School Improvement



SCHOOL: Delhi Middle School
The following items should make up the Data Portfolio (to be kept on file at the school):

  • Subgroup Component Report and Principal’s Report Card for the last three years.
  • Summary of Findings of Survey Data and all source documents. (Teachers, Parents, Students, and Principal) May be completed online. If Parent sample size is inadequate, there must be Parent Focus Group(s).
  • Summary of Findings of Interview Data and all source documents. (Principal, Counselor, and Teachers) (Not Optional for Schools in School Improvement)
  • Summary of Findings of Focus Group Data and all source documents. (Teachers, Students, and Parents) (Not Optional for Schools in School Improvement)
  • Copy of the Data Triangulation Form
  • Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Final Report
  • DRA or DIBELS Reports
  • Data Analysis Template (Trend Data history, Discipline/Behavior history, etc.)
  • Data Notebook (for schools participating in School Analysis Model-SAM 2000 or LANA online)
  • Cognitive Summary Data (iLEAP, LEAP/GEE, ACT, PSAT, etc.)
  • Citation from monitoring of Federal Programs – if applicable (e.g., Special Education and corresponding Corrective Action Plans)

I have read and understand that the above information will be kept on file at the school.


Principal’s SignatureDate


SCHOOL: Delhi Middle School

FOR SCHOOL YEAR: 2015-2016

NAME (PRINTED) / SIGNATURE / REPRESENTING (Indicate Parent, Community, Teacher, Staff, Leadership) / QUARTERLY DATE(S) attended for Development, Revisions, and Evaluation of SIP
Shirley McDade / Principal /
Ericka McCall / Parent /
Mattie Finley / Parent /
Carolyn Beals / Parent /
Kenya Grimes / Teacher /
Edward Parks / Assistant Principal /

This page must be turned in at the end of the school year to Ken Newsom with parent signatures for documentation.

School Index Indicator Data

grade/subject / 2011-2012 proficiency / 2012-2013 proficiency / 2013-2014 proficiency / 2014-2015
proficiency / growth/loss
5th grade
ELA / 36% / 39% / 34%
math / 55% / 64% / 57%
science / 38% / 24% / 31% / 17% / -14
social studies / 28% / 45% / 34% / 11% / -23
6th grade
ELA / 36% / 39% / 45%
math / 51% / 48% / 58%
science / 36% / 39% / 45% / 41% / -4
social studies / 28% / 24% / 36% / 39% / +3
7th grade
ELA / 45% / 44% / 61%
math / 57% / 56% / 64%
science / 59% / 40% / 47% / 42% / -5
social studies / 41% / 35% / 50% / 37% / -13
8th grade
ELA / 49% / 42% / 45%
math / 37% / 40% / 48%
science / 29% / 40% / 52% / 37% / -15
social studies / 42% / 34% / 40% / 29% / -11

DMS Score Distributions and Proficiency Rates 2015

grade/subject / Advanced
(150) / Mastery
(125) / Basic
(100) / App Basic (0) / Unsat
(0) / %
5th grade
science / 0 / 0 / 6/17% / 18/50% / 12/33% / 6/17%
social studies / 0 / 0 / 4/11% / 15/42% / 17/47% / 4/11%
6th grade
science / 0 / 5/13% / 11/28% / 13/33% / 10/26% / 16/41%
social studies / 1/3% / 5/13% / 9/23% / 11/28% / 13/33% / 15/39%
7th grade
science / 0 / 1/3% / 14/39% / 19/53% / 2/6% / 15/42%
social studies / 0 / 2/6% / 11/31% / 20/56% / 3/8% / 13/37%
8th grade
science / 0 / 2/5% / 13/32% / 17/41% / 9/22% / 15/37%
social studies / 0 / 0 / 12/29% / 16/39% / 13/32% / 12/29%

Use the:

Website to access the state/district/school EOC reports by number and %. The following tables require only % for school.

Algebra I %



















12% (2)











65% (11)











23% (4)



Needs Improvement












For Title I Schools: ELA and Math by subgroups should be primary when considering weaknesses that will lead to the goals in the SIP.

