Delaware Valley Regional High School

Choral Music Handbook


Mr. James Schnyderite

Choral Director

***908-996-2131 ext. 6621***


The goal of the choral music program at Delaware Valley Regional High School is to provide students with an opportunity to sing in a variety of high-level ensembles in either curricular or extra-curricular choirs. Students will have opportunities to explore a range of musical styles, genres, and languages in a variety of different groups.

Choir Leadership

There are two leadership groups within the choir that allow students to serve and represent the members of the choir. First, the CHOIR OFFICER’S responsibility is to foster a sense of teamwork, provide a positive example in rehearsals and performances, and serve as a liaison between the choir members and the director. They work with Mr. Schnyderite to plan events, coordinate social gatherings and represent the choir members within the school. SECTION LEADERS are students chosen by the director to be musical leaders of the choir. They will assist with rehearsals, work with students to help them musically with issues, lead sectional rehearsals, and help during music related activities. The choir leadership team is listed below:


Senior – Alexis Gunderman

Senior – Ryan Moore

Senior – Paige Springmann

Junior – Emma Eisenbeil

Choral Ensembles

Concert Choir

This curricular ensemble is open to all students. The only pre-requisite for this course is a desire to make high quality music. Students are graded on their participation in rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and performances, as well as their preparation of the music. This course will focus on fundamentals of singing including: alignment, breathing, resonance, intonation, and tone. Students will learn the fundamentals of music reading and other musical concepts. Repertoire will include a variety of musical styles, genres, and languages. This choir is the best and easiest way to become a member of the DVRHS choral program.

A Cappella Choir

Now in its second year, this ensemble is designed to highlight a cappella singing (Without accompaniment). It will feature men and women combined singing, but will also highlight individual sections within songs. This ensemble will meet from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings. It will perform at all school concerts, including the Winter Concert, District Choral Festival, and Spring Concert. They will also have a special performance this year with Ithacappella, a visiting a cappella vocal group from Ithaca College. There is NO AUDITION for this ensemble, but all members must maintain an exemplary attendance record.

Chamber Choir

This award winning, extra-curricular mixed choir is designed for the more experienced musician and singer. This choir is open to both men and women, and is limited based on group dynamic. Rehearsals are held each Tuesday from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Additional rehearsals are sometimes required. The goal of this ensemble is to provide a high-level musical experience with challenging repertoire in a variety of musical styles, genres, and languages. This group will have additional performances beyond the scheduled concerts in school and the community. There is an audition to join this ensemble.

Evening Choral Ensemble Protocol:

Evening ensemble rehearsals begin at 5:00 p.m. That means, students should be in their assigned seat, with music in hand, and ready to go BEFORE 5:00. If students find it hard to get a ride to rehearsal, you are welcome to schedule with parents to stay after school until rehearsal begins. Mr. Schnyderite will always be available on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from after school until 5:00 p.m. to supervise.

Required Materials:

Positive Attitude


Music (provided by the teacher)

Folder for music storage (The smaller the better)

Men of ALL ensembles will be required to purchase performing attire: Black vest, Black Tie (Provided by teacher for $15.00), Black dress pants, Black dress shoes, White Buttoned-Down Dress Shirt.

Women of ALL ensembles will be required to purchase performing entire: Black performance dress (Provided by teacher for $65.00), Black Flats.

Women of the CHAMBER CHOIR are required to purchase an addition item for their attire: Gold Sash (Provided by teacher for $8.00).


Every student in a choral ensemble will be assigned a folder slot so they can organize all their choral music. Pencils should be kept in your folders throughout the year. Pencils are REQUIRED in rehearsals to mark music. This year, music will be numbered and assigned, and students will be responsible for paying for lost or damaged music.

Concert Attire


·  black vest and tie (Ordered)

·  white, buttoned-down, long-sleeved dress shirt (Students Provides)

·  black dress pants with a belt (Student Provides)

·  black dress shoes with black socks (Student Provides)


·  long, black dress *floor-length* (Ordered)

·  black shoes *closed toe* *no heels please* (Student Provides)

Grading Policy

(Concert Choir only)

Grades will be based on the following criteria:

Class Participation This grade is determined by your enthusiastic daily participation. Assuming you come to the class with a positive attitude - ready to work, with a pencil, you should receive full credit for participation. If there is a circumstance for which you are unable to sing, you must speak with the teacher prior to the beginning of class. There are several factors that will negatively affect the participation grade: chewing gum, eating or drinking anything other than water, class disruptions, negative attitudes, extended absences, and any disruptions that affect other students learning.

Performance These grades are based on students’ participation in concerts, and discipline during the performances. Please refer to the music calendar for all required concerts. Concerts are scheduled months in advance to give students adequate time to make accommodations (Planning with work schedules, arranging rides, etc.). Approval for EXCUSED ABSENCES ARE RARE and are granted for only two reasons. First, if there is a death in the immediate family (please contact the teacher as soon as possible), or in a case of extreme illness with a fever and are absolutely unable to physically attend. If you miss a performance or dress rehearsal due to illness, a Doctor’s note is required. Keep in mind, students practice for months for a performance and a choir is an ensemble that needs all of its members to be effective. In the unlikely event you are granted an excused absence, you must complete a supplemental assignment in order to not receive a zero.

