages 40-47
WB pages 28-33
WB page 32 / Education for Health:
Awareness of the importance of having healthy habits such as practicing sports, running a healthy diet, not smoking, not being stressed, laughing, etc.
Education for Tolerance: Understanding that the aim of competition is not winning and that loosing can help us learn from mistakes.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
SB page 42
TB pages 46, 47
WB page 33 / Students listen to conversations about famous sportspersons such as Fernando Alonso, David Becham or Nadal, and teachers can find more information about them in the cultural notes of the TB.
Students read a text about Rolland Garros.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 134-135
CD-Rom unit 5
WB unit 5
Student checklist unit 5 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 117, 122.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 41, 45. Speaking / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Unit 6. JOB
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 137
SB page 52 / Students test their knowledge of life in Britain in the Grammar Extra.
Compare the retirement policy in Anglo Saxon countries with the local one.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
SB page 55
SB page 53
WB page 39 / Students learn vocabulary about office equipment: a mouse, a photocopier, a keyboard, etc.
In this particular unit students also learn to write letters of application.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB pages 49, 50, 53
SB page 54
WB page 39
SB pages 58, 59
SB page 50
SB page 56 / Education for Sexual equality:
Bear in mind that both men and women can do the same types of jobs.
Education for Health:
The benefits of giving up smoking.
Moral and Civic education:
The benefits of voluntary work.
Education for Tolerance:
Showing respect for all the different types of works.
The importance of having good relationships with the family.
The importance of accepting criticism and being self-confident on our professional lives.
Consumer Education:
The importance of buying with moderation(Clothes).
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
SB page 50
SB page 59 / Students read a text about an actor.
Students sing the song: Suspicious Minds.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 136-137
CD-Rom unit 6
WB unit 6
Student checklist 6 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 117, 122.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB pages 48, 51, 53.
Speaking / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Unit 7. ECO
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence. / SB page 63 / Students need to do a survey about environmental activities in the classroom.
C3 / Knowledge of, and interaction with the physical world. / SB pages 64, 65
SB page 60,
WB page 44
TB page 71 / Students read a text with references to India and Ghana.
Students read several texts with references to London, New Orleans, Scotland, Edinburgh, Australia, Spain, etc.
Teachers can provide information on Organic farming using the cultural notes of the TB.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
SB page 64 / Students read a website with information about voluntary work.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 63
SB page 60
SB pages 64, 65 / Environmental Education: Awareness of the need to protect the environment having ecological habits such as recycling, using public transport, not using plastic bags, etc.
Education for Tolerance: The importance of protesting peacefully against environmental damage.
Moral and Civic Education: Showing recognition for people who do voluntary work.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
SB page 61
TB pages 68, 69 / Students can find references to Greenpeace, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela in the SBs exercises, as teachers can extend this information with the TB cultural notes.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 138-139
CD-Rom unit 7
WB unit 7
Student checklist unit 7 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.
C8 / The competence of personal autonomy and initiative. / Interest and initiative to do the WB exercises by themselves and to participate in group discussions. Ex. Pairwork activities SB pages 118, 123.
C9 / The emotional competence.
(Castilla la Mancha) / SB page 63. Speaking / Students learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting both their own success and their classmates’.
Development of Basic Competences
See in the Project the general aspects and the contribution of New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate to the development and acquisition of the Basic Competences, particularly in this unit:
Page / Activity
C1 / Linguistic communicative competence. / All the activities of the unit use the language as an instrument of communication.
C2 / Mathematical competence.
C3 / Knowledge of, and interaction with the physical world. / SB page 68
TB page 76
TB page 81 / Students read a text about being a Geisha and can learn more about Japanese society using the cultural notes on the TB.
Teachers can extend information on several items using the cultural notes on the TB about Christopher Columbus or Albert Einstein.
C4 / Competence in information and communication technologies / The New Inside Out magazine-style website provides interactive practice for all sorts of activities:
WB page 51 / In this particular unit students learn to write personal letters.
C5 / Social and civil competence. / SB page 70
SB pages 68-75
WB pages 46-51
SB pages 72-73 / Moral and civic Education:
Being aware of the importance of communication between different generations, in order to avoid the generation gap.
Awareness of the importance of education in order to succeed in our lives, etc.
Education for Tolerance:
The importance of physical appearance so as to give good first impressions.
C6 / Cultural and artistic competence. / All the writing productions contain cultural references.
WB page 50
TB page 81
SB page 75 / Reference to the Hollywood film: Memoirs of a Geisha.
Notes about American actress Julia Roberts on the TB cultural notes.
Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by comparing the Education system in those countries with the own one.
C7 / The competence of learning to learn. / SB pages 140-141
CD-Rom unit 8
WB unit 8
Student checklist 8 / Students are able to develop strategies to understand the process of learning by using the Grammar Extra, the CD-Rom activities,the WB exercises and evaluating their work in the TB checklists.