National Saddle Clubs Association

Officer’s Meeting minutes

Buffalo, Wyoming

July 18, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 8:23 a.m., by President Shawn Kohr.

Roll Call was answered by: President: Shawn Kohr, 1st Vice President: Bob Jones, 2nd Vice President: Rance Schreibvogel, 3rd Vice President Kim Osburne, Secretary/Treasurer: Sharolyn Davis, Assistant to the Secretary: NA, Advertising/P R Director: NA, Sponsorship Director: Tonya Kohr, Historian/Awards Coordinator: Asa Galloway, Royalty Dir./Coordinator: Heather Schreibvogel, Past President: Lewis Goodsell, Junior Directors: Casey Kohr, Danaira Carpenter,

Introductions were made.

Scholarship Account: $9,090. We need to transfer $5,630.69 from checking to savings to balance books (action Item for Sharolyn- Done).

Asa Gallaway made a motion to dispense reading the previous meeting minutes and to accept them as previously distributed with the exception of changing Tonya Kohr name. Seconded by Bob Jones Motion Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: We were challenged with Quick books and included a printed update (in Excel) with packets. Total Income for 2015 show so far Record $72,237. With total expense $34,153.11- We will still need to pay for ½ of the saddles and an extra $25 in shipping. Scholarship account of$9,090. We need to transfer $5,630.69 from checking to savings to balance books (action Item for Sharolyn- Done). Included in Expenses was the purchase of Pace Trailer to store/transfer equipment along with being used as an on Deck caller during show for $1,600. Asa Gallaway motioned to accept the account balances as reported. Bob Jones seconded the motion, and motion passed.

Old Business:

Peggy Huntington took care of Trophy Place card replacements- Huge Thanks!!

Master Saddles Refund- We paid for three saddles for the 2013 show that were never delivered (total $2,610). Pursuing legally would result in about the same cost as getting new saddles. Saddles were already replaced.

Sharolyn Davis made a motion to give Stephanie Seiler Jacket for all the long nights and extra effort in helping restore current computer program. Lewis Goodsell seconded the motion, and motion passed. Also gave update on working with Charlie Horse Program for months to try to get it to work as approved in last meeting- This was a no go so we went back to Steph to recover what we could to run the show with a computer.

We also proposed to advertise Johnson County Fairgrounds with a logo on the jackets for a discount to use the facilities- This was a no go.

We also included the new Rule Change form in the packet along noting to update the one on the Web Site.

New Business:

Vender Fee- Keep same as 2013 as we didn’t set any new pricing in the winter meeting. Heather Schreibvogel made motion to keep pricing as is, Lewis Goodsell Seconded the motion, and motion passed.

Ice Cream Vendor- Vendor contacted Shawn Kohr requesting to sell ice Cream on Fair Grounds. Heather Schreibvogel made a motion to waive vendor fees as vender would be passing through and not stationed on site at all times. Bob Jones Seconded the motion, and motion passed.

Shawn updated overall 2015 Show results:

Age Group:

Overall almost all contestants in each age group increased from 2014 with the exception of 8-11.

7 & Under had an increase of 7 riders (almost all from Montana).

8-11: down 2 riders, 12-15: Up 20 riders, Women up 25 riders, Men Up 1 rider, Sr Women: up 10 Riders, Sr Men: up 7 riders.

Stalls and Camping:

Asa and Scott did a great job this year. Will refund Bob Jones extra camping days that was mailed in (not needed this year).

Show Schedule is missing from packet (Sharolyn will have copies at the office). They are also included in the rule book.

Royalty Update:

Heather Schreibvogel requested NSCA sponsor Royalty breakfast Tuesday morning at the Occidental Hotel . Tonya Kohr made a motion to approve request. Asa Gallaway seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Grand Entry same as last year- Kim Osburne will help Heather update Grand Entry.

Fundraisers: Heather updated that Barrel Race and Flying W to follow 4D rules. Linda Worrik made a quilt that the royalty girls will be selling raffle tickets for. Quilt will be located in Cook Stand building.

Awards- Asa gave a update that all awards have been purchased and were delivered on time with the exception of some saddles that would be delivered by Monday.

