International Biology Olympiad e.V.


§ 1 Name, seat, fiscal year and voting procedures

(1)Upon registration, the association shall bear the name“International Biology Olympiad e.V.[1]”.

(2)The association is seated in Kiel. The association shall be registered in the register of associations of the local court (Amtsgericht) in Kiel.

(3)The fiscal year shall be the calendar year from January 1st till December 31st.

(4)The following majority ratios shall be applicable to these statutes:

-A simple majority shall be constituted by more than half of the votes cast not counting abstentions.

- An absolute majority shall be constituted by more than half of all possible votes counting abstentions.

-A two-thirds majority shall be constituted by more than two-thirds of all votes counting abstentions.

§ 2 Purpose of the association, common benefit

(1)The association shall pursue objectives that are exclusively and immediately for the common benefit within the meaning of the clause "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Fiscal Code in its respectively applicable version.

(2)The association is charitable; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

(3)The association will pursue the worldwide promotion of the International Biology Olympiad (hereafter: “IBO”) as well as the organisation of the annual IBO challenge for secondary school pupils. This challenge aims to bring together talented pupils, motivate such pupils to develop their talents and promote science as a career. The association endeavours to realise this by:


-promoting an active interest in biology studies;

-promoting the development of networks and understanding between students of biology;

-promoting new ideas in biology education and the exchange of such ideas;

-promoting friendly relations between young people from different countries with the aim of stimulating cooperation and mutual understanding between nations.

(5)The association shall realise its purpose by coordinating and managing the annual International Biology Olympiad and supporting its organisation. The association shall perform this task by acquiring and supporting legitimised representatives of the participating countries that pursue the objectives of the association as its members.

(6)All revenue is to serve association purposes. The association shall be free of political, racist and religioustendencies.

(7)All funds of the association shall exclusively be used according to the purpose as defined in the statutes. Members shall not receive remunerations from the association’s means.

(8)No person shall be favoured by expenses not in accordance with the purpose of the association or by disproportionally high remunerations.

§ 3Membership

(1)Representatives of states participating in the International Biology Olympiad may become members of the association only if they are legitimised as such by their respective ministry of education or another authority.

In order to guarantee equal chances among states participating in the International Biology Olympiad only one representative per state is allowed.

(2)Membership has to be applied for with the Steering Committee of the association.

(3)The General Assembly shall decide on applications for membership by a simple majority of those present.

(4)An individual of outstanding merit to the association or the International Biology Olympiad may be appointed honorary fellow by the assembled members by a two-thirds majority of those present.Honorary fellows hold no voting right.

(5)Members of the association are ordinary members and honorary fellows.

§ 4 Obligations of membership

(1)Members shall guarantee the provision of an online description of the respective National Biology Olympiad in accordance with the applicable IBO competition rules (§10).

(2)Each member shall legitimise himself vis-à-vis the association through an official document issued by the respective Ministry of Education or any other authority that has appointed the official representative of the National Biology Olympiad.

(3)Membersare to observe the statutes and the decisions of the association’s bodies.

(4)Members are required to pay the contributionset by the assembly. Contribution fees constitute a financial obligation payable to the association.

(5)Membersare required to keep their contact information up to date.

§ 5 Expiry of membership

(1)Membership expires in case of

a)notice of resignation,


(2)In case of death the membership shall be transferred to a new representative of the corresponding statelegitimised as such by the respective ministry of education or another authority.

(3)Members can only resign from the association if they observe a month’s notice before the end of the calendar year; they must hand in awritten resignation with the Steering Committee.

(4)Exclusion may be exercised in particular in case of

a)gross or repeated breaches of the statutes,the current IBO competition rules or the interests of the association

b)dishonourable conduct within or outside of the association

c)arrears in association contributions after a written reminder.

(5)In particular in the case of outstanding claims of the associationagainst its members, the Steering Committee reminds the members in arrears to pay their dues, threatening a possible exclusion.

Unless the debtor has paid all outstanding claims within a period of three months after a reminder has been sent, membership shall be suspended.The debtor shall be notified of the suspension of his membership in writing.

The debtor may lodge a written appeal with the Steering Committee against his suspension within a time-limit of two weeks after notification under sentence 2.

(6)The General Assembly decides on the exclusion from the association for which it needs a two-thirds majority. The member in question shall be granted the right to be heard.

(7)All rights and claims vis-à-vis the associationshall cease with expiry of membership, obligations however shall remain.

(8)Memberswho were entrusted with a position within the association shall continue to be properly accountable to the Steering Committee.

§ 6 Contributions

(1)The associationshall charge its members with admission fees and contributions, the amount of which and due dates for which shall be determined by the General Assembly. Details are set out in the Regulations Guide.

(2)Contributions, admission fees and other financial commitments constitute financial obligationsand must be paid by the due date.

(3)For reminders and other extraordinary services connected to membership fees, the Steering Committee may charge an administrative fee, the amount of which shall be set by the Steering Committee.

(4)Honorary fellows are not required to pay contributions.

(5)The Steering Committee decides on the use of the means and donations in accordance with these statutes and the purpose of the association.

§ 7 Bodies of the association

Bodies of the association are

1. the General Assembly
2. The Steering Committee.