Part Ia: Rank-order the identified areas of strength (3-5) from the student performance (cognitive data), behavior, attendance, dropout

data, and/or graduation index and indicate the supporting data sources:

STRENGTHS (100 characters per box) / DATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT (100 characters per box)
  1. 5th, 6th, and 7th grade math % proficient greater than 55%
/ 2014 % proficient report
  1. 7th grade ELA 61% proficient
/ 2014 % proficient report
  1. All subjects 6th, 7th, and 8th grade increased % proficient from prior year
/ 2014 % proficient report
  1. 7th grade ELA increased student % from prior year (2013-6th grade 39% proficient; 2014-7th grade 61% proficient)
/ 2014 Student Comparison % proficient report
  1. Assessment index increased from 41.5 to 48.4
/ 2014 School Performance Score Calculator

Part IIa. List the contributing factors from the cognitive, attitudinal/perceptual, behavioral, and archival data of the identified


(100 characters per box) / DATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT (100 characters per box)
  1. Administrators
/ Faculty Needs Assessment, Instructional Staff Questionnaires, Instructional Staff Interview, Instructional Staff Focus Group, Parent Focus Group
  1. Collaboration
/ Faculty Needs Assessment, Instructional Staff Interview, Instructional Staff Focus Group, Administrator Interview
  1. Discipline Process
/ COA, Student Focus Group, Parent Questionnaire, Parent Focus Group, AI, Faculty Needs Assessment, Instructional Staff Interview, Instructional Staff Focus Group, Contextual
  1. Availability of Technology
/ Contextual, Parent Questionnaire, Parent Focus Group, AQ, AI, Instructional Staff Questionnaire, Instructional Staff Interview


Part Ib: Rank-order the identified areas of weakness (3-5) from the student performance (cognitive data), behavior, attendance, dropout data, and/or graduation index and indicate the supporting data sources:

WEAKNESSES (100 characters per box) / DATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT (100 characters per box)
  1. 5th grade ELA, Science, and Social Studies below 35% proficient
/ 2014 % proficient report
  1. 6th grade Social Studies 36% proficient (2013- 5th grade 45% proficient; 2014-6th grade 36% Proficient)
/ 2014 % proficient student comparison report
  1. 6th grade ELA and Social Studies below 50% proficient
/ 2014 % proficient report
  1. 63% whole school below 50% proficient
/ 2014% proficient report

Part IIb. List the contributing factors from the cognitive, attitudinal/perceptual, behavioral, and archival data of the identified weaknesses:

(100 characters per box) / DATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT (100 characters per box)
  1. Rigor
/ Faculty Needs Assessment, Instructional Staff Questionnaire, Instructional Staff Interview, Instructional Staff Focus Group, Student Questionnaire, Parent Questionnaire, Administrator Questionnaire
  1. Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction (CAI)
/ Faculty Needs Assessment, Instructional Staff Interview, Instructional Staff Focus Group, COA, failed subgroup AYP
  1. Parent Involvement Improves but need more
/ Faculty Needs Assessment, Instructional Staff Questionnaire, Instructional Staff Interview, Instructional Staff Focus Group, Student Questionnaire, Parent Questionnaire, Administrator Questionnaire

The identified weaknesses will lead to the goals. The contributing factors of the weaknesses will lead to the strategies.

Richland Parish School Improvement PlanSTRATEGIES: Data Driven Decision Making & RTI

FOCUS AREAS: Curriculum and Assessment; School and Teacher Collaboration

SCHOOL: Delhi Middle

YEAR: 2015-2016

SUMMATIVE Evaluations will include comparison of state test results & SPS factors including DIBELS, LEAP, iLEAP, EOC, GEE, ITBS, dropout rates and graduation index

