Welcome to 4th Grade at Richlands Elementary School! We feel very fortunate to be a part of your child’s education this year. We also feel strongly about developing a strong partnership with each child’s parents to ensure his/her success. RES has a lot of exciting and interesting things being implemented that we are excited about! We are confident it is going to be an AMAZING school year!
Below you will find the policies each 4th grade teacher will be implementing. Individual classroom policies will also be sent home.
Classroom Rules: The 4th Grade Team will use the 7 Habits from The Leader in Me and conduct expectations from PBIS to monitor behavior. Individual classrooms will establish and post specific rules with the students the first week of school.
Planner/Binder: Every child will manage a planner (agenda) where he/she will record each day’s homework, important dates and announcements. This planner will be kept in his/her AVID binder. We ask that you sign your child’s planner each evening confirming that his/her homework has been completed and that you have read any announcements. Your child’s planner is a very effective way for you to communicate messages to us since they are checked daily.
Student Work: Your child’s classwork will come home for you to see and go over with your son or daughter. We ask that you please sign the planner indicating that you have seen and reviewed it. We hold high expectations that include quality work and mastery.
Homework: Homework will be goal oriented and data driven based on each individual child’s needs. Using data from classwork and assessments, your child’s 4th grade teacher will assign activities that will help to improve the skills he/she is weak in and offer incentives as motivation.
Grades: Receiving Honor Roll or Principal’s List is a very achievable goal. Here is the OCS 10 point grading scale: 100-90 A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C 69-60 D, <59 F Parents should check their child’s grades using Parent Portal located on Richlands Elementary’s Website after filling out an access request form, submitting it to the office along with a copy of a photo ID. Below are listed our policies for and weights.
*If absent, a 5 day grace period will be afforded to make up classwork/tests.
*Missing work will also have a 5 day grace period. Any work not completed will result in a 0% in Power School.
*Assignments, quizzes and projects will be weighted once in Power School. Tests will be weighted twice in Power School.
AVID is an organizational framework that OCS grades 2nd thru 12th utilize. Each grade builds upon the next by helping students be college and career ready. As 4th graders, the students will be keeping an organized AVID binder, record in their planner, take 2 and 3 column notes, keep and utilize academic data. The organized AVID binder will include your child’s planner, classroom information, and various graded work. In the classroom, students will learn various strategies that focus on high expectations, rigor, and participate in a college readiness culture.
Snacks: Each child is encouraged to bring in a healthy snack to eat in the classroom. Our days are rigorous and a healthy snack helps recharge the body and mind.
Technology: This is an exciting year to be a 4th grader since each OCS 4th grade student will receive a 1-to-1 laptop to use in class and at home. This laptop will replace most of our textbooks. As a 21st Century class and school, your child will be using many forms of technology to learn about and interact with the North Carolina Common Core and Essential Standards Curriculum. The students will have the chance to do classwork and homework using the Internet, texting, emailing, videotaping, and picture taking to name a few. Please ensure that you have signed the Internet and photography permission slip so that your child may participate in these exciting activities. We will be holding a Parent Information Meeting in a couple of weeks to go over your child’s 1-to-1 laptop. You will be required to sign a permission slip and pay a $25.00 laptop usage fee.
Parent Contact Information: It is extremely important that we have current parent contact information at all times. There will be times throughout the school year that your teacher may need to get in touch with you immediately so please notify him/her if any information changes.
School Website: http://richlands.nc.oce.schoolinsites.com
School Twitter: @RES_bobcats
Phone: (910) 324-4142