Phone: 863-4131, ext. 1295
Class Web Page:
► SCHS homepage
► “Teacher Websites”
► "Patton, Shanna”
► “English IV: British Literature”

  • Be on time with all required materials.
  • Tardy Policy
  • Be in your seat when the bell rings, or you will be counted tardy. Students arriving late will not be admitted without a tardy slip. Be advised that according to school policy, an accumulation of 3 tardies from any class will result in a Saturday Detention.
  • Make-Up Work
  • It is your responsibility to check the Make-up Work Binder to see what you missed. Ask Mrs. Patton only if you do not understand what is written in the Make-up Work Binder.
  • Obtain all make-up work the day you return from an absence and complete and turn it in pursuant to school

policy. (Refer to your Student Handbook if you have any questions).

  • Late Work: All work is expected to be turned in on time.
  • Work turned in 1 day late will be penalized 25%.
  • Work turned in 2 days late will be 50%.
  • Work turned in 3 or more days late will not be accepted and you will receive a 0%.
  • Test Policy
  • Absence on Test Day: You have five (5) days from the day you return to schedule and make up the missed test. Pursuant to school policy, if after the 5 days have passed and you did not make up the test or make other arrangements with me, you will receive a 0%.
  • Absence Before Test Day (Excused or Unexcused):
  • If new material was presented while you were out, you have five (5) days from the absence to reschedule and make up the test. This is your responsibility.
  • If no new material was presented while you were out (ie. you missed only a review day), you must take the exam on the original scheduled date. No exceptions.
  • Cheating/Plagiarism
  • Not allowed and will result in a grade of 0%.
  • Extra Credit
  • Opportunities given to the entire class; individual extra credit opportunities will NOT be provided.
  • Bathroom
  • You are expected to use the bathroom before school, between classes, or during lunch. If there is an emergency and you must use the bathroom during class time, ask me for permission to leave and, if granted, take the hall pass with you. Excessive trips to the bathroom will be dealt with on an individual basis.
  • Cell Phones, Ipods, Hats, Etc.
  • Items will be confiscated if there is a violation of school policy.
  • Miscellaneous
  • Please do NOT sign up to see the counselor, take a music lesson, etc. during the hour in which you have English. Our class time is extremely precious, and you will have more appropriate opportunities during the day in which to complete your out-of-class business.