§ 8Tasks of the General Assembly

The General Assembly is responsible for deciding in the following matters


a)changing statutes,

b)setting the admission fee and the membership fee,

c)approving new members, appointing honoraryfellows as well as excluding members from the association,

d)electing and removing members of the Steering Committee,

e)accepting the annual report and discharging the Steering Committee,

f)changing IBO competition rules,

g)electing host countries for future IBOs

h)discussing and modifying goals and activities of the IBO

i)dissolving the association.

§ 9 Calling the General Assembly

(1)The regular General Assembly shall be held annually at the IBO. The Steering Committee calls the General Meeting. Observing four weeks notice, the Steering Committee shall send out written invitations including an agenda.

(2)The Steering Committee sets the agenda. Each member can apply in writing for an addition of this agenda at least two weeks prior to the General Assembly. The Steering Committee shall decide on applications. The General Assembly shall decide on motions that were not accepted by the Steering Committee or that were first suggested during the Assembly itselfby majority of those present; this does not extend to applications that concern changes to the statutes, changes to membership fees or the dissolution of the association.

(3)The Steering Committee shall call an extraordinary General Assembly if it is deemed to be in the interest of the association or uponwritten request– specifying purpose and reasons – by at least 25% of the members.If circumstances permit, a notice of at least two weeks is to be observed and the invitation shall contain the meeting’s agenda.

§ 10 Resolutions by the General Assembly

(1)The General Assembly shall be led by the chairman of the Steering Committee or, in his absence, by his deputy. Should the latter also be unavailable the Assembly shall elect an assembly chairman from its midst who shall then lead the Assembly.

(2)The proceedings of the General Assembly shall be valid only if at least 50% of the members are present. Should this not be the case, the Steering Committee shall call a second General Assembly with the same agenda within four weeks of the first. This second General Assembly shall constitute a quorum regardless of the number of members present.This must be pointed out specifically in the invitation.

(3)Unless otherwise provided in these statutes, the General Assembly shall decide by secret ballotand, unless these statutes stipulate otherwise, by a simple majority of those members present. Decisions that change the statutes require a three-quarter majority of all members.Each member of the association has a vote. Each member can abstain from voting. In the event of a tied vote the chair has the casting vote.

(4)Minutes are to be taken of the proceedings of the General Assembly and its resolutions andshall be signed by the minute secretary and the chair.They are to be presented during the next Assembly.

(5)The General Assembly shall elect two financial auditors from their midst. They are to audit finances once a year at least, they cannot be members of the Steering Committee.Financial auditors are appointed for two years. Consecutive reelection is not allowed.

§ 11Steering Committee

(1)The Steering Committee of the association consists of the chair, the deputy chair, the secretary, the treasurer and two ordinary members.

(2)The chair and the treasurer together shall represent the association.

(3)Members of the Steering Committee are volunteers.

§ 12Tasks of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for representing the association after § 26 BGB[2] and managing its affairs. In particular it has the following tasks:

a)calling and preparing the General Assembly which includes putting together the agenda,

b)executing the Assembly’s resolutions

c)managing the association’s assetsand putting together the annual report.

§ 13 Appointing the Steering Committee

(1)The General Assembly elects the members of the Steering Committee for a four-year term in a secret ballot. Even after the term has ended, a member of the Steering Committeeremains in office until a successor is elected.

(2)Only members of the association who attended at least three previous IBOs or IBO Jury members who were appointed by association members and who also attended at least three previous IBOs shall be elected members of the Steering Committee.

(3)Each member shall vote for a maximum of six candidates. Only one vote per candidate shall be given by each member. The successful candidates shall be those receiving the most votes. If two or more candidates have received the same number of votes, and that this conflicts with the number of Steering Committee members, a subsequent vote shall be held, limited to those candidates receiving equal votes. The elected Steering Committee elects the chair, the deputy chair, the secretary and the treasurer with absolute majority among themselves.

(4)The reelection or the premature dismissal of a member by the General Assembly is permitted.

(5)Should a member of the Steering Committee stand down before his term ends, a successor will not be appointed until the next General Assembly.

(6)Members of the Steering Committee may be reelected only once.

§ 14Consultation and Decision-Making by the Steering Committee

(1)The Steering Committee shall meet as required. Meetings are called by the chair or in his absence by his deputy. A notice period of one week shall be given. Proceedings of the Steering Committee shall be valid if at least 2 of the members are present. Resolutions are passed by the majority of the valid votes cast. In the event of a tie the chair has the casting vote, in his absence his deputy shallhold the casting vote.

(2)Steering Committee decisions shall be recorded in the minutes, which are to be signed by the minute secretary and the chair or in his absence by the deputy or any other member of the Steering Committee.

(3)In cases of urgency, the Steering Committee maycall for an electronic vote of the members.

§ 15 IBO competition rules

All matters concerning the IBO competition are laid down in thedocument
“A Guide to the International Biology Olympiad”. This document is published on the official IBO web site.

§ 16 Dissolution of the association

(1)The association can only be dissolved by an extraordinary General Assembly which was convened, with four weeks notice, especially for this purpose. Dissolution of the association by the General Assembly requires a three-quarter majority vote.

(2)In the event of dissolution of the association or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the association shall accrue to theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which shall use it exclusively and immediately for the common benefit, in particular in promoting scientific education. This requires the prior consent of the relevant tax office.

(3)The members of the Steering Committee shall act as liquidators.

(4)Thepreceding regulations apply accordingly in the event that the association loses its legal capacity.


[1] e.V. is short for ‘eingetragener Verein’ which translates as registered association

[2] BGB is the German Civil Code