Certificate in Training (Instructional Design) |

Institute of Commercial Management

Certificate in Training (Instructional Design)

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Presented by:

Carole Hogan Associates

Learning • Development • Training

Professor Thomas Garavan

HRD Decisions Limited

Certificate in Training (Instructional Design)

Programme Objectives

At the end of this certificate programme, participants will:

·  Understand the process of instructional design and the key skills that are necessary for full competence.

·  Understand the adult learning process and the principles of adult learning.

·  Understand the role of blended learning solutions and their implementation in organisation.

·  Understand different models of instructional design with a particular focus on the ADDIE Model.

·  Understand the concept of competencies and competency and develop skills in competency mapping.

·  Develop skills in needs identification and the preparation of training proposals

·  Understand the role of assessment and the skills required of assessors.

·  Develop skills in technical writing and understand the different technical writing formats.

·  Develop skills in writing learning objectives, developing training content and selecting evaluation strategies.

Programme Structure

Module No. / Title / Duration
Module 1 / Competency Based Training / 2 Days
Module 2 / Instructional Design / 2 Days
Module 3 / Adult Learning / 2 Days
Module 4 / The Training Process / 2 Days

We envisage that the programme will start in November 2010 and run over 12 months with 1 day per month and 6-8 weeks between modules.

Module Content

Module 1 Competency Based Training

Concepts of competency and competence categories of competence. Levels of competence. Systematic training versus competency based training. Key influences on the design of competencies for training purposes. Mapping competencies. Gathering competency data. Writing competency descriptions. Specifying competency standards.

Participants will be required to complete specific work based assignments between modules, these will be determined when the course begins.

Module 2 Instructional Design

Process of instructional design. Models of instructional design. The ADDIE Model. Stages of the ADDIE Model. Selecting appropriate learning objectives. Engaging with subject matter experts. Selecting appropriate learning methods. Utilising models of instructional design to design instructional materials. Writing instructional materials. Technical writing formats.

Participants will be required to complete specific work based assignments between modules, these will be determined when the course begins.

Module 3 Adult Learning

How adults learn. Principles of Adult Learning. Theories of Learning. Experiential Learning. Learning transfer. Motivation to learn. Self confidence for learning. Learning style. Assessing learning style. Designing learning to accommodate adult learning preferences. Dealing with difficult learners.

Participants will be required to complete specific work based assignments between modules, these will be determined when the course begins.

Module 4 The Training Process

The systematic training process. Training needs analysis. Gathering data to assess training needs. The process of prioritising training requirements. Translating training needs into learning strategies. Costing training and development activities. Presenting a case to management for investment in training. Delivering training. Evaluating training activities.

Participants will be required to complete specific work based assignments between modules, these will be determined when the course begins.


Duration: 12 Months

Accreditation: All participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded an ICM certificate in Training (Instructional Design).

© Carole Hogan Associates | Learning · Development · Training