Aztlán Cup Packet 14 : UCSD You Don’t Get to Answer Because I’m the Captain (K. Costello)


1. Her timepiece shows eight forty A.M., and has done so for years. She likes sitting in a chair and watching her adopted daughter play cards with her house guest, whom she contacts through Pumblechook. Defrauded by Compeyson, she raises her daughter to achieve revenge on the whole of mankind, only to beg forgiveness later when she realizes what she has done. She spends all her days in Satis House, wearing only one shoe and the same clothes she wore years ago when she was jilted on her wedding day. FTP who is this adopted mother of Estella in Great Expectations?

ANSWER:Miss Havisham

2. His collaborations with Pattanaik built on the work of Arrow in describing the conditions under which preferences according to majority rule become intransitive. His work on how collective decision-making can take into account individuals utility functions as well as their preferences is summarized in his seminal 1970 monograph "Collective Choice and Social Welfare". However, he may be most famous for his creation of the United Nations poverty index and his work describing how social inequalities can cause famine to occur even when food production is plentiful. FTP, Identify this winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics who is perhaps India's most notable economist.


3. What was originally supposed to be this work's final movement was instead placed in its composer's A minor string quartet. Its first movement, marked un poco maestoso, opens with the horns playing pianissimo triplets dropping from D to A, then down to D again, followed by a fortissimo establishing the tonic key of D minor. The scherzo and trio are moved up to the second movement, and themes from all three prior movements are reprised in the fourth movement before the lower strings take up its most familiar theme. Variations on that same theme are incorporated as a Turkish march, orchestral fugue, and finally a vocal quartet whose voices climb towards the Elysium mentioned in the libretto. FTP name this symphony which features the words of Schiller put to music as 'Ode to Joy'.

ANSWER:Beethoven's 9th symphony (accept Choralsymphony if Beethoven is mentioned as well)

4. A small disclaimer at the end of this show noted that not all contestants appearing on the show were even eligible to win in the first place, and that the judge knew in advance that certain contestants were ineligible. Its origins lay in a segment of Man vs. Beast where 40 people lost an airplane-pulling contest to an elephant. The producer of that show, Rick Schotz, decided to take similar people, such as Glen Foster, put them in a Malibu mansion, and let things take their natural course. At the end of the first episode three "normal" women were added to the mix, putting Glen in a nasty dilemma as he tried to find true love. FTP identify this Fox offering which reached new lows in more ways than one and offended dwarf-rights groups everywhere.

ANSWER:TheLittlest Groom

5. Legend has it that he conquered as much by bribing the small states of Ionia as by force, and his gifts to the Greeks were reported to be very fine. Entering into alliance with both Egypt and Babylon, he was defeated nonetheless by the stench of his enemy’s camels. He probably would not have gone to war if the Oracle at Delphi had clarified which great empire was going to be destroyed. FTP name this Lydian ruler famed for his legendary wealth.

ANSWER: Croesus

6. They converge uniformly for continuously differentiable functions, and are uniformly Cesaro summable for continuous functions, as was shown by Fejer, but uniform convergence need not always hold, as is shown by Gibbs Phenomenon. They do converge in the mean square, however, which gives rise to Parseval's identity regarding their coefficients. In actuality, they can be defined for any complete orthonormal set of functions, an important result in Harmonic Analysis. FTP, name this series useful in analyzing waves and other periodic functions which expands functions as an infinitesum of sines and cosines.


7. He contributed to the newspaper Novoe vremya, but stopped writing for it due to its campaign against Alfred Dreyfuss. In a similar activist vein, he journeyed to a Russian Penal Colony, interviewing the prisoners there and writing "The Island -- A Journey to Sakhalin". Afterwards, he lived in Melikhovo, then Yalta, the latter of which was the setting for many of his works including "The Lady with the Dog". FTP, who is this Russian author, most famous for short stories and plays such as "Three Sisters", "Uncle Vanya", and, "The Cherry Orchard?


8. Figures in this group portrait include a horseman with helmet, who appears again in the artist's Alexander The Great, and numerous other generic historical figures. Erroneously renamed in the 19th century, its original title can be found in the family chronicle of the central figure: "Sketch of the painting from the Great Hall of Cleveniers Doelen, in which the young Heer van Purmerlandt, as captain, orders, his lieutenant, the Heer van Vlaerderdingen, to march the company out." This describes, FTP, which portrait of a captain dressed in black accompanied by his yellow-clad assistant, one of Rembrandt's most famous and controversial paintings.

