TO: Campus Community
FROM: Fr. Bernie O’Connor, OSFS
RE: Board Meeting of May 16, 2013
DATE: May 19, 2013
The Board of Trustees made the following decisions of general interest:
Appointed three new board members:
1. Msgr. Andrew Baker Pastor of Cathedral Parish
2. Fr. Ken McKenna, OSFS Provincial Superior of Toledo-Detroit Province
3. Dr. Brendan Kennealey President – Salesianum School
Commended two board members as they completed the full twelve years of trustee service:
1. Msgr. Albert Schlert Vicar General for the Allentown Diocese
2. Fr. Ronald Olszewski, OSFS President of St. Francis de Sales High School
Approved the following promotion and sabbatical items:
1. Mr. Steven Dennis, Associate Professor of Theatre, has been granted another 5- year Extended Contract.
2. Ms. Elizabeth Elliott has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Theatre and granted a 5-year Extended Contract.
3. Dr. David Gilfoil has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Business and granted a 5-year Extended Contract.
4. Dr. Tahereh Hojjat has been promoted to the rank of Professor of Business.
5. Dr. Mary Ellen Miller has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Nursing and granted tenure.
6. Ms. Juilene Osborne-McKnight has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of English and granted a 5-year Extended Contract.
7. Dr. Angelica Silva has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Spanish and granted tenure.
8. Fr. Thomas Dailey has been granted a sabbatical leave for the fall 2013 semester to write a book tentatively titled How to Be Who You Are: A Guide to Living Well on a University Campus. He suggests that the book could be of direct use in the “DeSales Experience” and in the new employee “Inculturation” program. If time permits, he will write an adaptation of St. Francis de Sales’ Spiritual Directory. He is involved in a collaborative venture with St. Charles Borromeo Seminary to create the John Cardinal Foley Chair of Homiletics and Social Communication which he would intend to hold. If this initiative moves forward, Fr. Dailey will be on sabbatical leave for the spring 2014 semester.
9. Dr. Jennifer Moore has been granted a sabbatical leave for the spring 2014 semester. She is under contract with Pearson Prentice Hall to publish her third textbook Criminal Law: Justice Series. The Justice Series is an initiative by Pearson to transform traditional textbooks into visually engaging, graphically designed works, integrating technological resources with course materials. Her previous two Prentice Hall textbooks are Criminal Law and Criminal Law and Procedure. The coauthor for the three textbooks is Dr. John Worrall, Professor of Criminology at the University of Texas at Dallas.
10. Dr. Lois Gadek has been granted a Leave without Pay for the fall 2013 semester.
And, approved the construction of the DeSales Drive alteration and the upperclassmen village project.
Let the entire DeSales University family celebrate these wonderful accomplishments!