Minutes of the San Francisco Deanery Meeting

held on

Saturday, November 20, 2010

St. Aidans’ Parish, San Francisco

Revision: Draft

Warren Wong was in the Chair: Holy Eucharist 9am. The Rev. Tommy Dillon, Rector, Celebrant

1The Meeting was called to Order at 10:17am.

2The Roll was called by the Secretary and a quorum was established.

3The Agenda was adopted.

4The Minutes of the 2 October 2010 meeting were amended and adopted.

5Warren Wong welcomed the delegates and guests and announced that the next meeting will be held March 5th at St. Mary the Virgin. At that meeting the Anglican covenant will be discussed and feedback will be give to the Diocese. He also discussed the on-going cross communication efforts within the San Francisco Deanery.

6The May convocation will be May 21 at Grace Cathedral. The Rev. Will Scott of St. Cyprian and Grace Cathedral will give a presentation on the Palestinian issues at that meeting.

7The Treasurer’s Report was given byThe Rev. David Rickey at 10:27am. It is attached. It was approved.

8Carole Jan Lee then announced the Grants for 2011. See attached. Grants were approved.

9Elections of Officers were held. The Rev. Nancy Pennekamp was re-elected VP Clergy and John Chase was re-elected Secretary. The Rev. Margaret Trezevant and Mary Balmana were elected to the nominations committee.

10As part of the elections process, Rouhlac Austin gave a briefing on the requirements for the delegate to the Executive Council. The Rev. Paul Burrows is retiring. Two people are running for this office:

  1. Candidate Edith Wells spoke of her long association with the St. Aidan’s Church and her family background and strong skills in financial management.
  2. Candidate Gabriel Strand Bruce of Grace Cathedral presented her financial management background.
  3. Secret Ballots were then issued on the above.

11Rouhlac Austin then gave the report on the Executive Council and assessment relief for St. Luke and St. Mary Virgin. She also expressed a need for help on the Assessment Committee.

12Chair Warren Wong requested assistance on re-organization of the Deanery and the Rev. Will Scott agreed to assist the chair.

13Julia McCray-Goldsmith Diocesan Staff member for Youth and Adult formation gave a presentation on Youth efforts within the Diocese. She pointed out that youth education too often separates young people into too many age groups and thus they cannot cross communicate with other young people. She then gave a video presentation with young people speaking their minds on religion. After the video presentation, the delegates gave their feed to back to Ms. McCray-Goldsmith. She pointed out that there are enough programs in the Diocese for young people, but they are not distributed well. She concluded her presentation by pointing that “we adult Episcopalian have to devote more energy to reaching to young people.”

14 Table Talk then began at 11:25. Two Questions were addressed:

  1. What do young people need for Spiritual growth?
  2. What do we as adult Episcopalians need to do to outreach to young people? (young people defined as ages 12-18)
  3. Feedback: We need to not shut down young people and we need to increase our critical mass in this demographic. We need make our liturgy attractive to young people and make sure that their families are practicing Christians.

15Election results were announced and Gabriel Strand Bruce of Grace Cathedral was elected as delegate to the Executive Council.

16Announcements from the floor. All Saints’ announced the publication of their 100 year History in the Haight Ashbury, which is available at book stores and Amazon.com. The Rev. Will Scott, Priest in Charge at St. Cyprians announced a 50 year parish celebration on December 18. The Race and Reconciliation Commission will be meet January 15, 2011.

17The Rev. Nancy Pennekamp gave a final prayer and the chair, Warren Wong moved to adjourn at 11:55am. It was approved.

Respectively Submitted

John P. Chase


As Amended: Draft