ANSWER: TheNight Watch or The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq

9. It exists in two forms, the "minor", which has a death rate of around 1%, and the "major", with a death rate of up to 50%. Symptoms take approximately 7 to 17 days to appear, and markings on victims progress from macules to papules to vesicles before the scabs of the characteristic rash fall off the skin. This disease caused by the Variola virus infected Ali Maow Maalin in 1977 and killed Janet Parker a year later in a laboratory accident. These two people are the last known sufferers from, FTP, what disease which was eradicated due to a vaccine discovered by Edward Jenner?

ANSWER:Smallpox (accept Variola before it is mentioned)

10. A competitive antagonist of glycine, it lowers the levels of g lycine in the brain, removing one of the main inhibitors of muscle contractions. Obtainable from the seeds of Saint Ignatius's bean or the nux vomica plant, this white rhombic crystalline chemical with chemical formula C twenty one H twenty two N two O is closely related to quinine, and like quinine it was often used in tonics of Victorian times. FTP name this alkaloid most commonly used now in mole-control and rat poison.


11. Events leading up to it included a Johnny Davis touchdown run and a 44-yard Rafael Septien field goal to leave the score 27-21 in favor of Dallas. With one minute remaining and the ball on the Dallas 6, Ed "Too Tall" Jones and Larry Bethea of Dallas broke through the Forty-niner offensive line, forcing quarterback Joe Montana to throw blindly into the crossing pattern of his secondary receiver. This led to which event, FTP, wherein receiver Dwight Clark defied gravity and came down with a touchdown to secure the playoff victory.


12. It moved in 1948 to Hersmonceux, then moved again in 1990 in search of better working conditions. Founded by Charles II, its first head was a 29-year-old clergyman. Its seventh head, George Airy, proposed the addition of the Magnetic and Meteorological departments, the first to be added since its first head, Flamsteed. FTP identify this home of the Astronomer Royal originally located at 51 degrees, 28 minutes North Latitude and precisely 0 degrees longitude.

ANSWER:Royal Greenwich Observatory

13. Chapters 13 and 14 of this book are recognized as legitimate by the Catholic Church, but are not in the King James Bible. These include the story of Bel and the Dragon. Chapters 7-12 of this book are written in the first person, giving rise to the possibility that it may have been written by the prophet it describes. That prophet grew strong despite only eating vegetables and water while those around him ate from the King's table, and his version served him well at Belshazzar's feast where he was able to comprehend the writing on the wall. FTP what book shares its name with the prophet who survived both the fiery furnace and the lion's den?


14. When asked to write a poem about World War I, he put his refusal in poetic form in "On Being Asked For a War Poem". Nevertheless, subsequent collections such "Michael Robartes and the Dancer" included many poems from the genre, including several in memory of Major Robert Gregory. One particular work of this poet describes a schoolteacher, a poet, and a drunkard who were "changed, changed utterly" by a single day when they fought and lost. "MacDonagh and McBride, Connolly and Pearse" helped a "terrible beauty" to be born in "Easter 1916" by, FTP, which Irish Nobel Laureate?

ANSWER:William ButlerYeats

15. It held the enclave of Gwadar in Pakistan until the late 1940’s, and today still occupies the exclave of Madha, though part of that is occupied by Sharjah. Its major cities include Sawqirah and Salalah, which is in the Dhofar region, which has demanded independence from this country. It also owns the territory of Musandam, on the Strait of Hormouz and cut off from this country by the United Arab Emirates. FTP, name this Middle Eastern country, which once occupied a colonial empire stretching to Zanzibar, the last sultanate in the Middle East with capital at Muscat.

ANSWER: Sultanate of Oman

16. The mother of the main character of this novel is buried headless after being killed in a car accident. Distraught, the main character goes in labor after finally finding Nivea's head, eventually giving birth to Jaime and Nicolas. Jaime is later killed in a coup in which the socialist government in the unnamed country where this novel takes place is overthrown by a military coup led by the grandchild of the main character's husband and the housekeeper he raped. This character had been mute since the death of Rosa the Beautiful, and only spoke again when she announced clairvoyantly that she would be married to Esteban Trueba in, FTP, what first novel of Isabel Allende?

ANSWER:TheHouse of the Spirits(accept LaCasa de Los Espiritos)

17. He was an artist and teacher in the 1920's when he met Anna Freud, who encouraged him to study child psychoanalysis. He would later extend her father's psychosexual approach with a theory that encompassed the entire life cycle and recognized the impact of society, history, and culture on personality development. His most well-known theory may have stemmed from events in his childhood, of which he wrote, "No doubt my best friends will insist that I needed to name this crisis and to see it in everybody else in order to really come terms with it myself." This is, FTP, what founder of psycho-sociology, author of Young Man Luther and developer of the concept of the "identity crisis"?

