WASBO Mission: To provide professional development, to foster a network of support and to advocate for funding
that ensures outstanding educational opportunities for all children in Wisconsin
WASBO Vision: To be the most influential Wisconsin organization for state and national school business management and leadership
Executive Director’s Report
Semi-annual Business Meeting
Madison, Wisconsin
May 15, 2015
Congratulations to our three new WASBO Board Members, Treasurer and President-Elect.Please thank all the candidates for their willingness to serve.We also recognize the outgoing Board Members for their service to WASBO.Please express your appreciation to the WASBO Board members for providing excellent leadership and strategic thinking in serving the wishes of WASBO members.
A special thank you goes to the Spring Conference Planning Committee for providing excellent learning and networking opportunities this week.
So what are we doing today?One year ago, WASBO President John Gahan introduced the WASBO theme for 2014-15, OPENING DOORS – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, NETWORKING AND ADVOCACY.The WASBO Board is developing new policies supporting the WASBO Vision and Mission that focus on strategic planning, setting related smart goals and providing accountability,aligning with the future needs of WASBO members.This will help clearly articulate end objectives and focus on strategic initiatives defined by the membership.
The WASBO Board updated the Professional Recognition Program for clarity and consistency.WASBO will be offering a study group led by Janice DeMeuse, Cindy Reilly and Bob Avery for those who wish to earn their ASBO SFO Certification on May 28 in Madison and August 19 in Wausau.Additionally, WASBO was instrumental in developing SAA legislative initiatives, culminating in the SAA document “Wisconsin’s PK-12 Pathway to World-Class Student Success.”Business officials have provided direct input at hearings, or indirectly worked through their superintendents in helping communities understand the complexities and challenges presented in this year’s Legislative budget proposals.
Since WASBO’s semi-annual meeting in January, WASBO has had four extremely successful conferences – the Federal Funding, Facilities Management, Transportation, and Accounting Conferences led by the DPI, WASBO School Facilities, Transportation, and Accounting Committees. We have also offered courses in the Certified School Risk Managers training with support from the Safety and Risk Management Committee. Please congratulate the conference committee members for their professional work when you get the opportunity.
Future WASBO Board Goals –In the past,WASBO members have provided guidance by responding to surveys.The WASBO Board will be asking for guidance again through a survey coming to you this summer.
The board continues to developnew programs in the areas of Payroll and HR Certificationand working with staff toprovide a tool for online tracking of all WASBO Certification Programs for members.The Mentorship Program alignment with the WASBO Year of Success Program is being evaluated by the WASBO Board. The WASBO Accounting Committee is updating the WASBO Handbook for Evaluation and Improvement of Business Support Staff Functions.In addition, the Accounting Committee will also be reviewing possible updates needed in the School Budget Cycle book and investigate providing templates and suggestions for implementing the new Federal Omni Circular.WASBO will also explore updating theInvesting in Wisconsin Public Schools Project.Additionally, WASBO will continue providing advocacy training that supports the SAA initiative “Wisconsin’s PK-12 Pathway to World-Class Student Success.”
WASBO Staffing Change and Association Management Software Conversion – Because the association management software WASBO used was discontinued in June 2014, WASBO staffreviewed and selected association management software in July 2014.We switched from Affiniscape to iMIS.We continue to search for budget-friendlysoftware that replaces the capabilities of Affiniscape.
As you may already know, Tina Hafeman has chosen to step down as Associate Executive Director in order to care for family members.Obviously, Tina is missed.Jeanne Deimund is now the new Associate Executive Director. We will be filling the open position at the WASBO Office early this summer.We are fortunate that Jeanne, Deb, Aine and Kristin continue to serve the membership well.
Woody Wiedenhoeft
Executive Director