Subject: Re: WZCCI Annual Report
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007

Mr.Yazdi Tantravisit to Ahmedabad

15th July 2006

We had our AGM and formed acore committee of 3 persons.

Chair Person Mr. Oorvaksh Medora

Secretary Mr. Navroze Kanga

Treasurer Mr. Jimmy Sethna

We had an interesting talk on the chamber and an introduction to the website by Mr. Yazdi Tantra.The meeting was followed by Dinner.

Mr. Bomy Boyce visit to Ahmedabad 26th January 2007.

It was an honour to have Mr. Bomy Boyce at Ahmedabad on his first visit after taking over as the president of WZCC. His presence inspired new faces at the meeting and his innovative ideas and inspiring talk shall spark young Zarthushti’s to becoming entrepreneurs and those already in business to grow global.

We had arranged a meeting at the Ahmedabad Parsi Panchayat Board Room. We had a room full of people and we appreciate the kindness forwarded by our President of APP and WZCC India Director

Mr. Areez Khambatta, for hosting the meeting in the Board room, with Tea, coffee and biscuits.

We had a very interesting talk by Mr. Boyce about the Chamber and how people can make best use of this platform. We had a very interactive session, with people coming out with their views of the chapter, with Mr. Percy Avari of Mazda Controls Pvt. Ltd. proposing that the chamber should also have a placement cell where members can make use of the chamber to get better job opportunities in India and abroad. We had Mr. Hervez Bharucha who wants to set up a holistic healing center, and wanted to know how the chamber would be helpful. Mr. Rustom Marshall suggested that “The Zoroastrian Ladies Industrial” in Ahmedabad and other Ladies organization as such which works on similar lines of RTI of Mumbai, which have been in different cities of India and have had to close down because they could not sustain, should be promoted by the Chamber and could start export of items made by them, in turn creating job opportunities to Parsi ladies especial less privileged. Mr. Ferebin Nowrijee from ICICI Bank-Small Enterprise Group Gujarat Head would like to network with Zoroastrian Bank.

We also visited the EDI (Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India), we could not meet the Director Dr. Avasthi as it was 26th January, but were lucky to meet Dr. S. B. Sareen Country Director – Sudan. He explained in detail the history and programs of EDI to us. He has also given the brochure with all the programs which Mr. Boyce is carrying with him.

We had a meeting with Mr. Sohrab Modi of Mazda Controls which was of great importance as he is one of the leading Zarthusti business houses of Ahmedabad. The rest of the business houses didn’t show interest in meeting with Mr. Boyce. Unfortunately for them they missed a golden opportunity. On the whole Mr. Boyce’s visit was a big success.

Forming a new committee:

Mr. Oorvaksh Medora- Chapter chair

Ms. Khushnum Avari - Vice Chairperson

Mr. Perseus Contractor -Hon. Secretary

Mr. Jimmy Sethna - Treasurer

Mr. Zubin Mistry -Joint Hon. Secretary

Mr. Aspy Unwalla - Committee Member

Mr. Farebin Nowroji - Committee Member

Ms. Delnaz Medora - Committee Member

Agenda's for the coming year:

Interactive networking within the Gujarat Chapter:

Mr. Shahzaad Sahiar suggested that there should be more interactive networking within the Gujarat chapter to instill better business and contacts within.

Debate Employee versus Employer:

Mr. Oorvaksh Medora suggested that we should have a debate of Job Opportunities versus Business Opportunities OR Enterprise versus Job. Where Mr. Zubin Mistry suggested it would be best to have an Employee versus Employer debate. This event’s responsibility was given to Mr. Perseus Contractor.

Meeting with Ahmedabad Parsi Panchayat Board and Committee Members:

To go to the grass root level, it was decided that the new committee should meet with the APP members and go down to the grass root level to help people who are doing some small, medium or large business, but are hesitating to reach us. We should also make a list of people who take loans for “Hunnar Udyog” and do a study how well these loans are utilized. For which Mr. Oorvaksh Medora has taken responsibility.

Panel Discussion on Investment Opportunities:

Mr. Jimmy Sethna suggested that we should have a discussion on the different types of Investments especially Investments in stocks. On discussion it was decided that we should have a discussion on all kinds of investments viz. Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Insurance, etc.

Nominate YOUTH from Gujarat Chapter for the next SynergyZ:

The next issue of SynergyZ is dedicated to the YOUTH of our community, and they require nominations in the field of Profession, Industries, Arts, Science, Music, Sports, Fashion Designing, Painting, Photography, Acting, Community Matters, etc.

Start Small business from home:

Mr. Jimmy Sethna suggested that there are a number of opportunities that a person can do from home in his/her free time viz. Medical transcription, accounting, etc. We should promote such projects within the community and chapter. Mr. Jimmy Sethna has taken the responsibility to do further study on the same and give us a project report.