ANSWER: ErikErikson

18.Founded in 910 by William, Duke of Aquitaine, it was established outside the authority of the crown, and quickly grew into a major spiritual and temporal power. At its construction, the main church was the largest church in western Europe, retaining that title until the construction of St. Peter’s in Rome. During the height of its power its order encompassed 314 monasteries all over western Europe. FTP, six saints have reigned over what monastery, that was once considered the second center of the Catholic world?


19. Incorporated as a public corporation in 1919, due to the energy of its head and supporters, it was able to buy its first ship, the SS Yarmouth, within three months. However, the Yarmouth turned out to be in bad repair, as were the other boats that were bought for the ailing company. Faced by corruption from within and interference from J. Edgar Hoover and the Bureau of Investigation, this company quickly sank into debt. Nevertheless it remains an important symbol in American history. FTP, name this shipping company, owned and operated entirely by African-Americans, led by the redoubtable Marcus Garvey.

ANSWER: TheBlack Star Line

20. It was an improvement on Leyding and Dromi, replacing the brittle iron with subtler materials. Attached to Gelgia, which is in turn anchored to Gioll, this object was thinner than its predecessors. The one for whom it was made mistrusted it as a tool of guile and deceit, and was right to do so, since it was made by dwarves out of such magical materials as bear sinews, a woman's beard, and the noise of a cat's footfall. A hand was sacrificed by Tyr so that it could finally be attached to its target, who was now imprisoned until Ragnarok. FTP what is this chain which holds the Fenris Wolf?


21. If burned, this plant can create a kind of soda ash, something that made it useful for both the production of soap and glass. Nevertheless, it was not intended for regular importation, and the Mennonites who found it in their flax seed were somewhat surprised, especially when it began to take over their farms. Known scientifically as Salsola Kali, and colloquially as Russian Thistle, this is, FTP, what plant, now a ubiquitous symbol of the American west?

ANSWER: Tumbleweed (Accept Salsola Kalior Russian Thistlebefore they are mentioned)

22. This organization has its roots in 1862, when its first commissioner was appointed, although the initiative it was founded to support disappeared 10 years later. Another attempt was made to create a similar initiative, but it was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1895, a year after its creation. It took a 1913 Constitutional Amendment to bring it back for good, and its activities topped during World War I, before falling back to more normal levels. Reorganized twice, once in the 1950s, and once by the Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, this is, FTP, what government agency, whose biggest effort is a byproduct of the 16th amendment?

ANSWER: The Internal Revenue Service

23. His creator killed him off so that no unauthorized sequels featuring him like the one attempted by Avellaneda could be written. Allegedly the creation of an untrustworthy Moor, his attempt at saving a boy from a whipping proves futile, as the boy is simply whipped more after he leaves. Similarly, the slaves he frees pelt rocks at him, and his neighbors finally put him in a cage and take him back to his own village for his own good. Who is this lover of Aldonza, born Alonso Quesada, who, FTP, has a tendency to tilt at windmills?

ANSWER:Don Quixote de la Mancha (accept any of Alonso, Quixana, Quesada, or Quexana until his real name is mentioned -- Cervantes was rather vague about his name)

Aztlán Cup Packet 14: UCSD You Don’t Get to Answer Because I’m the Captain (K. Costello)


1. Identify the following concerning appearances of bees in popular culture FTP each:

A.This English teacher once wore a yellow and black striped costume when he performed in the Jazzmen, which may be where he earned his stage name of Sting.

Answer: Gordon Sumner

B.This trainer of Muhammad Ali may have coined his famous "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" quote. He was played by Jamie Foxx in Ali's 2001 biopic.

Answer: Drew "Bundini"Brown

C.This bassist and keyboardist for the Bee Gees died in January 2003 from complications during surgery for intestinal blockage.

Answer: Maurice Gibb (prompt on Gibb)

2. Given the Animal, name the number of stomachs it has FFP each and a bonus 5 for all correct.

A.Giraffe Answer: 4

B.LlamaAnswer: 3

C.PigAnswer: 1

D.YakAnswer: 4

E.BeeAnswer: 2

3.Name the following fictional characters from their last words FTP each

A."On Fortinbras: he has my dying voice/So tell him, with the occurrents, more and less/ Which have solicited. The rest is silence"

Answer: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

B."Thus, I give up the spear!"

Answer: Captain Ahab

C."Death is finished! It is no more."

Answer: IvanIlyich (accept either)

4. "Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road" FTSNOP:

A.F10P, these words open what novel?

Answer: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

B.F10P, name the main character of that novel, named after a man whose son died escaping from Minos.

Answer: StephenDedalus(accept either)

C.Stephen gets in a fight with some other boys over the virtues of these two poets, one the British author of Ulysses, the other one a British romantic accused by the boys of being a heretic. Name them both for FFPE

Answers: Tennyson and Byron