12th March 2013
Important Message To All Headteachers
Safeguarding and Internet Safety
Dear Colleagues
As you will be aware your school is fitted with a Smooth Wall device which protects your school from the Internet by filtering the sites that are being searched. Unfortunately this does not protect the school or its pupils from sites that are trusted, or from any violations that may happen on the schools network.
We have, however, secured a product through funding from the schools forum, that will protect staff and pupils for the next 3 years. The product is called
‘e-safe’ and will be installed free of charge to all schools in Bradford.
E-safe works on keystroke recognition and content analysis so can detect computer misuse even if it is then deleted. It will help to protect the pupils inside school from any form of cyber bullying and detects popular tends that maybe a secret form of communication. It is also very effective in capturing inappropriate materials and images that may have been uploaded onto the school network and from sites which we think are safe.
If E-safe detects any misuse it will be reviewed by a safeguarding team within E-safe and escalated to the head teacher either directly via telephone or via an encrypted report depending upon the severity of the violation.
Please would all head teachers ensure that their School Business Managers are made aware of this product. There is no need to pay for other security software as e-safe covers all schools requirements and has been endorsed by the Local Authority, who have worked in partnership with us.
I have attached documents that will give you more information about what e-safe will do and the information needed to install
Along with the Site Installation Form which we need completing (fully without omission) and returning, each Head also needs to send us the following info:
- Name of the Head, their direct email address (not admin@, or office@ etc.) and mobile number. The Head’s mobile number is required in the event that e-safe need to escalate a serious life threatening or illegal incident.
- Name and title of the schools senior safeguarding contact nominated to receive incident notification/reports (if not the Head). This must not be an ICT technician or network manager and must include the direct email address and mobile number of the safeguarding contact
Upon receipt of the above, e-safe will issue the nominated contact (by email) with a Welcome Pack which includes instructions on how to obtain an encryption key to access incident reports. In the instance of secondary schools and colleges which may want to include Heads of Year and other staff in the incident escalation and reporting process , we recommend that those contacts are identified after the Service has been installed and operating for a few weeks.
- The attached Site Installation Form to be completed by the schools ICT network manager or technician
Irrespective of whether the answers to the 3 points above are to be sent to e-safe via Bradford Council or direct from the schools to e-safe, the information needs to be emailed to e-safe at the following:
- Head and safeguarding contact details to:
quoting the school name in the subject field
- Completed Site Installation Forms to:
- quoting the school name in the subject field
Kind Regards
Kevin Holland
The e-safe Forensic Monitoring Service Installation utilises a site specific Microsoft Software Installer (MSI). This requires e-safe technical staff to be given access to the participating school network utilising a mutually agreeable remote access product (our preference being LoginMeIn remote assistance) to conduct the initial client install on a single or limited number of PC’s. The e-safe preconfigured UK based server will communicate with the school through a standard web connection typically via Port 80. Following the initial restricted install, which will take approximately 15 -30 minutes (depending upon the Web connection speed), the school technical staff will be required to check that the existing applications usually installed onto the target PC (or PC’s) continue to operate correctly. The MSI will then need to be deployed through their preferred mode of software distribution (e.g. via Windows Active Directory) to conclude the roll-out of software to all remaining PC’s NB each PC must be re-booted after deployment of the e-safe client to activate the Service.
Contact Details:
Contact Name:Site Address:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Network specific information:
Windows Domain NameManagement software used / (e.g. RM Connect, Ranger, none)
Is Policy Central or Securus installed on site? / (if so, please identify which)
IP Subnet(s) used:
Internal IP Address of Smoothwall server:
Port number of Proxy server:
Internal IP Address of router:
Operating Systems used by PC devices / XP / Vista / Win 7 / Mac
Total number of PC devices
Number of PC devices which are 32bit
Number of devices which are 64bit
PC name of each current device / (please do not supply out of date id’s)
List of PC devices with a spec below 1Ghz processor and/or 1Gb RAM and/or less than 100Mb free disk space / (please supply id’s)
List all current staff user id’s / (e.g. from Active directory)
List all current pupil/student id’s / (e.g. from Active directory)
List top 10 URL’s commonly used by the school including any which access internal resources / (e.g. Sharepoint server, school website, school email, admin portals etc)
List applications commonly used by staff / (e.g. SIMS, SMIS, Sharp products etc)