Superbucks entry’s need to be entered by Tuesday end of day. Will also be announced.

On Deck Caller: We will be using new Pace Trailer as shade and On Deck Caller stand.

Crow’s Nest: no changes from last year with the exception of new sound system- So far it sounds great!!

Timer Stands: Bob Jones updated that Kevin Boles has stands and also made a request that NSCA look at getting new ones for 2016 to be stored with other properties.

Wednesday night awards: We will be giving coats out on Wednesday along with the awards. We will have certificates for awards along with coats.

Dance: General update was dance was a huge hit. Would like to have more than one per week- possibly on Sunday or Wednesday night- Will update and announce during week. Also have DJ coming on Friday night at the price of $550.

Friday Dinner: NSCA will also be hosting a Ham Dinner (Huge Thanks for Mary Ann Jones) with donations requested to support.

Photographer will be onsite Sunday through Wednesday selling pictures throughout the week along with update via website for future purchase of photos.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Tonya Kohr at 9:28am seconded by Bob Jones a vote was taken and motion passed.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by:

Sharolyn Davis, Secretary/Treasurer

National Saddle Clubs Association

Officer’s & Directors Meeting minutes

Buffalo, Wyoming

July 18, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 9:39 a.m. by President Shawn Kohr.

Roll Call was answered by: President: Shawn Kohr, 1st Vice President: Bob Jones, 2nd Vice President: Rance Schreibvogel, 3rd Vice President Kim Osburne, Secretary/Treasurer: Sharolyn Davis, Assistant to the Secretary: NA, Advertising/P R Director: NA, Sponsorship Director: Tonya Kohr, Historian/Awards Coordinator: Asa Galloway, Royalty Dir./Coordinator: Heather Schreibvogel, Past President: Lewis Goodsell, Junior Directors: Casey Kohr, Danaira Carpenter, Idaho Directors: Myra Metcalf, Bill Cafferty, Minnesota Directors: Susan Grill, Casey Baum, Kansas Directors: Rock Thomson, Scott Gallaway, Montana Directors: Keith Smith & Peggy Huntington, Washington Directors: Maddie McPhee & Amanda Mosler

A motion was made to approve winter meeting minutes as previously approved by Board, also located in packets. Lewis Goodsell seconded the motion, and motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Total Income for 2015 show so far Record $72,237. With total expense $34,153.11- We will still need to pay for ½ of the saddles and an extra $25 in shipping. Scholarship account of$9,090. We need to transfer $5,630.69 from checking to savings to balance books (action Item for Sharolyn- Done). Included in Expense was the purchase of Pace Trailer to store/transfer equipment along with being used as an on Deck caller during show for $1,600. Bill Cafferty made motioned to accept the account balances as reported. Lewis Goodsell seconded the motion, and motion passed.

Old Business:

Master Saddles Refund- We paid for three saddles for the 2013 show that were never delivered (total $2,610). Pursuing legally would result in about the same cost as getting new saddles. Saddles were already replaced.

Peggy Huntington took care of Trophy Place card replacements- Huge Thanks!!

Computer Update: Sharolyn Davis gave update on working with Charlie Horse Program for months to try to get it to work as approved in last meeting- This was a no go so we went back to Steph to recover what we could to run the show with a computer. We will continue to make change request as needed to support show smoothly.

Rule change: We also included the new Rule Change form in the packet along noting to update the one on the Web Site.

New Business:

Vendor prices will remain the same as 2013 show at $100.

Dance: General update was dance was a huge hit. Would like to have more than one per week- possibly on Sunday or Wednesday night- Will update and announce during week. Also have DJ coming on Friday night at the price of $550

Winter Meeting: Much discussion on place and date. Location was discussed at length. Bill Cafferty suggested having winter meeting near an international airport where cost would be cheaper in hope that more states would show up. Bob Jones brought up that Buffalo was about half way for everyone (until Minnesota updated they couldn’t make it this year). Decided to Table location to allow for more research: Flight pricing for Denver, Salt Lake and even Las Vegas were going to be looked at. Tonya Kohr made a motion to set date for October 9th and 10th. Bob Jones seconded the motion, and motion passed.

