Facility Rules

1.  No abusive or unsportsmanlike behavior will be allowed from players, spectators or fans. You will be ejected from the Academy

2.  Each player must have payment and waivers turned in before competing in any game.

3.  No outside FOOD or DRINKS may be brought into the Facility.

4.  Any player or coach disqualified from a game for multiple technical fouls may be suspended from the next scheduled game.

5.  Any player or coach removed from a game for an act of violence or aggressive behavior will be suspended for the remainder of the season.

6.  Players will not be allowed to wear the game shoes into the gym!

Game Rules

1.  Each team will provide one volunteer each game to either run the clock or keep the book.

2.  Games will be officiated following I.H.S.A.A. rules with a few exceptions listed below.

3.  EBA is now mandating that all teams in the 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th leagues play man to man defenses the entire first half. Although we would encourage teams to continue to play man to man in the second half teams may play zone if they want.

Overtime will be 2 minutes long with no additional timeouts.

4.  The required number of players needed to start a game is 4. There will be a 5-minute grace period before a forfeit is declared. Every effort will be made to try and create a fair game if possible in case of a forfeit. We don’t want the other team to miss out on playing.

5.  Each team will only get 4 timeouts per game. No additional timeouts in overtime.

6.  There will be a running clock the final 6 minutes if a team has a 30-point lead.

7.  The clock will stop if the lead goes below 20.

8.  Every effort should be made by the coaches to keep playing time as equal as possible! We understand that it will be impossible to keep it exact but fully expect them to make sure that playing time is not an issue. Coaches that do not adhere to this equal playing time rule will not be ask to coach again.

1st/2nd / 3rd/4th / 5th/6th / 7th/8th / High School
Goal Hght. / 8 ½ / 9 / 10 / 10 / 10
FT Length / 12’ / 12’ / 15’ / 15’ / 15’
Court Size / Sideways / Sideways / Sideways / Full Size / Full Size
Ball Size** / 28.5 / 28.5 / 28.5 / Full Size / Full Size
1/2 Length / 12 Minutes / 12 minutes / 12 minutes / 14 minutes / 16 minutes
***Pressing / Last 3 minutes of the game / 2nd Half Only / 2nd Half Only / Anytime with a lead of less than 15 points / Anytime with a lead of less than 20 points

** All girls leagues will play with the 28.5 sized ball

*** Pressing includes guarding in the backcourt court during transition play as well