O’REILLYâ 2004 O’Reilly Mac OS X Conference

Speaker Evaluation Form

Keynote, Session or Tutorial

Thank you for helping us to improve the quality of our events. Please complete our presentation evaluation form to enter a drawing for a free iPOD Mini! Find a drop box in registration or outside of the session rooms.

Presentation Title: ______

Speaker(s): ______

1. Overall this presentation met my expectations and provided me with information I can use.

Strongly Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

2. Overall I would recommend this speaker to a colleague.

Strongly Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

3. Select the rating that best describes your experience with this Speaker(s).

Strongly Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

The Speaker(s) provided

content that was useful.

The technical level of the

information met my expectations.

The Speaker(s) presentation

skills were engaging.

The Speaker(s) had relevant

knowledge and expertise.

The Speaker(s) came

prepared for the presentation.

The Speaker(s) provided a

valued Q&A period.

The Speaker(s) had a

real world orientation.

The Speaker(s) developed

a rapport with the audience and

responded to individual needs.

I would like to see this speaker

again next year.

4. What one piece of advice would you give to the speaker(s) for presentation improvement.




5. Select the rating that best describes your view of this presentation.

Strongly Strongly

Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

The presentation had

real world applicability.

The handouts were useful and

will continue to be of use

(if a tutorial or as applicable).

The audio/visual aids were

easy to hear/see.

The demos provided context

and assisted with retaining the

material (if applicable).

I would like to see a similar topic

next year.

6. Additional comments or specific changes I would like to see made:




7. We will need your email address in the event that you are the winner of the free iPod Mini.

Email Address: ______

(Required for entry into our drawing.)

Drop your completed form into the evaluation collection box to enter a drawing for an IPod Mini. Thank you and good luck!