Activity (include PD, implementation, & follow-up steps) / Timeframe / Person(s) responsible & Person(s) involved / Funding source & amount / Procedure for documenting/evaluating/
Student outcomes
Teacher leaders will participate in ELA and Math state standards training. / June 4 and 5, 2015
And throughout 2015-2016 school year / Teacher Leaders
District Support Team / Title II (travel, hotel) / Sign-in sheets
Teacher Leaders will redeliver information from state standards training. / August 11 or 12, 2015 and ongoing / Teacher Leaders
District Support Team
Teachers and Paras
Math Coach
Instructional Facilitator / GF/Title I/Title II / Sign-in sheets
Evaluations conducted by District Support Team
Implement State Standards throughout the school year / August 13, 2015 and ongoing through May 2016 / Teachers / GF
Core Guides $500 Novels for Core Guides/Title I Code 600 Technology, Materials and Supplies $14,085 / Walk- around forms completed by teacher leaders, principals & supervisors indicating Common Core Standards and fidelity checks conducted by principals and supervisors
Lesson plans turned in weekly to principals
Student progress from pre-tests, benchmarking, and post-tests; six weeks grades; improvement on state assessments
CCSS follow-up through PLCs / Bi-monthly / Teacher leaders
District Support Team / Title II / PLC logs checked monthly by principals
Walk around forms completed by principals and supervisors
Teachers meet bimonthly to collaborate. Meetings should include a minimum of the following: sharing student work, reviewing assessments and assessment guide, discussion of common core, planning and implementation of text-based writing, effective classroom management, and improving rigor in the classroom. / Bimonthly September 2015-April 2016 / Teachers and paras
Instructional Facilitators
Data Coach
Principals / PLC logs checked monthly by principals
Implementation of strategies discussed during collaborative meetings / Daily
September 2015-May 2016 / Teachers and paras / Title I Para
Code 100 $18,437.00
Code 200 Benefits for para $12,420.00
Code 500
Odyssey Ware $3.500.00
LPB $1500.00
Brain Pop $2,825.00
A/R, A/M $3,582.00
Code 600 Materials and Supplies $14,085.00 / Lesson plans
Walk around forms completed monthly by principals and supervisors
Student progress from pre-tests, benchmarking, and post-tests; six weeks grades; improvement on state assessments
Century 21 tutoring program will assist struggling students through small group instruction during the instructional day and after school tutoring. / Daily Monday-Thursday
September 2015-May 2016 / Century 21 teachers and paras / Century 21 (MTS) / Student progress from pre-tests, benchmarking, and post-tests; six weeks grades; improvement on state assessments
Principal and Principal Intern will provide an overview (rewards and consequences of actions) of the School Wide Positive Behavior Plan. / August 2015 / Principal
Principal Intern / Title I (extra month salary) Code 100 & 200 $5,698.00 / Sign-in sheets
Copy of SWPB Plan
Principal, Principal Intern, Instructional Facilitator will providemonitoring and written feedback to teachers in the implementation of the plan by completing walkaround forms. / Ongoing
August 2015-May 2016 / Principal
Principal Intern
Instructional Facilitator/Math Coach/Data Coach / Walk around forms completed monthly by principals and supervisors
Teachers will establish and monthly review individual classroombehavior plans, follow the guidelines of the school behavior plan daily, and use the JPAM system to assist with documentation. (SWPB team monthly meetings) / Monthly
August 2015-May 2016 / Teachers / JPAMS reports
Classroom behavior plans
Meeting logs from SWPB team
Improved student behavior
Students with good behavior and without office referrals will berewarded during an assembly withprivileges/prizes/ and
certificates each six weeks. Teachers will provide, written or verbal, positive feedback to parents of each student every six weeks. / Each six weeks
August 2015-May 2016 / Teachers
Principal Intern / Copy of parent log kept by teacher

*Each school must add all Title I funded activities that correlate with identified weaknesses from LANA and attach the parent action plan.

Blue Signature Pages for Delh Middl School


Should be signed in August 2015 by all faculty members

and sent to Christy Hendrix by Sept. 11, 2015.

I have read and understand my role in the school improvement process.

I agree to implement the strategies and activities in the school improvement plan.

Name (printed) / Signature / Position

Principal’s Signature______Date______