1. The steps in section 1 (this section) only have to be done the FIRST time you want to use the TJW system time
  2. Find your tjwnnn userid and password on the grade tracker! In the steps below, tjwnnn is YOUR tjwaccount from the Tracker.
  3. Download and install the MTN3270.EXE program for Windows machines(as described below) or c3270/X3270 for Linux & Mac machines (from the internet) be sure to get a FREE version:
  4. For Windows only:
  5. Scroll down to BU Public FTP software
  6. Click on Windows then Internet
  7. Run the MTN3270 program on REAL Windows or X3270 in Linux or Mac
  8. If you are off campus, create the VPN tunnel, using the SSL.BINGHAMTON.EDU page
  9. Login using the ID & pw from (1.a) above
  10. Computer center procedures have changed since my lecture, so do the following:
  11. Type:IPL 1086 and press Enter
  12. Watch the screen and WAIT for it to clear and type more startup data, then KEEP WAITING (you can click the “clear screen” button in the 3270 program to make it go faster)
  13. When you finally see the Linux login prompt: type the following (you do NOT have to use capital letters, but you MUST type the hashtag symbol (#)):
  14. #CP SET RUN ON
  15. #CP DISC
  16. Close the 3270 window which will disconnect you from the REAL machine
  17. The remaining instructions are for EVERY time you want to get to your Linux virtual system
  18. Connect to your Linux system using Putty or SSH, by connecting to twjnnn.cc.binghamton.edu
  19. Login as the userid “root”, with the password I gave you in class (same for everyone)
  20. If you WANT the graphical environment (Gnome or KDE whichever I.T. set up for us) do this:
  21. Type: vncserver
  22. At the prompt for a password type a NEW password for your Linux GUI or you can re-use the one you just created in step 10
  23. Type: exit or logout
  24. Reconnect from now on using TightVNC instead of SSH or Putty (you have to download it) and this new password. Connect to tjwnnn.cc.binghamton.edu:1 (don’t forget the :1 required for VNC users)
  25. Now you can start doing work in a terminal window or the GUI
  26. Change your initial password using the Linux “passwd” command. BE CAREFUL. WRITE IT DOWN!!