The assignment will be substantial because you will have been absent from a substantial, culminating event. If the project is not completed, the performance grade will be a zero. This is assignment is NOT an alternative to a performance, and only assigned to students with an excused absence.

Dress Rehearsals Attendance at all dress rehearsals are mandatory. The dress rehearsals are in place to address specific musical and logistical aspects of a performance. Several Dress Rehearsals may be scheduled and will be announced with plenty of time to make arrangements to attend. If a dress rehearsal is missed for an excused absence, there will be a project assigned reflecting the course requirement. The excused absence policy is the same as Performances. If the project is not completed, the dress rehearsal grade will be a zero.

**Unexcused absences will be recorded as zeroes in your grade**

Singing Tests Students will record themselves performing class music with a partner, and turn it in for a singing grade. Students will have only one Singing Test per marking period, and will have 2 weeks to complete this. There will be some class time allowed to work on your tests.

Attendance Requirements

Members of each choir are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals, dress rehearsals, concerts, community events, and performances. The Music Calendar is subject to change due to anticipated performances that have not yet been scheduled. At all times, schedule changes will be announced as far in advance as possible. The director makes EVERY opportunity to provide the highest-level experiences for the music students at Del Val. Not showing up may result in removal from an extra-curricular group.

Please provide your rehearsal and performance schedule to your parents/guardians, employers, coaches and anyone else with whom you schedule your activities so they are well-informed of your commitments.

***Work and other extra-curricular activities are UNEXCUSED ABSENSES for DRESS REHEARSALS and PERFORMANCES***

If you miss a dress rehearsal, you may be removed from participating in the upcoming concert at the discretion of the director. Depending on the reason for missing the dress rehearsal, you may or may not be eligible for the makeup assignment.

**Attendance is a necessary component to a successful music ensemble.


when considering your own attendance**

Behavior Guidelines

§  All SCHOOL RULES and POLICIES are in effect at all choral events and activities both on school grounds and when the choir is abroad.

§  All choir members are expected to follow the instructions of any teacher, staff member or chaperone.

§  Any choir member possessing or using any controlled substances, which include tobacco and alcohol, during any choir function is subject to immediate removal from the organization, referral to school authorities, and if applicable, the appropriate law enforcement agency.

§  Choir members are expected to demonstrate respectful behavior and good judgment. You represent DVRHS each time you participate in a choral music activity. Be aware of that responsibility and act respectfully.

Region Choir and All-State Choir Policies

Honor Choir experiences are a wonderful opportunity for students who are interested in additional choral experiences outside of school. Students are encouraged to participate in Honor Choirs and will be provided with information regarding audition materials and requirements. This may include Region Choir, All-State Choir and other opportunities as they come available. Auditioning for an honor choir is a privilege and is reserved for those students who demonstrate interest, preparation, and exhibit responsibility. The student is expected to prepare for the honor choir audition independent of the teacher. However, the teacher may be consulted during the preparation period and it is up to the teacher how much time is available for individual assistance. The teacher is not responsible for the students’ preparation and the outcome of the audition.

In order to audition and participate in an honor choir, you must be in the school choral program (curricular or extra-curricular) and in good standing. Students who are selected for honor choirs and subsequently drop out of the school program will be removed from the honor choir. As with any honor choir, it is a privilege to be selected. For each student accepted, there are several students who were denied the chance. Only audition for honor choirs if you can commit to the rehearsals and performance. If a student from Del Val is accepted into an honor choir and does not uphold their responsibility (pending extenuating circumstances), the student may not audition for future honor choirs.

The teacher reserves the right to determine students’ eligibility to audition for honor choirs.

Music Department Website

The most up-to-date information about the Music Program can be found on the following websites:

James Schnyderite’s School Website:

Music Department Website:

Del Val Music Booster’s Website:


The music department is happy to announce this year’s biannual trip will be to WASHINGTON D.C. There will be an important informational meeting held on Thursday, September 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the DVRHS auditorium. Please plan to attend if you have any interest in the trip.


Choral Music Handbook Mr. Schnyderite 2015-2016

Choral Music Program Contract

Please sign and return the following to Mr. Schnyderite by Friday,September 12th.


Name: Phone #:______

Parents/Guardians Name(s): ______Home Phone #: ______

Parents/Guardians Email: ______

Birthday: ______


Please consider joining our parent run Music Booster Association. This group meets the second Wednesday of every month and helps organize events for students. This is the group that funds bringing in Ithacappella, fronts money for large-scale trips, and funds the yearly Music Booster Scholarship awarded to a senior music student. The next meeting is WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH at 7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room – B98/99. There are SO many opportunities that the group offers students to help fundraise for trips and other music expenses.

I have received, read and understand the Choral Music Handbook and will abide by the policies set out in this handbook. In signing this form, I acknowledge how important my commitment to the ensemble is to the members of the choral program. I recognize my responsibility to the group and will attend ALL REQUIRED choir activities as noted on the Music Calendar. I will work out issues with conflicts as soon as they arise.

Student Name: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______


Choral Music Handbook Mr. Schnyderite 2015-2016