Future shows: Need Bids for 2017- Keith Smith might have a bid for Great Falls. Checking on more information for hook-ups and other places.

NSCA purchased a 6X12 Pace Trailer for $1,600 to store and haul properties. Still need to purchase locks and a locking hitch. NWSOA will responsible to take trailer to Idaho for 2016 show. (thanks). All properties will fit in trailer with the exception of Jumping poles (Bob Jones will haul these this year) until arrangements can be made for approval for either internal or external sleeve to allow for breakdown so they will fit in trailer. Other options would be to haul on outside with additional cost to install mounts. Bob Jones made a motion to purchase insurance, locks and locking hitch for trailer. Asa Gallaway seconded the motion, and motion passed.

A motion was made for approval to discard 3 printers that were out of service purchased in previous years. Bob Jones seconded the motion and motion passed.

Bob Jones made a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:44am. Lewis Goodsell seconded the motion, and motion passed.


National Saddle Clubs Association

Officer’s & Directors Meeting minutes

Buffalo, Wyoming

July 24, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m. by President Shawn Kohr.

Roll Call was answered by: President: Shawn Kohr, 1st Vice President: Bob Jones, 2nd Vice President: Rance Schreibvogel, 3rd Vice President Kim Osburne, Secretary/Treasurer: Sharolyn Davis, Assistant to the Secretary: NA, Advertising/P R Director: NA, Sponsorship Director: Tonya Kohr, Historian/Awards Coordinator: Asa Galloway, Royalty Dir./Coordinator: Heather Schreibvogel, Past President: Lewis Goodsell, Junior Directors: Danaira Carpenter, Idaho Directors: Myra Metcalf, Bill Cafferty, Minnesota Directors: Susan Grill, Casey Baum, Kansas Direcors: Rock Thomson, Scott Gallaway, Montana Directors: Peggy Huntington, Washington Directors: Vannessa Polaskie & Amanda Mosler

Follow up to set location for winter meeting: Shawn Kohr opened with some #’s for cost for Denver:

Boise to Denver: $392

Wichita to Denver: $333

Seattle to Denver: $317

Open for Decisions:

Myra Metcalf mention that members Winter meeting in Blackfoot- Peggy Huntington agreeded.

Scott Galloway would like to see it in Buffalo as it was half way.

Shawn Kohr stated that if driving from Seattle and Kansas then Blackfoot is half way. Members from Minnesota confirmed that due to a club members wedding they would not be attending the winter meeting.

Bill Cafferty asked what it would take for Washington to attend Winter meeting. Amanda Mosler liked the idea of Blackfoot while Vanessa said they could purchase cheap tickets for Vegas!.

Fact: 2014 Winter meeting only had 14 people in attendance- would like to have more in 2015 - from Tanya Kohr.

Scott Gallaway made a motion to have winter meeting in Buffalo Wyoming. Lewis Goodsell seconded the motion. Vote: Failed (8 Yes and 9 NO).

Bill Cafferty made a motion to have winter meeting in Blackfoot. Myra Metcalf seconded the motion. Vote Passed (11 Yes and 5 NO).


Susan Grill updated that anyone traveling to Minnesota would not be allowed in state without a health certificate due to a recent outbreak- More information would be forthcoming from her Vet.

Stalls- Need to be CLEAN TODAY.

Rule Books- We have Extra available for sale.

Coffee Cups-Some extra 50th addition coffee cups would be available for sale at future shows.

Jackets- We are allowing contestants to switch sizes and will be sending in one last order as soon as all the information is received along with allowing new orders (One last time!).

Scholarship information: Myra Metcalf mentioned lack of Omoksee history knowledge in interviews and encouraged everyone to help teach younger contestants.

Jumping Poles: Keith Smith would like to purchase extra Jumping poles- With was tabled until winter meeting.

Inventory of Properties: We need to get a detailed inventory list of all properties in trailer. Myra volunteered to help if trailer was taken to her house. (Thanks). Linda Sanders will make 24 red and white flags.

NWSOA – volunteered to paint or replace current flag race coffee cans before 2016 show.

Heather Schreibvogel made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:40am. Bill Cafferty seconded the motion, and motion passed.