….we will have a great TIME in yearbook

RosetteStaff Yearbook Outline/Guidelines

Willow Springs Middle School

Students on the Willow Springs Middle School Yearbook staff will understand, develop and utilize layout and design principles, hone solid journalistic writing associated with yearbook writing and utilize visual imagery through digital photography in producing a beautiful and memorable yearbook. Desktop publishing using InDesign on Mac computers, photo illustration and editing on PhotoShop and keyboarding skills are required. Students are expected to follow Associated Press style guidelines for all writing. Being part of the Rosette staff is a privilege and honor. Application and recommendation is required with a limited class size. Attendance at ILPC, North Texas Media or Jostens Summer Camps is highly encouraged.


Grades are derived 30 percent from daily formative production grades and assignments and the other 70 percent from summative assessments and project deadlines. Weekly deadline/benchmark grades are given to keep students on track. Failure to meet benchmarks should be discussed with the Adviser. Points may be deducted up to 20 points a day for continued failure to meet benchmarks and or deadlines. There are four assessment/test deadline grades with dates noted below. Additional production grades are given weekly for being an effective member of the staff and for using time wisely. Grading for planning, production and performance is specific to each student’s role on the staff. Students are to fill out this weekly performance handout on Friday to evaluate their effort, role and effectiveness on the staff. Grades are determined by a staff rubric point system with 5 points for an A; 4 points for a B; 3 points for a C; and 2 points, a D. Individuals are graded individually with a rubric depending on their role in class, such as editor, section editor, staff or photographer. Furthermore, students are expected to meet all deadlines. Failure to turn in work on time and on deadline results in an immediate 20 point reduction in grade with an additional 10 points late deduction in grade each day it is late. Students are expected to be team players and failure to meet deadline, not only affects the staff, but also the entire school if the yearbook is not produced and delivered on time.

Equipment: Students are expected to adhere to the yearbook and district technology policies and procedures and will receive a copy of these expectations to sign, review and return. Additionally, students are responsible for any damages to cameras, lenses or tripods.


Students are to supply at least a 2-4 GSD card and a card reader for at home (4G for sole photographers). Students are to BACK UP their work daily onto their Google Drives on the Mac Server.


A copy of the student yearbook ladder (deadline and graphic organization chart) is posted in the classroom and digitally for every student for assistance to adhere to production deadlines. While the ladder is an ever evolving instrument, students are to keep track of the ladder and be responsible for all deadlines and are responsible for noting ANY CHANGES. An individual copy of the ladder is provided for individual student folders. A copy of the ladder is also available online with Jostensyearbooks.com. The login username and password for all staff will be given in class. A copy of the Rosette staff handbook for duties, style and procedures is available on Mrs. Sanders drive data files for students, School Town and an additional copy will be handed out in classat the beginning of each semester. Amendments to the stylebook, duties and procedures are up for review each year or are up for review each semester as recommended by editors or the Adviser.


Weekly meetings of editors are each Monday during class for 10 minutes to discuss progress toward goals, status and concerns. Minutes from each meeting are to be made and copied and sent to the staff between classes via student email or during the class period.

* Ship date of yearbook is mid to late May, we must allow two months for printing and production time to meet a May ship date. If students fail to meet deadlines, then we will not receive our yearbook before school is out for the summer.

I have read and understand all of the course expectations for yearbook and will meet my deadlines and put forth my best effort.

Student Name Printed ______

Signature ______Date______

Parent Name Printed ______

Parent Signature ______