Superior Court of Washington

County of

In re the Detention of:
Respondent / Case No.
Order for
Dismissal without Prejudice (ORDSMWO)
Dismissal with Prejudice (ORDSMWP)
Voluntary Dismissal (ORDSMS)
Clerk’s action required: 4, 5

A petition was filed in this case for:

14 Days 90 Days 180 Days 1 Year of involuntary treatment.

Revocation of a less restrictive alternative treatment order / conditional release filed in this proceeding.

Involuntary administration of anti-psychotic medications.

Petitioner requested a voluntary dismissal pursuant to CR 41(a)(1)(B).

Respondent requested a dismissal on the following basis:

Petitioner failed to meet the burden of proof

Respondent accepted voluntary treatment.


The following people were present at the hearing:

Respondent appeared in person appeared by video refused to appear

Respondent waived his/her appearance through counsel

Separate appearance waiver has been filed.

Respondent has orally waived his/her appearance to defense counsel, and the court accepts this waiver.

GAL appeared in person appeared by video waived appearance

GAL waived Respondent's appearance

Petitioner appeared and was represented by DPA/AAG

Respondent's Attorney appeared

Findings of Fact

The court makes the following findings of fact:

1. Voluntary Dismissal. Petitioner’s motion to dismiss was made before the petitioner rested, the respondent has not made a counterclaim; and the petitioner has not previously dismissed an action based on the same claim.

2. Involuntary Dismissal. The petition should be dismissed:

with prejudice because .

without prejudice because .

3. Other. .


The court orders that the petition is:

4. Dismissed without prejudice.

5. Dismissed with prejudice.

6. The petition for revocation is dismissed. The less restrictive alternative treatment order dated ______is in effect.

7. Other



Judge / Commissioner

Approved as to form Approved as to form

Attorney for Petitioner DPA/AAG Attorney for Respondent



Interpreter certifies that he/she has reviewed this order with Respondent


Order for Dismissal (ORDSMWO, ORDSMWP, ORDSMS) - Page 1 of 2

MP 450 (12/2015)